Factors to Consider When Finding a Professional Tax Software

Tax season is understandably one of the most dreaded times for tax preparers. It’s when clients constantly bombard them with seemingly endless questions, and workers usually work overtime to plan, prepare, and file federal taxes. This process takes up much of their priceless time, especially when they do it manually.  Fortunately, professional tax software allows tax preparers to do their work efficiently without worrying about expensive mistakes. However, like other significant business investments, you must find the right professional tax software suitable for your company’s needs. 

This article provides eight factors tax preparers must consider when finding the right professional tax software. 

1. Compatibility with Your Device

The first step you must consider when finding professional tax software is to ensure it’s suitable for your device, especially when using desktop tax software. Ensure to check the requirements on the software’s website or packaging box. Otherwise, you’ll encounter several expensive mistakes. 

2. Find the Most Suitable Version

Whether your device needs primary, deluxe, or premium prospective professional tax software, you must review each version’s features to determine which suits your company’s tax preparation needs. 

The basic level offers the minimum quality level and features a company has, while the deluxe level provides more. On the other hand, the premium level would be the highest quality and features offered.

3. Choose between a Desktop or an Online Tax Software

Whether you download and install professional tax software’s on your computer or use an online application, you must consider which works best for your company’s needs. While both choices have their advantages and disadvantages, we highly encourage using online software. The online counterparts are easier to use, and they don’t require you to track updates or protect against viruses. 

4. Help with Tax Deductions 

Tax preparation can be time-consuming and stressful, especially because you’ll be dealing with tax laws and recent publications. For this reason, it’s always best to find reputable professional tax software’s to help you work more efficiently. You must also ensure it has a tax deduction finder feature to help you find deductions you might forget sometimes. 

5. Help with E-files

Unlike physical copies, electronic files, also known as e-files, are a more environmentally friendly option for companies, mainly if you have limited space. Most tax preparers also prefer this filing method because they only need to send the file through mail, not print it out. 

If you want to file your documents electronically, you can include the additional eFile costs in the professional tax software’s total price. Ensure your budget fits the electronic filing’s software charges. 

6. Easy Access to Help

Training your staff to use the new professional tax softwares correctly can be time-consuming because they’ll usually encounter a steep learning curve. It occurs when you introduce them to new software. 

For this reason, it’s always best to find professional tax software’s that provides urgent chat support and answers several tax-related issues. The application must also have online resources for frequently asked questions. Moreover, ensure the professional tax software’s has a toll-free number and email address where you can inquire about the application.

7. Ensure the Guarantee

The best professional tax software’s will always ensure the most significant refund guarantee. Any professional tax software’s manufacturer must confidently defend the product’s accuracy. If your company undergoes an audit, you must determine if the manufacturer offers free or charged professional help. 

8. Updated Software

Lastly, you must ensure that the manufacturer updates the professional tax software’s to keep up with the latest tax laws. 

Ensuring Smoother Operations

Modern technological advancements continue to help tax preparers work efficiently, especially during the dreaded tax season. Considering your company’s needs will help you find the best professional tax software’s for everyone. 

Keystone Tax Solutions offers professional tax software in the United States to help tax preparers work more efficiently and avoid expensive mistakes. Visit our website for your free demo today!