
Working Tax Preparer

The Best Things About Working Tax Preparer

The tax season can be a daunting and exhausting time for many adults due to the complexity of tax laws. Instead of filing through the paperwork themselves, some people prefer to leave Working Tax Preparer work to those who know how to do it to avoid the stress. This is where the help of Working Tax Preparers comes in handy! Working Tax preparers are in charge of just that—preparing taxes. With their experience and expertise, they ensure that their clients pay the required amount to the government. Doing others’ taxes may sound like a nightmare to others, but as stressful as people think taxes are, you might be surprised how good of a job working as a tax preparer can be! Here are a few of the many advantages of working as a tax preparer in America:   #1 You’re Always Growing and Learning Unlike other jobs that have similar tasks every day where you work on the same types of jobs repeatedly, tax preparation is in no way monotonous! You will never run out of unique scenarios. You never know what kind of situation you may run into, so you’re always kept on your toes while constantly learning about the latest best practices and laws in the field.   #2 You’ll Never Run Out of Work The future for Working Tax Preparers is bright! The demand for tax preparation services is only expected to go up, according to People will never stop paying taxes, which means you’ll never run out of clients who need help preparing their tax returns. Even if you’re not a full-time Working Tax Preparer, you’re sure to have solid employment from January to April. #3 Tax Preparation Is Simple There may be many guidelines and regulations to master, but the work is daily easy to manage. There are multiple professional tax preparation software programs available to help you, so you won’t feel like you’re doing everything alone! Having technological assistance will make your life much easier, so you can still enjoy your job.   #4 Preparing Taxes Is Fulfilling Many see doing taxes as tedious, complicated, and something you need to get over with so you can continue with your life. On the contrary, preparing taxes is a fulfilling job because you have the opportunity to help a diverse group of people solve their filing problems and maximize their returns. By preparing taxes, you’re contributing to the public good and giving your clients peace of mind that they’re compliant. #5 You’ll Have a Flexible Work Schedule Since the IRS requires American citizens to pay for their federal income taxes by April 15, they’ll need tax preparation services during the months leading to this date. You’ll be the busiest during the spring, but you’ll be mostly free the rest of the year. There may be off-peak work, but besides that, you’re free to do whatever you please—you can either explore other career opportunities or just relax at home.   Conclusion Working as a professional tax preparer is just as exciting and fulfilling as any other job! If you have the knack for crunching numbers and learning about tax laws, then this might be just for you! As long as you know the right people, have the necessary skills and use the best professional tax software, you’re sure to succeed in this industry! Star your tax business with Keystone Tax Solutions! We are a leader in the professional tax software industry, offering 100% web-based tax software while helping thousands of tax professionals gain access to affordable technology-driven professional tax preparation software. Get your free demo now!

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Help Clients Pay

Help Clients Pay Taxes On Time

Tax season is fast approaching, and as the upcoming 17th of May marks the new year’s deadline, advisors are surely in a pinch dealing with clients rushing to pay and beat the clock. Even with the help of professionals, many taxpayers still struggle to cough up enough money to resolve their debts, but the good news is that there are plenty of options you can offer to Help Clients Pay tax burden.   What Can You Do to Help Clients Pay Avoid Butting Heads with the IRS?   Tip #1: Ask Help Clients Pay Before the Deadline Your clients don’t need to pay the lump sum in one go, particularly for taxpayers who filed early in the year. Sending gradual payments over a few months is a simple yet foolproof way of meeting their dues, which clients can easily send over to the IRS website straight from their bank account. As the saying goes, slow but steady wins the race, and in this case, you’ll be improving your financial standing and avoiding unnecessary contact with the IRS.   Tip #2: Ask Clients to Apply for an Installment Plan Many taxpayers struggle to pay before the deadline, so the next best thing is to Help Clients Pay file an installment plan so they can set a monthly payment plan that suits their financial capabilities. All they need to do is attach Form 9465 to their tax return as their application! Let your clients know that they have the option to set short-term or long-term plans. A short installment agreement typically lasts for 120 days and does not come with any set-up fees, while long-term payment plans need an additional fee. Fortunately, clients can lower their fees by paying direct debit from their bank account.   Tip #3: Ask Clients to Apply for an “Offer in Compromise” Clients that still owe taxes often find themselves stuck in a cycle of debt, but they can dig themselves out of the money pit by applying for an “offer in compromise” agreement. It’s a complex and tough application process compared to an installment plan since it caters to taxpayers who are financially unstable despite having a payment plan tailored to their needs. Nonetheless, you can help them by preparing to submit their Form 656 and Form 443-A. When done right, taxpayers stuck in debt can settle their dues for less than the full amount they owe.   The Bottom Line: Providing Solutions that Help Financially Struggling Clients Pay Taxes On Time Tax planning is a complicated process for anyone, but it can feel like getting trapped into a quicksand. Clients who are juggling payments and a paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle will need more options to ease their tax burdens, so the list above talks about a few solutions you as a tax professional can offer to help them   How Can We Help? Dealing with taxes can be challenging for anyone, even as an expert tax preparer. If you’re looking for innovative solutions that can streamline your tax preparation process, our professional tax software for CPAs can help simplify matters for you. Our affordable technology can empower tax preparers and help you start a tax business with no EFIN, so get in touch with us today at 1.800.504.5170 to see how we can ensure your tax business is booming.

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Revenue Increased Tax

Revenue Increased Tax Preparers Amidst COVID

Some things never change. One such thing is the need for professional Revenue Increased Tax help. Even in these uncertain times, tax preparation remains a steady source of income for some. But is that all it can be? Could you perhaps grow your business at a time like this? The answer to this question is yes, you can! Here are a few tips on how to do just that.   Focus on a Specific Group of Clients Don’t market yourself as a generalist. Instead, focus on a specific niche or group of niches. Show yourself to be an expert in a specific Revenue Increased Tax situation. When you do this, you’re more likely to be hired by clients in that niche. If you’re having a hard time choosing a niche, try to focus on the types of clients who have very specific needs and could benefit from expert help. A few examples of these are social media influence, divorced parents, sole proprietors, military families, gig economy workers, etc. For business clients, try to market to those that have specific Revenue Increased Tax laws like non-profits. It’s always good to remind yourself that just because you have a niche, doesn’t mean that you don’t see clients outside of that niche. You can still be hired by your regulars even if they aren’t in your specific field.   Use Social Media to Your Advantage If you’re struggling to find people in your niche, simply join groups that cater to them on Facebook and Reddit. For example, you could join groups for freelancers, Etsy business owners, divorced parents in your location, etc. Remember to follow the etiquette that your group follows. Don’t just post, for example. See if there are any threads meant for ads about relevant services and products. LinkedIn is a great way to connect to business clients. Just message them on the app!   Work Remotely Are you worried your client base is too small? Why not expand beyond just servicing local clients? Since there’s already great professional Revenue Increased Tax preparation software and a shift towards remote work, clients are extremely likely to be willing to work with a remote tax professional. Put it on your website and social media that you can work with clients from anywhere in the country. Of course, some clients may be hesitant to send personal documents via email, but there are many ways to securely send such things nowadays. If you haven’t yet, try out Revenue Increased Tax bank products. Essentially, a bank product allows clients to pay you from their tax refund at no upfront cost to them. It’s something quite a few of your clients may be interested in.   Become an IRS-approved Continuing Education Provider Continuing education credits are something Revenue Increased Tax professionals will always need. Why not take advantage of that to create a new source of revenue? Simply become an IRS-approved continuing education provider, make some courses designed to help other tax profession als get their CECs, and make money in the process.   Conclusion Your tax preparation business need not be stagnant during this pandemic. Simply create a niche and leverage social media in your quest to grow your business. There are many opportunities to grow if you choose to seize them. Need the best professional tax software? Reach out to Keystone Tax Solutions today! We offer professional tax software for tax preparers.

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Business Communication Etiquette

Improving Tax Preparers Business Communication Etiquette

Since the industry is rather personal, tax preparers absolutely must have good Business Communication Etiquette. This is a non-negotiable that is key to a highly productive firm. Communication skills are a must in this day and age, and it goes without saying that delivering communication that is beyond average will add to your professionalism while giving off an immediate sense of courteousness. Both of those things contribute directly to client retention and establishing ties with clients.   What are some good tips for the improvement of tax preparers’ Business Communication Etiquette? There are, of course, two modes of etiquette in communication when it comes to business. There’s in-person or face-to-face, then there’s digitally or through e-mail, virtual meetings, and more. No matter what situation is at hand, however, it’s important to remember that client privacy must never be compromised. Discretion is key, especially since the information you can see as a tax preparer is likely not information the client will want to make public. That applies even if you’re using professional tax preparation software.   For Digital Situations Keep Your Microphone Muted Unless You’re Talking This one is more for virtual meetings with more than two people in it. It is best to avoid any unnecessary background noise in a group call or meeting as common courtesy. This also helps to minimize distractions or interruptions on the other person’s end. Proofread Your Emails This probably goes without saying, but it’s worth noting. Emails must be somewhat formal, with complete sentences. The grammar you use must also be correct in order to prevent any misunderstanding. Write Emails with Good Wishes, Correct Closings, and Salutations Email etiquette may seem outdated, but the truth is that a little bit of structure can go a long way. This one is reminiscent of how you would communicate in person. There has to be a balance between professionalism and friendliness. In order to have a tinge of warmth, inject phrases such as “Have a nice day!” to avoid letting clients feel that you’re cold.   For In-Person Situations Continue to Chat While You Work Preparing tax returns requires a lot of focus in itself, even with tax pro software. So find a way to still communicate as you work without necessarily needing long-winded conversations. When moments of silence drag on, it can lead to discomfort amidst clients. Lessen Distractions and Maximize Eye Contact When you’re able to actually sit down with a client and speak to them face-to-face, you’re able to make them feel just how valued and welcomed they are in the first place. Sure, there’s a lot of work all the time, and of course there are emails that need a response. However, those should all be put on hold the moment you’re with a client. It will give a clear signal that they’re the top priority which is crucial. Make Small Talk and Give Big Smiles Friendliness and a little bit of casual chit-chat can only ever help. It allows customers to feel like they’re more than just dollar signs. This will also contribute greatly to customer retention.   Conclusion Etiquette matters especially so for business communication between tax preparers and clients. There are a number of avenues to communicate, but a common ground is to exercise discretion and respect client privacy. Proofread your emails, keep your microphone muted, and continue to chat while you work. Need the best professional tax software? Reach out to Keystone Tax Solutions today! We offer professional tax software for tax preparers.

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Employees Tax Business

Employees Tax Business Can Hire You

When it comes to ensuring that your Employees Tax Business turns out to be successful when you build it from the group-up, there are different factors that come into play throughout the process. From establishing best practices that you’ll be able to uphold when serving customers to investing in professional tax software, the factors that you’ll need to take care of are nearly endless. Over time, you’ll quickly realize that each of these critical factors add up to a significant overall effect that makes the difference between your practice’s success and failure. As you continue to take on different opportunities to help your business grow and thrive as well as it should, there will be certain pieces of the puzzle that are guaranteed to stand out along the way. One such factor that bears a much heavier weight in terms of importance is the presence of skilled employees who can help you run your business. This brings us to one question that you might have in mind: “How can I hire the best Employees Tax Business?” Well, it all boils down to asking the right questions throughout the hiring process.   Questions to ask when looking for top-quality talent for your Employees Tax Business Although the idea of answering a question by asking multiple others is a rather uncommon idea, it’s an approach that is especially critical for finding top-quality talent. Considering that human capital is a multi-faceted aspect that can be broken down into several factors that determine good and bad outcomes alike, asking the right questions will point you in the right direction for your hiring decisions. If you’re on a hiring spree or looking for top-quality professionals who can help bring you opportunities for growth and success, then it pays to know what exact questions to ask. To help you get your employee search process up to speed, here are several questions that you should ask yourself throughout the hiring process:   “What kind of help do I need?” Before you even think about hand-picking a candidate that comes your way once you put your job listing up, it’s important to first understand which roles you’re looking to fill. While it’s clear that you need to hire professionals who have tax expertise that will prove to be invaluable for your ability to run a successful Empolyees Tax Business, knowing where you need help makes it easier to shortlist candidates. By asking yourself what your preparation practice needs, you’ll be able to determine which specific types of professionals can help you with certain tasks, such as: Preparing more returns Providing assistance with day-to-day business operations Tending to the needs of clients Ensuring standard compliance   “How much can I afford?” When it comes to hiring the best professionals for your practice and finding the best candidates, financial capability plays a key role in influencing the success of your efforts. With the average accounting professional or financial services employee undergoing a significant amount of training before being hired, good candidates will require good offers. By determining how much you can afford without sacrificing profitability, you can form a more accurate idea of what type of professionals you’ll expect during your hiring spree!   “What should I look out for during the hiring process itself?” Apart from the search itself, ensuring that your company ends up with the right candidates in its onboarding process also involves becoming more well-aware of what you should be looking for when already talking to a prospective employee. If you’re not entirely sure of how you can confirm whether or not a candidate in the interview seat is perfect for the job, it’s best to ask yourself of what you want in an ideal employee, which extends to these areas: Qualifications Soft skills Self-presentation Behaviors   Conclusion Although it may seem straightforward at first, hiring the best employees for your tax preparation business is a rather meticulous process that involves asking additional questions throughout the process. By asking the three questions mentioned above (and even asking a few more) during your search and hiring process, you’ll be able to streamline your pool of candidates and only hire clear professionals! If you’re looking for a tax preparation business that can help your business navigate the factors that need to be dealt with during the 2021 filing season, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with our team of experts today to learn more about our services!

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Questions Recovery Rebate

Questions Recovery Rebate Answered Our Guide

As a tax preparer, you have to know everything that can potentially affect your clients. More importantly, you need to help them resolve any issues and guide them through complicated processes. Aside from using reliable software for tax preparers, you also need to be updated on every change that applies to your clients. For instance, the Questions Recovery Rebate has been a significant update and one that your clients must know about, and that is what we will talk about in this article:   What’s a Recovery Questions Rebate Credit? The 2020 CARES Act mandated that taxpayers who did not get the full amount of economic impact payments (EIP) they were eligible for will be given a refundable tax credit. It applies to both the first and second rounds of stimulus payments approved last year.   Who Among Your Clients Are Eligible for the Questions Recovery Rebate? As mentioned above, any client of yours who hasn’t received their EIP in full is eligible to claim their Questions Recovery Rebate credit. In a nutshell, your clients who have gone through a significant life event within the 2019-2020 tax year have affected the amount they were eligible for. For instance, this applies if the client: Experienced a drop in income last year. Adopted a child in 2020 (Both EIPs paid $500 and $600 per qualifying child). Is no longer considered dependent on another person’s tax return. Did not file a tax return in 2019 and hadn’t received either stimulus payment. Has a partner with an ITIN. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 changed the previous requirement that an ITIN holder’s spouses were not eligible for payment unless they were in the military. Now, as long as the individual has a valid social security number, they will qualify for the credit.   How Do You Determine Eligibility? You will have to complete the Questions Recovery Rebate Credit Worksheet for either form 1040 or 1040S, and this should already be integrated into your professional tax preparation software. The worksheet will be filled out and calculated based on the amount the taxpayer received for both stimulus payments. For this reason, you must know how much your client received in EIP. If they aren’t sure, you can check the IRS Notice 1444 and 1444-B on their IRS account online.   How Do You Assist Your Clients Who Are Eligible for the Questions Recovery Rebate? Upon completing the Questions Recovery Rebate Credit Worksheet, all you need to do is enter the amount into Line 30 on either Form 1040 or 1040S. Then, this amount will automatically be added to their refund, or if they have taxes owed, the amount could be used to offset that.   What Will Happen if a Client Received More Than What They Should Have in Their EIP? Let’s say your client got a raise in 2020. Because they may have qualified for the EIP based on their income in 2019, even if they do not qualify for 2020, they may still have received their stimulus checks. In this case, they are permitted to keep it, and no repayment is necessary. However, this does not apply to those who have received EIP for a deceased loved one, such as a spouse. For this situation, they will have to return the payment to the IRS, and you can assist them through the process as indicated on their website. There might also be an issue if a parent claimed a child that is no longer on their 2020 return. The way it should be is that whoever has the child on their 2020 tax return should get the Recovery Rebate Credit. It doesn’t matter whether or not the taxpayer is the custodial parent.   Conclusion Remember that the whole Questions Recovery Rebate matter can be confusing to some of your clients. And as their trusted tax preparer, you must make sure that they understand it and comply with the law. By considering the information given above, you can make the right decisions for your clients so that they don’t end up facing penalties! Keystone Professional Tax Software is made specifically for purposes like this, to make sure that you can do your job as a tax preparer as hassle-free as possible. Having the best professional tax software can help make the job easier when changes like this happen because you can update the forms and the clients’ records without hassle! Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services!

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New Tax Clients

3 Ways To Attract New Tax Clients

Tax season has always been the bane of a professional’s existence. While start-ups up to Fortune companies are always on the lookout for expert help, certified public accountants (CPAs) and tax preparers know the industry is fiercely competitive. No one ever loses the need to prepare their taxes, but marketing during tax season means plowing through a dog-eat-dog space to acquire New Tax Clients. Seeing as clients are the bread and butter of any business, your accounting firm needs to polish its marketing strategy to scour enough leads to stay ahead of the pack. If you’re wondering how to fast-track your customer’s journey and turn initial prospects into loyal New Tax Clients, then consider the tried-and-tested lead generation for CPAs tips below: Tip #1: Optimize Your Website There’s no doubt that the world is increasingly becoming digital-reliant, so running a website is no longer a marketing afterthought as it often serves as the gateway where potential clients can access your business. Seeing as most people search for tax preparers online, it makes sense to optimize your website and ensure that it is responsive, visually appealing, and user-friendly. Incorporating digital solutions like SEO can do wonders to put your business on top of search results, increasing your chances of driving traffic to your accounting practice. Tip #2: Build a Social Presence As mentioned above, most of your consumers — young or old — are likely active somewhere on the plethora of social media channels on the world wide web. A website may serve as your digital brick-and-mortar, but having a social presence steers you into an avenue where you can establish more meaningful relationships with your target audience. It’s the space where you can give your business a strong voice, allowing you to tap into broader demographics and increase your following. If you’re still on the fence about going online, then consider this: 68 percent of Americans are actively using Facebook, so failing to sign up would lock you out of building your New Tax Clients pool. Tip #3: Leverage Word of Mouth Even after pulling all the stops to enhance your tax marketing strategy, sometimes nothing beats the confidence clients feel with word of mouth. Referrals from friends, family, or colleagues often receive more positive feedback since 92 percent of consumers trust people’s recommendations within their circle. One way to encourage your clients to offer referrals is to provide a discount or incentive, making it a win-win scenario for you and your customers. The Bottom Line: Inviting New Tax Clients to Your Business The tips above should boost your marketing efforts and help you garner new customers, but at its core, the best way to put your business in a higher position is to optimize your workflow. Ensuring the tax season is as pain-free as possible can speak volumes about the quality of your business, allowing you to bolster your reputation in the long run. Understanding how to attract new tax clients is essential for growing your tax preparation business. We hope it’s clear now that key strategies regarding how to get tax clients involve leveraging both digital and traditional marketing techniques. An effective online presence, coupled with targeted advertising, can significantly increase your visibility to potential tax preparation leads. Additionally, networking in your community and offering exceptional service to existing clients encourages referrals, which is a vital method in learning how to attract new tax clients. How Can We Help? Dealing with taxes can be challenging for anyone, even as an expert tax preparer. If you’re looking for innovative solutions that can streamline your tax preparation process, our professional tax software for CPAs can help simplify matters for you. Our affordable technology can empower tax preparers and help you start a tax business with no EFIN, so get in touch with us today at 1.800.504.5170 to see how we can ensure your tax business is booming.

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Tax Professionals Software

Tax Professionals Software

Tax season is dreaded by many, and for Tax Professionals Software, this is the busiest time of the year. For most Americans, April 15 of every year is the deadline to file their taxes with state and federal agencies. During this time — from the start of the new year to mid-April — Tax Professionals Software work grueling hours to ensure that individuals and business entities get their taxes in order. With that being said, they’re dealing with millions of documents and financial reports, making it incredibly confusing and difficult, especially when you don’t have an effective system. Thanks to the advancements in technology, tax professionals can utilize tax software to improve the way they manage their client’s taxes and ensure they hit the deadline. But with the plethora of Tax Professionals Software in the market, choosing the perfect one for your firm can be a headache! If you’re looking for tax software that will tick all the factors you’re looking for in software, Keystone Tax Solutions takes the cake. In this article, we’ll give you a brief overview as to why Keystone Tax Solutions is the best professional tax software. Let’s take a look!   Why Should I Choose Keystone Tax Solutions? Keystone Tax Solutions’ ALL IN ONE software package is perfect for different businesses — big or small. So whether you have 50 clients or 500 professionals on your plate, this software allows thorough management of accounts with easy-to-use features allowing you to breeze through tax season without any worries. Because of its powerful features, Keystone Tax Solutions can give your client’s a centralized view of the health and efficiency of their business in an ALL IN ONE platform. Doesn’t this sound so convenient?   What Does Keystone Tax Solutions’ ALL IN ONE Package Have? Keystone Tax Solutions’ ALL IN ONE package was designed specifically for tax professionals. With that in mind, it helps manage all their tasks with ease, allowing your team to prepare your clients for taxes and get accurate and efficient results. The ALL IN ONE software package is the most popular software for tax offices that have 50 to 500 clients, and for a good reason. The great thing about this software is that it stops overpaying in hidden fees and other over-priced software, making you save more on big fees — no wonder it’s the best professional tax software in the market today! Besides that, the ALL IN ONE software package also includes 1040, Sch C, and state, allowing you to enjoy unlimited returns in all 50 states and D.C. Not to mention, you can also have an unlimited amount of additional users and three-year return access. With a myriad of high-quality features, Keystone Tax Solutions is 100% web-based, meaning your employees can work remotely and in a more comfortable environment. This way, your team can be more productive and hit target goals and deadlines wherever they are.   The Bottom Line: The ALL IN ONE Software Package Is the Ultimate Tool for Tax Professionals With tax season behind us, many tax professionals are finding ways to improve their system before the April 15 of next year arrives. That’s why it’s best to use the best professional tax software — Keystone Tax Solutions’ ALL IN ONE Software Package.   Are You Looking for the Best Professional Tax Software? Keystone Tax Solutions’ ALL IN ONE software package is the go-to platform for tax professionals, and for a good reason. Its hefty features provide easy transactions, efficient client management, and unlimited tech support and training, providing your team with the best experience. Try our free demo today!

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Buying Tax Software

Crucial Questions to Ask Before Buying Tax Software

Learning how Buying Tax Software program can help you is one of the best things any tax professional could receive. Whether you plan to utilize them for work or to prepare to start a business, Buying Tax Software program would definitely help you in figuring out how the process works! The only thing you need to do is find the best professional Buying Tax Software for your needs.  In this article, you will find guide questions that you can refer to when looking for such software. Here are some things to ask before taking the plunge:   1. Does it give accurate results? Manually doing the taxes could be tiring, but sometimes, people simply feel more comfortable knowing that they did the computation themselves. Relying on a computer to do it can sometimes trigger a lot of anxiety. Did they use the right formula? What if they computed them differently? However, keep in mind that even manual accounting is prone to making mistakes. A computer has more chances of staying consistent and correct as long as it utilizes an up-to-date formula. The best thing you can do is make sure that the software you are eyeing is constantly updating. You should also do your part by ensuring that you manually update your software or approve for automatic updating, should there be such an option.   2. What kind of customer support do they offer? Customer support is crucial, especially if you have clients yourself. It would be best if you buy software from a company that provides reliable customer support. That way, should an error or issue arise, especially during crucial tax deadlines, you know that you get the help that you need! Confirm all information you need about their product and service. A good enough company ensures that their clients know how to reach them. They also provide contact information in all means and provide extended hours of support during tax season.    How much is it? Another vital concern to consider is the price. How much is your budget? This concern can be answered based on the type of usage you plan to get. Are you managing a firm or a simple solo practitioner? It would be ideal to find a software subscription that gives you options based on your needs! Paying annually can also give you more savings than paying monthly, so consider this as well.   How easy is it to use? You would not invest in software that would only make things complicated for you, would you? Although the tax filing process may be the same for all the available tax software platforms, there will always be a standout feature for each option. Find out what they are, their other offerings, and where you would benefit more. Here are some nice-to-have elements you should look for: Software notifying clients about the inconsistencies or possible errors in their file; Software that lets you see your filing status; and Software that shows you how many you have accomplished so far and how many are left.   Do they offer complete forms? Filing tax includes several different forms, and they are essential in getting the job done. To ensure that your job gets done efficiently, having complete resources would be helpful.  More importantly, make sure they are easy to navigate and understand. Look for software with added perks of telling you information to know about the forms they have and their other features.   Conclusion Purchasing software is always an investment. You get them because you want the software that would give you that convenience and quality of work. Because you are paying, you should not settle for anything else. You can start by listing down your top software tax wishes or referring to this guide. If you are looking for the best professional tax software, consider checking Keystone Tax Solutions. We are a leader in the professional tax software industry with more than 15 years of experience. We offer 100% web-based tax software to help thousands of tax professionals in the US with doing their job. In our software, you get more than what you pay for. Contact us today to find out more. 

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Tax Business Launching

Own Tax Business Launching

You’ve spent many long years studying to be a Tax Business Launching professional, and you’ve finally decided: now is the time to launch your own tax preparation business. Fortunately, there’s never been a better time to do so than the present: with so much technology available at your disposal, like professional tax preparation software, it’ll be even easier for you to get started. Apart from making a name for yourself in the industry, starting your own Tax Business Launching comes with numerous benefits. You can kiss goodbye to a 9-5 schedule, produce more output in a shorter amount of time, and be your own boss. Here are five benefits of launching a tax business:   1. You Can Earn Big Even if you’re just starting as a tax professional, you can earn around $21 an hour. This sum increases depending on how long you’ve worked, the types of tax returns you can prepare, and where you are located. Naturally, the more experience you have, the more this hourly rate goes up! However, if you’re starting a business by yourself, you have even higher earning potential, particularly if you start at home. You won’t have to worry about overhead costs, so whatever you’ll be receiving is mostly profit. If you charge $200 per client and serve 170 clients between January and April, you’ll be making $34,000 from that alone. If you take on even more clients, you’ll be earning most people’s yearly income in just three months!   2. You Don’t Have to Work All Year Another benefit of opening your own Tax Business Launching is that you can kick things into high gear for three months and relax for the rest of the year. You can also choose to prepare complicated tax returns, effectively turning your business into a year-round one, earning more income. Adding more services like bookkeeping and payroll, financial services, and even taxpayer representation will keep the money coming even outside of tax season. Of course, if you love having large swathes of free time, you can choose to focus on those three months alone and still earn big.   3. Your Holidays and Summers Are Free One of the best parts about running your own Tax Business Launching is the flexibility that comes with it. If you choose to work actively during tax season, that means you’re free to take months-long vacations during the holiday and summer seasons. This arrangement works even better if you have children at home, if you’re an avid traveler, or you generally like relaxing. You can also spend the rest of the nine months focusing on another business, keeping you busy and diversifying your income streams.   4. You Control How Much You Work As the founder of your business, you ultimately decide how much you work. You’re at the helm of choosing to take on more clients or invest in the ones you currently have. You can weigh the pros and cons of expanding your business or keeping it small with you as the sole tax preparer. While these arrangements have their advantages and disadvantages, what ultimately matters is that everything is up to you and what you think is best.   5. You Can Start At Home Finally, a great reason to launch your own Tax Business Launching is that you can start at home. That means getting started right away without having to spend too much. By equipping yourself with your tax knowledge and the best professional tax software, you’ll have what you need to get started on taking on clients and preparing their taxes for them!   Conclusion Starting a tax business by yourself can be intimidating to many, especially if you have just a few years of experience in the field. However, there are plenty of benefits that come with it, making the leap of faith worth it. Keystone Tax Solutions is the leading software for tax preparers that is entirely web-based. We have helped thousands of tax professionals start their own business and thousands more gain access to affordable technology that has improved their efficiency and performance. Try our free demo today!

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Boost Client Experience

4 Tips to Improve Tax Services and Boost Client Experience

Tax season can be stressful for any company, and as a tax preparer, your job is to make your client’s life easier. With that being said, if you are in the tax industry looking for ways to improve your Boost Client Experience, you are in the right place. You can do plenty of things to keep your clients happy and motivate them to opt for your services. Here are some ways you can improve your services to enhance Boost Client Experience:   1. Forge strong relationships When you can create an emotional connection with your customers, they will be much happier to work with you. To build this relationship, you can send personalized thank you cards, holiday messages, and many other things to show your gratitude. When you meet your clients, note down personal things your clients share with you. This way, you can personally address these topics at your next meetings, showing that you pay attention to them. This leads to more loyal clients who believe that you are doing what is best for them.   2. Be realistic with your goals It might be tempting to offer goals that are too good to be true unless you can follow through. If you create such goals, your clients might believe that you cannot achieve your goals and opt for another firm. To avoid this problem, create realistic goals and expectations with the clients. That way, you can set deadlines and goals that you can meet, ensuring your clients’ needs are satisfied. This proves you are capable of achieving their goals, Boost Client Experience, and more.   3. Know with whom you are working To deliver the best Boostexperience possible, you must know with whom you are working in the first place. Only this way can you tailor your services to satisfy their needs and is the best way to keep them happy. Great questions to ask yourself include what languages they speak, the mediums they use to communicate, the industry they work in, and more. The more answers you have about your clients, the better you can adapt your services for an excellent experience.   4. Offer flexibility whenever possible The tax world is not so linear as many realize. The needs of your customers change and pop up at different times. By being flexible, you can meet these ever-changing requirements to keep your clients happy. While it might take a little more effort from your end to stay flexible, your clients will appreciate your efforts and will remember your effort. It can lay the foundation towards building loyal customers simply because you are doing whatever it takes to keep their tax needs satisfied, even if it means working overtime.   Conclusion Good experiences do not come freely. It takes a lot of effort and time to offer an excellent experience and keep your clients happy. Fortunately, the payoff is huge, especially in the long run. When your clients are satisfied, they will be more than glad to work with you for their tax needs. When tax time arrives, you will find them coming back to you repeatedly as they know you are capable of delivering on your promises. Need help boosting your tax services? Keystone Tax Solutions offers professional tax software in the US to help you keep track of and stay on top of your client’s tax-related needs. Work with us today and enjoy our professional tax preparation software for tax preparers!

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Clients Despite Pandemic

4 Ways to Retain & Gain New Clients Despite Pandemic

The global health pandemic flipped the world on its head. In fact, the world economy screeched to a halt as people belonging to different industries from all over the world were faced with strict lockdowns that made doing business near impossible. This has also made life hard for tax professionals. The economic influx has affected their Clients Despite Pandemic and forced tax professionals to make the necessary adjustments to keep doing business during the Clients Despite Pandemic. And while the world is slowly creeping towards a state of normalcy due to the release of the vaccine, the pandemic is still affecting the economy due to the many restrictions put in place to ensure the public’s safety. This is why you’ll want to make sure that you’re doing all you can to help your clients navigate the tricky economic landscape of the 2021 tax season. To help you out, we’ve prepared a quick run-through of the different things you can do to provide the best service for your clients!   Offer a Referral Program One great way to gain new Clients Despite Pandemic is to offer a referral program. The idea behind this is simple: ask your existing clients to refer people within their network to hire your services. If they get people to work with you, they’ll get a discount for your services. This is an effective way to gain new Clients Despite Pandemic as people are more likely to trust the opinion of people within their network. Furthermore, this is why a referral program easily trumps all other forms of marketing and advertising!   Optimize Your Process If you want to gain and retain clients, you’ll want to optimize your processes, and an effective way to do this would be to make use of state-of-the-art software for tax preparers. Our All In One Software Package is perfect for this because this 100% web-based tax software is designed in a way that will help grow your tax business. The software comes with a multitude of different features that allow you to work more efficiently, one of which is the Refund Calculator. This tool can help give your clients an estimate of their tax refund in under two minutes.   Keep the Lines of Communication Open Many things are uncertain right now, and the last thing you want is to shut out your clients. This is why you’ll want to keep lines of communication open so that they can reach out to you with any and all of the tax concerns. Doing the little things like giving them regular updates about tax overhauls will go a long way when it comes to improving your overall relationship with your clients. You can even do this via email or by calling. If you can spare the time, calling will help you explain things to your clients more clearly so that they can be at ease.   Accommodate Your Client Despite Pandemic Needs You’ll also want to be as accommodating as possible given the current state that the world is in. This means offering options to meet your clients online or in your office if the situation allows for it. If you do meet at your office, it’s important that you put safety first and abide by the strict guidelines set by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.   Conclusion Working with your clients is more important than it has ever been, especially during this period of uncertainty. You’ll want to go the extra mile to provide your clients with the taxation solutions that they need. Now is the time to prove your worth, as things will likely get worse before they get better! If you’re looking for professional tax preparation software to streamline and optimize your processes, our products at Keystone Tax Solutions are just what you need. Get in touch with us to begin your free demo today!

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American Rescue Plan

American Rescue Plan Affects Tax Preparers

The Biden Administration has recently approved a third round of economic relief called the American Rescue plan, consisting of a $1,400 stimulus package to sustain families struggling to stay afloat due to the pandemic. Millions of Americans have grappled with unemployment and economic hardship, which the stimulus payment will help relieve. As Tax Preparer, you may be wondering how this will affect your clients and the work you’ll have to do in filing their returns, which should be made easier by using professional tax preparation software. Fortunately, the majority of the changes will not Affects Tax Preparer for the tax year 2020. Still, your clients must send you their documents right away or even schedule an appointment when they have all the necessary forms and records to ensure everything is in good order. Here’s what you need to know about the plan:   The New Tax Filing Deadline Is May 17 The Internal Revenue Service announced the federal tax filing extension, which is now on May 17, 2021. Tax Preparers have an extra month to file client returns, allowing you more time and opportunity to take more clients and earn more revenue. Still, the IRS is encouraging taxpayers to file as early as possible. In this case, contact your past clients who have yet to reach out and remind them to set an appointment to get their taxes ironed out in time for the deadline.   Stimulus Payments Began Distribution on March 13 The third stimulus package began rolling out on March 13th, valued at $1,400 per qualifying individual and all dependents. If your client makes more than $80,000 and is a single filer, they won’t qualify for the package. Similarly, if your client is filing jointly and makes $160,000 or more a year, they also won’t receive a payment. The package is based on 2020 tax returns, so if your clients believe they are eligible and would like to receive the payment, they must file their 2020 taxes right away. If they haven’t, the IRS will use their 2019 tax return as a reference instead. Meanwhile, if your client qualifies for the third payment but did not receive the first two, they can apply for the Recovery Rebate Credit. They’ll need to meet with you to file their 2020 tax return to claim the other stimulus payments.   The Revised Child Tax Credit for 2021 Furthermore, the American Rescue Plan has modified the Child Tax Credit substantially. It has increased the credit for 2021 from $2,000 to $3,000 for children between the ages of 6 and 17. It increased the credit from $2,000 to $3,600 for children under six years old and raised the age limit to include 17-year-olds. Since it is fully refundable, your clients will receive the full amount. If your client can qualify for the new Child Tax Credit, they won’t have to file their 2021 tax return to receive it. Instead, the 2020 tax return amount will be used as the basis. Currently, the IRS does not know when the payments will be delivered, and they plan to develop an online portal so qualified individuals can update the information on their dependents.   The Extended Sick Leave Credit Another beneficial part of the American Rescue Plan is that they will extend the tax credit for sick leaves to October 1, 2021, for self-employed taxpayers who are sick or caring for a family member. If they are unable to work due to this, they will receive a tax credit to compensate for lost income.   Conclusion The American Rescue Plan has been a welcome development to help the economy recover in light of the pandemic. However, as a tax preparer, it’s essential to know the changes that took place, as it can affect your clients’ tax returns. Keystone Tax Solutions offers the best professional tax software for tax preparers that’s easy to use, affordable, and designed to grow your tax business. It’s entirely on the cloud, has unlimited customer support, and has no hidden fees. Try a free demo today!

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Unemployment Incomes Taxable

Your Clients Tax Prep Firms Unemployment Incomes Taxable

With the list of changes and updates that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been unloading recently, tax preparation firms have been urged to accommodate any tweaks. And this involves becoming more mindful of any adjustments that you’ll need to make when servicing your clients for the impending finalization of the current tax season. At this point, you’ve probably already accommodated various changes throughout the stages of tax preparations for the various clients. From industry-localized changes and statement additions to extra forms and considerations in relation to stimulus checks, the list of factors you’ll need to handle is likely larger than ever before. Among the different items on your tax preparation list that bear a cause for concern, there’s one particular concept that has had most firms scratching their heads: Unemployment Income Taxable. A quick overview (and an additional question that you may end up asking) Recently, the IRS announced the availability of a new Unemployment Exclusion for the tax year 2020 that will significantly affect the filing process as a whole. Available to specific types of taxpayers, it’s important for tax preparation firms to be mindful of this recent adjustment because of the difference it makes in their processes. Unless you’ve already filed your client’s taxes prior to the Exclusion’s announcement, you’ll have the opportunity to file an amended return at this time. Yet, there’s one question that you may have in mind with all this going forward: “Are my clients’ Unemployment Incomes Taxable?” Answering the question at hand With COVID-19 acting as a widespread catalyst for retrenchments and labor force revisions across American industries, 2020 saw the largest wave of unemployment in decades. This means that you most likely have an abundance of clients—new and old—who received Unemployment Income Taxable compensation for the first time in 2020 because of the pandemic. Now, with regards to the question mentioned above: yes, your clients’ unemployment incomes are taxable at the federal and state levels (given that their income is most likely more than the minimum requires to file). Key factors to consider before filing With the current knowledge surrounding Unemployment Incomes Taxable arising from COVID-19 and their effect on the tax filing process, it’s important to understand that there are a few considerations you’ll need to make. To ensure that you have the smoothest filing process possible, let’s look at some of the key factors that you must consider along the way: Minimum amounts: When it comes to qualifiable amounts, the first $10,200 of Unemployment Income Taxable is not taxable at the federal level for most taxpayers who made less than $150,000 for the tax year 2020. Each state has additional mandates regarding its inclusion: Currently, all American states are devising their own ways to handle the latest Unemployment Exclusion update—all of which will affect what else needs to be considered during the filing process. Before you finalize your clients’ returns, it is best to consult with your local IRS office or representative to grasp what else you’ll need to account for during calculation and form-filling periods. Inclusions: Unknown to most businesses and professionals, taxable benefits for the tax year 2020 include (1) special unemployment compensation authorized under the CARES Act, (2) the second stimulus package, and (3) the American Rescue Plan. Fortunately, Keystone Tax Solutions’ tax preparation software has been updated to include all present and future revisions and additional factors that must be considered during the preparation and filing process! Conclusion As the pressure rolls on for your tax preparation business to help your clients successfully manage their filing periods accurately and timely, it’s important to consider the effect of the Unemployment Exclusion. Once you consider the key details mentioned above, you’ll be able to ensure that you don’t overlook any key opportunities, obligations, or details during preparation and filing! If you’re looking for a tax preparation business that can help your business navigate the factors that need to be dealt with during the 2021 filing season, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with our team of experts today to learn more about our services!

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Revenue Tax Preparers

Increase Revenue Tax Preparers in Post Coronavirus World

No one can escape the inevitable tax season, making it the bane of the existence of every taxpayer anywhere in the world. Similarly,Increase Revenue Tax preparers see it as a lucrative time, but it’s not as steady as it used to be ever since the COVID-19 outbreak. As countries went on lockdown, businesses struggle to keep the lights on, while employees try to adapt to the new work-from-home set-up. Seeing the whole economy running into a slowdown, the government postpones tax dues in an attempt to ease some financial burden in a time of uncertainty. Nonetheless, the past year proved that industries strive to survive and despite the declining Increase Revenue Tax Preparer collection, your tax preparation business can grow its revenue with just the right marketing strategies.   Increase Revenue Tax Preparation Amidst the Pandemic   Tip #1: Reach Your Audience in Social Media Since people are forced to stay at home and practice social distancing, most people rely on the internet to stay connected. Social media has always been dominating the modern landscape, but the pandemic made online platforms a necessity. With most consumers using social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and more, your business will be missing out on a significant demographic if you don’t build a social presence. In that regard, you can continue to grow your network by marketing your services online.   Tip #2: Don’t Limit Yourself to Local Clients As mentioned above, people are flocking online to continue their business, and this includes looking for products or services they need as they’re home-bound. Seeing as local businesses are also forced to join the digital shift, it makes sense to grow your client base by opening your services to remote clients. Thanks to the continuous advancements in technology, Increase Revenue Tax automated software, and mobile applications make it possible to streamline tax preparation on the cloud. From advising clients, preparing tax returns, auditing tax forms, and more, cloud-based tax solutions offer a secure way to communicate without the need for in-person meetings.   Tip #3: Offer Flexible Payment Options and Refund Services Businesses now conduct contactless or cashless payments in an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus, so it’s only logical to jump on the bandwagon and widen your payment options. By extending your services beyond your local clientele, you can bolster your efforts by considering multiple payment options using Increase Revenue Tax bank products, online transfers, and more.   The Bottom Line: Keeping Your Cash Flowing Amidst the COVID-19 Outbreak Businesses are only starting to recover from the sudden impact of the pandemic, but despite the global setback, industries including Increase Revenue Tax professionals continue to adapt and weather the storm. In that sense, the tips above are just some simple ways Increase Revenue Tax preparers can continue building their revenue even in today’s trying times.   How Can Keystone Tax Solutions Boost Your Revenue During the Pandemic? Dealing with taxes can be challenging for anyone, even as an expert tax preparer. If you’re looking for innovative solutions that can streamline your tax preparation process, our professional tax software for CPAs can help simplify matters for you. Our affordable technology can empower tax preparers and help you start a tax business with no EFIN, so get in touch with us today at 1.800.504.5170 to see how we can ensure your tax business is booming.

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Digital Increase Productivity

Digital Increase Productivity in CPA Firm

Digital Increase Productivity landscape has made work more efficient and productive, especially in the field of central public accounting. Technological updates and advancements have been made in recent years to make work less difficult, make operations more efficient, get faster results, and communicate better with clients. Read on to find out how technology can improve your organizational workflow with the right set of tools:   4 Ways Digitizing Work Can Increase Workplace Productivity Typing cuts manual transcription time in half It’s rare nowadays to find a CPA firm that still files taxes by hand, though many still do. Instead of printing out forms and filing them by hand, consider typing every file and storing them safely in the firm’s cloud. This saves you time tenfold and certainly doesn’t cause major hand cramping problems. If your records haven’t been typed out, you can easily get transcriptionists to get things in order Digital Increase Productivity. Storing data in a cloud makes files more accessible It can take hours to rummage through every file in the cabinet in the hunt for old records. It can take less than a second to input a keyword in a search bar. For excellent and more efficient file storage, your firm should think about investing in an office cloud storage solution. Cloud storage grants access to every employee and is constantly backed up to make sure your records do not get erased. You can also check the history of when it was last updated and who last accessed it. With sensitive taxpayer information, a good cloud should be tightly secured and only accessible to employees. That is why it is best to pay for cloud hosting with an added security system. Taxpayer software tool can make work fast and easy Nowadays, there is a Digital Increase Productivity tool for everything. Accounting software tools have been developed to make operational tasks more efficient. Utilizing the best software for tax preparers Digital Increase Productivity. When things are less complicated and more manageable, you get more work by the end of the day. Digital Increase Productivity Inputs Keeps Track of Progress Keeping track of your employee’s progress not only lets you know if they’re working efficiently but also helps you figure out what tasks take the most time and who’s performing better. Performance-tracking software can give you a glimpse of this without you having to monitor your employees constantly. They also come in handy when you have a team that works remotely half of the time.   Conclusion The digital age has made work faster and more efficient, so it is an advantage for CPA firms to upgrade. With the benefits of better technology, digitalizing everything can help your firm’s workflow and improve its structure through the power of digital. If your firm has yet to use professional tax preparation software or cloud storage, now is a good time to start. Are you looking for the best professional tax software to increase your productivity? Keystone Tax Solutions fits the bill of what every CPA firm is looking for. Our tax pro software is the leading choice of firms everywhere, with its essential tools and an easy-to-learn interface that can speed up your operations. Get a free demo today!

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Change Tax Software

Change Tax Software Right before Tax Season

Small businesses and professional tax preparers have long benefited from using Change Tax Software to help manage their tax records and prepare them on time. It really is an easy and cheap alternative to preparing and filing tax returns manually. But there will come a time when you need to update or even replace your tax software for several reasons. Change Tax Software for preparers and businesses needs to be updated every once and a while. New features are being added every year, and sometimes the current software you use just won’t cut it anymore. You need a program that caters to your needs and will help you be more efficient in preparing taxes. But before you make the switch to new software, the timing needs to be just right so the transition wouldn’t cause any problems in your tax filing. Let’s explore when is the most opportune time to switch Change Tax Software.   Change Tax Software? There’s an old saying that people are all too familiar with, and it goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Many accountants, tax preparation firms, and finance teams apply this to everything they do, including software systems. While it may be true most of the time, there is a limit to it. With software applications, something that may have worked reasonably well before may not always end up being just as valuable as it is today. Change Tax Software applications can be quickly superseded by a much better alternative with more features and are much more efficient. It won’t be long before your old software is regarded as merely functional and no longer helpful. In other words, they are obsolete. Outdated and inefficient tax software brings with it several issues, such as: First, new employees that have experienced using more recent software will have to settle with using non-intuitive interfaces, memorize keyboard shortcuts, and learn workarounds for software deficiencies. Second, newer applications tend to make it easier to encode information instead of the more laborious and time-consuming process of manual input of data for older software applications. Third, as newer applications are developed, so are the standards in file formatting and compatibility. Older, more obsolete applications will start to have compatibility issues with more recent software. Errors will start to crop up as the older software isn’t equipped to process too many files or newer file formats.   When’s the Best Time to Change Tax Software? The run-up to the end of the tax year tends to be a busy time for accountants and finance departments. Adding to their usual burdens by introducing a new software package is a recipe for disaster. Imagine your team rushing into compiling all relevant data as well as checking documentation and finalizing reports. The panic that was created will lead to records lost, duplicate entries created, incorrect figures entered. The best time to introduce a new professional tax preparation software would be well ahead of tax season. Your staff needs time to train and learn how to navigate through the latest software. This is particularly true when the new application has more features and capabilities than your old one. Adapting new software at this time ensures that all your records are transferred seamlessly.   Conclusion Whether it’s due to a growing business or there’s a need for a better user experience, changing tax software for preparers is a significant change that requires a good transition plan to execute. For that very reason, changing software applications just before tax season gives you ample time to transition all your employees to a new and better platform. Finding better tax preparation software for your business or accounting firm shouldn’t be hard at all. With the help of Keystone Tax Solutions, you get one of the most advanced tax software in the market without overpaying. Our software for tax preparers is designed for tax professionals who want to be more efficient and better at what they do. Choose any of our software packages to get started today or get in touch with us to see how we can help.

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Tax Professional Business

Tips to Help You Grow Your Tax Professional Business

Everyone needs a good Tax Professional Business for their personal and business endeavors. Because of the high demand in this industry, tax preparation businesses have a massive potential for growth. This does not, however, mean that everything will come easy. You will still have to do your part to ensure that the business succeeds. The thought of expansion may seem a little daunting especially if your business is in its early days. To help you out, we’ve prepared a list of useful tips that you can apply that’ll help with achieving your business goals. If you want to learn more about this, read on as we talk about useful tips that will help grow your Tax Professional Business.   Establish Your Niche  One tip that we can give you that’ll significantly help your business is to decide on a specialty so that you can identify your target market. This helps you narrow down your marketing efforts, allowing you to focus on the most profitable aspects of your business. It is often impractical to try and cast a wide net especially when your business is just starting out and you have time and manpower constraints. Identifying your target market also allows you to offer better services to your potential customers. By choosing to specialize in a particular niche, you can curate the services that you offer to match your target market’s needs. Making services such as notary, bookkeeping, and simple legal document services will give you revenue streams that will allow you to generate more income.   Expand Your Network  One of the best ways to market your services is through personal referrals. This is why you’ll want to expand your network so that your clients will refer your services to others in their industry. This shouldn’t be too much of an issue, as offering good services to your existing clientele makes them more likely to recommend your services. If you want to incentivize your clients, you can also make use of a referral program. Consider offering your clients a discount on your services for bringing clients into the fold.   Make Use of Technology  As we’ve mentioned above, there’s no better way to grow your business than to improve your services. Now, one of the best ways to do this is to make use of technology that will yield the most benefits for your clients. Using state-of-the-art software for tax preparers can help you optimize your process, and make things much more convenient for both you and your customers. One useful feature is the Refund Calculator, a tool that lets your clients estimate their tax refund rather quickly.  While purchasing Tax Professional Software to help aid your services might initially seem rather costly, the level of convenience that they give to your business will offset the costs. Think of this as an investment that will help grow your business.   Conclusion  Hopefully, these tips prove to be useful when it comes to helping you make improvements to your processes. While it may initially seem difficult to grow your business, it’s not something that you won’t be able to overcome. Putting in the time and effort will all be worth it in the and as it pretty much ensures sustainable growth and long-term success for your tax professional business. If you’re looking for professional tax preparation software to streamline and optimize your processes, our products at Keystone Tax Solutions are just what you need. Get in touch with us to begin your free demo today!    

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Affect Clients Tax

Affect Clients Tax Important Milestones

Life changes and significant milestones happen every day. With the passing of another year, a lot can happen that can Affect Clients Tax lives as well as their tax returns. As the person in charge of preparing their financial statements, you need to be aware of these milestones that play a role in how Affect Clients Tax are computed. To be able to produce accurate financial statements for your Affect Clients Tax, making sure to keep updated on their life changes will greatly help. Meeting with your clients more than annually will ensure that you are kept up-to-date when it comes to the specific changes that Affect Clients Tax their tax returns.   Affect Clients Tax Important Milestones  When it comes to filing taxes, your clients need to be aware that certain life changes Affect Clients Tax how their taxes are filed. Here is a list of the crucial milestones clients can go through in between the times you meet with them for taxes:    1 – Marriage  Getting married can change the way your clients file their taxes because in most cases, they will choose to file a joint tax return. As their tax preparer, you will need to look at their specific situation and advise them about how to file as a couple.    2 – Divorce  A divorce will affect how tax returns are filed. To state the obvious, once the divorce is final, a couple is no longer able to file a joint tax return. However, if the divorce has not yet been finalized at the end of the calendar year (on December 31st), the divorced couple may still be able to file jointly if they wish. This may be recommended if it is more convenient for the couple. You should look into their situation and advise them accordingly.   3 – Changes in Employment Status  Changes in a person’s employment status – whether this means starting a new job or ending your employment at an old one – can have dire Affect Clients Tax on the computation of an individual’s taxes. This is especially true if the salary of the new job will be much higher or lower than what they used to receive with previous employment.   4 – Having a Baby  If parents welcome a new baby into their lives, they will also be entitled to receive a new type of credit to be added to their tax return. This credit is called the Child Tax Credit and it covers expenses for children under 17 for up to $2000.    5 – Adopting a Child Just like having a biological child, adopting a child will also entitle new adoptive parents to the Child Tax Credit. They may also be entitled to other types of tax credits and it should be your job as the tax preparer to advise them of such.    Conclusion No matter how much the lives of your client change, filing their tax documents accurately is a must. Along with keeping your client records up-to-date, having an automated tax software will help speed up the process and ensure that the computation is done right. If you are looking for a reliable software to use as you prepare your clients’ tax returns, Consider using Keystone Tax Solutions! This is a tax software for preparers that will automate the process and make it easier to compute taxes. Try the software today!

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Beginner Tax Preparers

Tax Preparers Beginner Need to Surviving Tax

The tax season is now halfway over. In the meantime, you have to continue persevering by addressing your clients’ needs, filing their Tax Preparers Beginner, managing their finances, and meeting deadlines. With every task you accomplish after another, customers seem to keep appearing and asking for your assistance, and you gladly oblige because it’s your duty as a tax specialist.     However, with the amount of stress you tend to face, especially during tax season, you may sometimes find yourself wondering if you can still go on any longer. Fortunately, modern technology makes it possible to lighten a Tax Preparers Beginner load, with plenty of companies providing some of the best professional tax software in the market. No matter how many requirements you have to compile for your clients, policies you have to adhere to, and competition you face daily, it’s all in a day’s work as a certified Tax Preparers Beginner . With only months away until tax season ends, try not to lose your sanity by keeping these helpful tips in mind:   Always Maintain a Balanced Diet One bad habit that working professionals tend to have when they’re under a lot of pressure is forgetting to eat on time or consuming healthy and balanced meals, for that matter. Tax Preparers Beginner during tax season have it worse, with some ending up settling for fast food because of its convenience, which is undoubtedly high in fat, sugar, and carbs. The US is filled with over twenty-eight million diabetics, with seventy-eight million people on the borderline. Although you can’t deny your job has you dealing with a significant amount of stress, you have to watch over your blood sugar levels now more than ever. Remember, a healthy diet should consist of protein and vegetables, with fruits and nuts on the side for snacks.   Don’t Forget to Stay Hydrated It is a constant reminder that people are getting tired of hearing: stay hydrated and drink eight glasses of water daily. When you remain hydrated, you minimize your tendency to crave caffeine, tea, or sugary drinks, which you think you need to keep you awake throughout the day. However, drinking water alone can boost your energy to continue filing returns while navigating a tax professional’s software to help you finish work more efficiently. Even alcohol should be avoided as much as you can, or at least during Tax Prepares Beginner season. If you want to make sure you get enough sleep each night, it’s best to stick to H2O until your load lightens up and everything’s back to normal again!   Utilize an Ergonomic Workspace Regardless of whether you’re working in an office or a remote location like your home office, your professional space should keep you comfortable and motivated to finish your tasks. It will help to invest in a suitable desk, chair, and equipment that can provide long-term results. When it comes to your working chair, you have to ensure you’re utilizing one with the right height for you, with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Your arms should maintain the correct angle while using your computer to avoid straining your wrists after endless hours of work.   Conclusion Tax season is always challenging for financial professionals, as you strive to do your best to meet your loyal customers’ demands and assure them everything is going according to plan. While you incorporate a software for Tax Preparers Beginner into your practice, you must never forget the tips above and learn to take necessary breaks to give your body and mind a chance to recover. That way, you have a better grasp of your responsibilities because you can manage the challenges coming your way! At the end of the day, when you prove to your clients that you have what it takes to handle their taxes accordingly, every obstacle you managed to overcome is well worth it. Are you looking for a professional tax preparation software to streamline your tax preparation business’ processes? Keystone Tax Solutions offers a tax software made for Tax Preparers Beginner in need. Get in touch with us today to begin your free demo!    

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Professional Grows Strategic

Professional Grows Strategic Potential Tax Preparation Software

Today, the tax preparation field has become far more intricate and fast-paced than ever, thanks to its strong link to other sectors’ overall financial performance in the modern economy. Seen as one of the most pivotal service industries in the business landscape, the tax preparation industry sets itself apart as it continues to help companies tackle the most complicated financial processes. Thanks to the greater demand for tax preparation services and the tax function’s evolution into a more Professional Grows Strategic role within modern organizations, it’s no secret that there’s no better time to be in the industry than today. If you’ve been operating your tax practice for a while now, then you’ve probably been making a significant profit in today’s market due to the rising demand and increased premiums on prices. Although tax preparation was considered a mere “paper pushing” industry in the past, the tables have turned, and it is now seen as a value-adding service. Regardless of how many clients you’ve had, you’re probably at that point where many clients are now utilizing the skills and services that you provide to get their financial matters in order. As your tax preparation practice’s clients continue to maximize your services, there’s one key question that you should ask yourself: “Am I maximizing my operational potential to become more Professional Grows Strategic?” If your answer is “no,” then you should take this as a sign to start doing so. Yet, you’ll need to invest in one key tool to arrive at such a result: tax preparation software.   Why it matters to start maximizing your practice’s Professional Grows Strategic potential Today, industries are constantly exposed to the concept of “more, more, and more.” In the case of tax prep practices, this means getting more out of one’s efforts and unlocking the Professional Grows Strategic potential deeply rooted in their team. Unfortunately, most tax practices still fail to realize this opportunity and miss the mark on their long-term goals! When you get to tap into your tax prep team’s strategic potential, you’ll be able to: Service clients better Work more optimally in meeting demands and managing time spent on a project Rake in higher amounts of profit and returns with less needed capital Establish your practice as one of the best service providers in the field   How does software for tax preparers help bring out this Professional Growa Strategic potential? The one thing that anyone needs to understand about running a tax preparation business is that there are so many opportunities that end up being wasted because of sub-optimal practices and workflows. However, it’s important to note that such an experience no longer needs to be normalized because Professional Grows Strategic tax preparation software provides a viable counter-solution. Thanks to the advent of modern software options—such as those provided by Keystone Tax Solutions—and constant improvements made by developers, practices can now inject efficiency where it counts. As a result, such improvements make it much more possible to achieve various developments that will lead to a dramatic increase in strategic performance, such as: Less wasted time: When you swap tedious manual processes in your firm’s operations for Professional Grows Strategic tax preparation software systems, it becomes much easier to offload long-winded tasks. When you incorporate a more efficient way to approach your practice’s operations, you’ll get to free up time for more valuable matters that have a greater impact on your growth and development! Optimized operational flows: When you start using software for tax preparers, you’re exposed to the opportunity to bring out your strategic potential because an improved workflow sheds light on how you can improve your operations. By taking note of what changes after using a piece of software lead to dramatic results, you’ll get the necessary insight needed to improve your workflow while making room for innovation! Conclusion Though there are many things you can do to improve your tax preparation practice’s operations in the long run, bringing out your strategic potential is one of the best moves you can make. With professional tax preparation software, you can take your business to the next level and serve your clients’ needs and achieve your goals far better than ever before! If you’re looking for a tax preparation business that can help your business navigate the factors that need to be dealt with during the 2021 filing season, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with our team of experts today to learn more about how we can help!

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Tax Preparation Service

A 4-Step Guide to Beginning a Tax Preparation Service

Starting a professional Tax Preparation Service can seem a little complex. Before you even think of forming a portfolio and jumping straight into the business, you will have to deal with a few things. Among those are submitting requirements to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and complying with a couple of other things. If you’re unsure of what you should be doing first, here’s a quick rundown on what you can do to bring your professional Tax Preparation Service practice to life. #1 Register in Your State Any business will have to be registered with your state for legal purposes. Going into taxes, you can opt to register with DBA or LLC. DBA stands for ‘Doing Business As’ and is often the option for small businesses that don’t have a conventional business structure. You get an extra period to decide what your business model will be. On the other hand, if you’re looking to emulate a corporate structure, you can register as an LLC. Short for limited liability company, an LLC entails that the business owner isn’t personally liable for its debts and lawsuits. Check with your state government for the information and additional guidelines, especially in light of a law change.    #2 Coordinate With the IRS Taking part in a professional tax practice means working with the IRS. And to work with the IRS, there are a few things you need to apply for. These are: Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) – Specific cities and business types may lead to you needing an EIN application. An EIN allows you to report and file business taxes. Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) – All tax firms have to file tax returns electronically, so you have to apply to be an authorized e-file provider and get an EFIN. Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) – Tax preparers who are paid to assist and defend federal tax returns and documents need a PTIN. PTINs only last for a year.    #3 Understand Your Business Model  After going through registration and applications, it’s time to conclude the concept of your business. Determine what your firm will specialize in and what services you should be offering. Understanding your business model will allow you to anticipate what kind of clients you will be appealing to. Some startups tend to offer tax services to small businesses and self-employed clients. This will depend on your social network and how reputable your company will be. Your location can also be a factor in an individual or entity deciding to work with you, so choose wisely.   #4 Explore Tax Preparation Service Tools Tax Preparation Service tools can help your firm streamline your work. It will also allow team members and clients to work with each other. If you are going through remote work, the tools will allow you to have a smoother work process. There’s a lot of tax operating systems on the market. Each software is designed for various tax services. When starting out, try to find tax software that will provide an easy-to-use interface and support line in case you’ll need any help.   Conclusion Now that you have most things set, your Tax Preparation Service is ready to help clients! Generate revenue from assisting others in managing their own. Grow your credentials and earn additional responsibilities to assist more people. Keystone Tax Solutions provides award-winning software for tax preparers through different partnership packages. Try a free demo today!

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Utilizing Professional Tax

4 Valuable Benefits Utilizing Professional Tax Software

Individuals and businesses will have to go through the process of paying taxes at one point or another. However, tax preparation and filing can be a bit overwhelming, whether on a personal or business level. This is why companies and private individuals often hire professional tax accountants to do the job for them. Another great solution for tax preparers is to invest in Utilizing Professional Tax preparation software, which comes with plenty of perks and benefits. This taxation software allows you to perform tax-compliant duties and helps you prepare and file tax returns. In this article, we will share four valuable benefits of Utilizing Professional Tax preparation software:   #1 It reduces errors and improves accuracy When it comes to recording financial transactions as well as preparing and filing taxes, there must be no room for errors. This is because you’re dealing with money that will affect your finances or your business’s overall financial health. The last thing you’ll ever want to happen is to pay more taxes more than you owe or pay less and leave you non-compliant. What’s great about using the best Utilizing Professional Tax software is that recording transactions and preparing taxes won’t need to be done manually. The tool works automatically for you while allowing you to double-check everything, which ultimately reduces errors and improves your tax accuracy.   #2 It helps save time and effort There’s no doubt that recording and monitoring all your financial transactions are a tedious task. Preparing and filing taxes can be all the more daunting for you. That is where software for tax preparers comes into the picture. This automated tool helps you manage your finances and handles your taxes efficiently and effectively. What takes you hours to accomplish certain tasks manually will only take a few minutes if you’re using a tax tool. This will help you save time and effort in the long run!   #3 It allows convenient online transactions In this digital era, it makes sense to perform all accounting transactions and tax filing virtually. With this, there’s no need to handle all paperwork manually and visit a local government agency to file your taxes. All it takes is to invest in the best Utilizing Professional Tax software that allows you to record your finances, prepare your taxes and file them electronically to the appropriate authorities!   #4 It is a cost-effective solution Sure, you may need a capital outlay to invest in tax software or tools for yourself or your business. It can be a little bit costly at the onset, but you’ll be surprised at how it will pay off in the long run. With all the benefits mentioned above, from high accuracy to convenient digital transactions, it’s such a good investment that will be worth your money. Keystone Tax Solutions boasts the best professional tax software with its 100 percent cloud-based technology, mobile capabilities, user-friendly platform, and many other digital features. You can take advantage of our software or partnership packages for your business!   Conclusion At this point, you now know why it’s beneficial to utilize professional tax software. As outlined above, you’ll be able to take advantage of the following—accuracy, time-saving, digital convenience, and cost savings. With all these in place, you have all the right reasons to invest in this professional tax software to ensure that your business complies with tax standards! Are you looking for the best professional tax software? We’ve got you covered, as we provide software for tax preparers designed to help your business grow and flourish. Connect with us today to get a free demo!

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Marketing Tax Preparation

Marketing Tax Preparation Business – 3 Tips to Know

Running a Marketing Tax Preparation business goes beyond just hiring qualified certified public accountants. There are also tax rules to remember and business requirements to keep track of, not to mention the latest software and tools to invest in. All these are necessary to ensure a smooth and successful operation, but a business is a business. In other words, you need the steady guidance of Marketing Tax Preparation, as the market is riddled with competitors that can make it difficult for you to gain clients. Running a successful business means learning how to Marketing Tax Preparation properly, especially since prospective clients will want to make sure you’re credible and trustworthy before engaging. Contrary to popular belief, Marketing Tax Preparation can do more than just attract clients—it helps build your reputation and brand, which is a non-negotiable in the business world and across industries. To help you get started on your Marketing Tax Preparation journey, here are some tips you need to take into account:   Tip #1: Never underestimate the power of word of mouth Although undeniably trite, the most successful businesses today acknowledge one simple rule: referrals work. Allowing your tax preparation business to spread like wildfire means ensuring good services and happy customers, so make sure to deliver your all. Only then will you be able to encourage your existing pool of clients to talk more about your business, spreading the word about your good work. It also pays to stay confident about what you can offer, particularly when it comes to meeting business partners.   Tip #2: Take it online Apart from word of mouth, you’ll want to invest in a website. It serves as your business’s calling card in the online world, as users can freely access information about your firm and the solutions you offer. It’s important to make it as appealing as possible, with easy navigational tools, and interesting topics they can explore. Social media is also an incredibly significant tool, as establishing a presence on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn can help you gain a steady stream of followers. These channels allow you to humanize your business, as you’re free to connect with clients through chats, comments, and posts, ensuring that their queries and concerns are always addressed.   Tip #3: Understand your target audiences better Running a business means constantly making smart decisions, and in this ever-changing landscape, cultivating your existing pool of clients is better than funneling your resources into acquiring new ones. You’ll want to ensure that you target the right people right off the bat, and this can only be done by studying the following aspects: Their industry or niche Age group Income levels Type of tax filers All these can help you create a comprehensive client profile, thereby serving as a blueprint for your future Marketing Tax Preparation efforts.   Building Your Tax Preparation Business Through Better Marketing Efforts The modern tax preparation business is expected to always be proactive, especially in light of unprecedented change and consumer behavior trends. You’ll need to be quick on your feet, as ensuring your firm remains at the forefront of the competition will be the key to your success. Make sure to have these tips in mind as you prepare your Marketing Tax Preparation campaigns. Good luck! If you wish to take your Marketing Tax Preparation efforts to the next level, invest in the best professional tax software. Keystone Tax Solutions offers you the best on the market, guaranteed to help you make the most of your business operations. Award-winning and innovative, we’ll help you reach success. Get a free demo today!  

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Professional Tax Practice

3 Do’s And Don’ts for Your Professional Tax Practice

Every Professional Tax Practice goal is to have a consistent flow of work before and after the tax season rush; after all, you will want to stand out as an industry expert and cater to both individuals and businesses. As such, you need to implement creative strategies to keep a competitive edge above the dozens of other tax preparers in your area. Being a tax preparer isn’t just about completing tax returns—it’s about marketing, maintaining a robust knowledge base, and avoiding common pitfalls in the tax industry. To help you out, here are three do’s and don’ts you need to follow to help you keep a successful tax practice for many years to come:   Do: Use the Right Software The best technology delivers accurate calculations in the blink of an eye. Professional Tax Practice software makes everything easy for you and your client, allowing secure access and information management on the go. Make sure you are using tax software that meets all of your needs. If you find yourself needing features or modules that aren’t included in your software package, it’s time to reevaluate and possibly seek a new setup for your Professional Tax Practice! Remember, your software should be doing the bulk of the work for you—and you shouldn’t be twisting yourself in knots adjusting to what it can and can’t provide.   Don’t: Pay for Resources You Don’t Need It’s essential to have all the resources you need to ensure efficient workflow and peak productivity. However, you also need to be careful about the resources you’re acquiring. Don’t purchase software modules and add-ons that you won’t use consistently. Keep an eye on your business expenses, and be vigilant about plugging up any money leaks.   Do: Keep Up With Tax Laws Your clients depend on your knowledge—not just of the numbers, but of tax laws and regulations as well. As such, you need to invest time and resources into keeping up with any changes in the local, state, and federal tax regulations. Technical corrections and business regulations are continually changing, so you have to make sure you and your clients are always complying with them. There are many resources online that can help you navigate any changes to the tax code and provide daily news updates that all Professional Tax Practice need.   Don’t: Disregard Training In the golden age of technology, no industry remains static. Professional Tax Practice preparation is evolving and changing every year, and clients are arming themselves with more and more information before they walk through your door. Given that, tax businesses should keep up with recent trends and practices to remain successful in the long-term.   Do: Secure Your Information Online security should be one of your Professional Tax Practice top priorities. You are handling incredibly sensitive information that should always be kept under multiple layers of protection. Use two-factor authentication on all of your logins, and beware of suspicious links in your email. You should consider generating random passwords as well to further secure your data. Even your personal online habits should be as secure as possible because a breach in your social media accounts can lead directly to your Professional Tax Practice sphere.   Don’t: Rely Only on Physical Servers Cloud storage solutions have made file backups much more convenient and secure. If your tax practice is still utilizing physical servers, it’s time to consider downsizing. Only keep the files that you need on-hand and use remote servers for archiving.   Conclusion The tax industry is continuously evolving—and it will keep any tax professional on their toes just trying to keep up. You can ensure your tax business’s continued success by keeping an eye on new regulations, developing trends, and market research. This way, you’ll keep expanding your client base, and they will keep you busy for many years to come. Are you looking for professional tax software to help you run your tax preparation practice? Keystone Tax Solutions provides cutting-edge tax software specially designed for tax professionals. Our software is 100% web-based and affordable—and we offer unlimited customer support, too. Try our free demo today!

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Life Changes Tax

Life Milestones – How Your Client’s Life Changes Tax

Tax returns can be affected by seemingly small Life Changes Tax. It goes without saying that major Life Changes Tax will also cause as the preparer of people’s taxes, you need to be aware of how these life milestones affect how taxes are filed. Since you only see clients periodically, here are some Life Changes Tax that your clients might have experienced since the last time that you saw them.’   Life Milestones: How Your Client’s Life Changes Impact Their Taxes They say that the flap of a butterfly’s wings can cause a tornado. While we are not here to discuss the truth of that statement, it is true that small changes now can cause bigger changes later on. Here is a list of some specific changes that may impact your clients’ taxes.   1 – Starting a New Job or Resigning From an Old One Getting a new job will affect taxes especially if the two jobs have a big difference in pay. Whether the amount is lower or higher, it will definitely affect the computations for the tax and financial documents. On the other hand, losing a job will also affect taxes if income stops coming in. Also, if you enrolled for unemployment benefits, this will also have an effect on the client’s taxes.   2 – Tying the Knot  Getting married can also impact the filing of taxes because most couples file a joint tax return every year. However, there are certain instances where filing separately will be more beneficial. Regardless, it is crucial that you advise your clients as to how they should file their taxes.    3 – Getting Divorced There are many factors that come into play when you file for taxes for clients who are divorced. Keep in mind that they will not be able to file a joint tax return when their divorce will be finalized. Also, only the custodial parent (the parent who gets the child for the majority of the year) can claim the child as a dependent.   4 – Having a Baby When a baby is born, the proud parents will be entitled to the Child Tax Credit. This will be a credit of $2,000 until the child turns 17. Parents can have this tax for each child they have who is under the age of 17. They will also be able to apply for a refund for $1,400 of the credit.   5 – Adopting a Child Just like with biological children, they will also be entitled to the Child Tax Credit if they choose to adopt. However, one major difference is that they will not be able to apply it toward their tax refunds.   Conclusion This is not an all-inclusive list of all the life changes that would affect the taxes of your clients. It is a must that you are aware of the instances that may have an effect on their taxes. This way, you will be able to advise them about how to move forward with their taxes after the life event. If you are in charge of preparing the taxes for your clients, you can always rely on Keystone Tax Solutions. We provide reliable tax software specifically designed for tax preparation. Get yours today!

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Tax Preparer Penalties

Minding Your Mistakes – 3 Critical Tax Preparer Penalties

Being mindful of your business’s Tax Preparer Penalties responsibilities is difficult enough to imagine on its own. It’s even more distressing to be a company whose service is to manage several companies’ ledgers simultaneously! Your clients count on your duty and credibility as a Tax Preparer Penalties to provide quality customer service. This means maintaining quality tracking of all accounting procedures while staying up-to-date with the IRS’s latest policies and guidelines.   Avoiding Tax Preparer Penalties from the IRS Tax Preparer Penalties have the added risk of compromising another person’s business—leading to lengthy arguments and expensive amounts of compensation to rectify the situation. Unfortunately, making mistakes isn’t uncommon for amateur or even veteran preparers. This is why they need to undergo rigorous training to review their output and double-check for any mistakes. Besides making mathematical inaccuracies, failure to observe the changes in IRS policies can lead to hefty fines. For this reason, you must stay vigilant to avoid incurring any of the Tax Preparer Penalties below:   #1. IRC § 6694 or tax understatements IRC § 6694 or the understatement of a taxpayer’s liability by tax return preparer can be due to one of two reasons: understatement from unreasonable positions or willful or reckless conduct. Citing inaccuracies in your tax return can be grounds for an understatement, especially if it accounts for more than 10% of a business entity’s tax or around $5,000 for individual taxpayers. This usually incurs either a flat fee of $1,000, $5,000, or 50% of the derived income concerning the return or claim for refund.   #2. IRC § 6695 or miscellaneous assessable penalties in improper tax preparation procedures IRC § 6695 covers several penalties that pertain to individual inconsistencies in complying with the right format and submission of tax papers. This can range in several offenses, from failing to furnish an identifying number, sign a return, file current information returns, or determine the eligibility of earned income credit. The Tax Preparer Penalties can range from as low as $50 to as high as $25,500 under a return period. Keep in mind these penalties can accumulate within a single failed tax return, which is why every small mistake piles up to a larger cumulative penalty fee.   #3. IRC § 7206 and IRC § 7207 or fraud IRC § 7207 is a penalty incurred due to a misdemeanor charge of fraudulent returns, statements, and other financial documents. This results in a fine of $10,000 for individual taxpayers and $50,000 for business entities. Additionally, you may also face imprisonment of not more than a year. In relation to the penalty above, IRC § 7206 is a more severe case of fraud and false returns resulting in a fine not greater than $100,000 for individual taxpayers and $500,000 for business entities. It can ultimately result in imprisonment of no more than three years, together with additional prosecution costs assigned by a court judge.   The Bottom Line Tax preparers will vary in professions and specializations, from tax specialist attorneys to licensed CPAs. Each one has a particular ground to cover for another business entity or individual client. Nevertheless, they all require seamless documentation and archiving software to ensure that they’re providing accurate and precise reports back to their clients. Thankfully, tax preparers can benefit from modern tools to aid in their day-to-day tasks. Utilizing modern tools to streamline your accounting processes is the best way to avoid making crucial tax preparation mistakes. We can provide you with versatile tax software for preparers to ensure that you won’t incur any penalties in your tax form submissions. Try our software’s free demo today, and discover how it can optimize your accounting procedures!

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Out Tax Preparer

Stand Tax Preparer Tips for Success

Taxes are part of any working person’s life. If you are an employee, you pay income tax, and if you purchase anything from groceries to real estate, you have to pay taxes. Although it is a part of life, many people do not know how to untangle the complexities of tax documentation and filing. This is where Stand Tax Preparer come in. Professional Stand Tax Preparer complete corporate or individual tax returns. Though most of them are not lawyers, they have a good understanding of tax laws. Stand Tax Preparer use their knowledge to save customers money and file their annual tax returns on time. Besides communication skills and attention to detail, here are some things you can do as a Stand Tax Preparer to retain clients and become one of the best tax preparation professionals.   Provide Your Contact Information Make yourself readily accessible to clients. If you work for a firm, give them a direct number to reach you at all hours. It is vital to provide clients with up-to-date contact information since they will want to reach out to you after Stand Tax Preparer season. It is only after deadlines that clients hear back from the IRS about any issues on their tax returns, and some of them would appreciate the ability to coordinate with you. Doing this positions you as a reliable partner and long-term investment, someone whose services they can seek year after year.   Keep Learning About Tax Laws The most in-demand Stand Tax Preparer are the ones who have current knowledge on available deductions, applicable credits, and the latest in tax law. People always want to know how they can implement money-saving tax practices, and they would greatly appreciate having a tax preparer who guarantees that. Participate in continuing education classes, read new IRS publications, and research new laws on tax association websites. You can even become part of these networks, so you stay in the loop on what is the latest in your industry.   Have a List of References Keeping a list of references is like having a passive pipeline of new work. People looking for Stand Tax Preparer will probably ask their network who they can recommend, and if you stay on good terms with your former or current clients, they will be likely to send their friends and family to you. The best tax preparation professionals do not make many mistakes and prevent unwanted tax audits. Ask your clients if you can use them as references as well. Tax laws frequently change, and the Internal Revenue Service keeps tightening policies. Prospective clients would want to speak to current or old ones to see how you had worked with them in the past.   Choose a Tax Specialization Specializing in a field attracts customers looking for specific services. Whether it’s real estate, self-employment, investments, business expenses, retirement income, or some other field, some people will have complex financial situations requiring assistance from an expert. If you have a specialization, you stand out from tax preparers who only provide what others do.   Use Professional Tax Preparation Software Your work will be more efficient when you use user-friendly tax software. Web-based tax software is perfect for this; it enables you to access your clients’ data anywhere, 24/7, and on any device. If you are a preparer who needs to be on the road all the time, or if you want low-maintenance tax software that does not require you to rent a server or download anything, you can go for web-based types.   Conclusion Tax preparation is a valuable, recession-proof field. People will always need to file their taxes, and they will always appreciate the services of a dedicated, knowledgeable professional. Provide your clients with convenience and peace of mind, and you’ll surely see work come in every tax season. Make Keystone Tax Solutions your partner in providing tax preparation services. Our all-in-one tax preparation software allows unlimited additional users, unlimited federal and state return filings, year-round tech support, and so much more. Get a free demo today or contact us for more information!

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Tax Preparation Business

3 Considerations When Starting Business Tax Preparation

Thanks to an ever-growing set of standards set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the influx of new businesses, the Business Tax Preparation industry is proving to be more lucrative than ever. With preparers having the opportunity to make at least $100,000 per tax season, the idea of diving head-first into the industry is guaranteed to be more attractive over time. Now that big and small businesses have the opportunity to get themselves out there with tools being made available left and right, there’s no better time to set up a tax business than today.   A few factors to consider before starting your new business Now, while it’s a good idea to start your Business Tax Preparation, it’s worth noting that you’ll need to cover a few things before you get everything up and running. In the sections below, will share an outline of different tips and tricks that you can use to get your practice started on the right foot towards success:   Tip #1: Get your legal documents out of the way Before you even forecast situations and advertise your Business Tax Preparation services, you’ll need to first take care of your legal requirements. When it comes to dealing with said requirements, you’re looking at a host of paperwork that you’ll need to handle as you go through the whole filing and writing process. Let’s look at the most critical documents that you’ll need to prepare so that you can get all the different formalities out of the way: Your business license: The business license is the first piece of paperwork that you’ll need to take care of because you won’t be able to operate without it. If this is your first time applying for the license in question, you can take care of the application process online, but you’ll still have to submit some files in person. Your Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN): Once you’ve taken care of your business license, you’ll need to go through your first brush with the IRS by applying for a PTIN that will allow you to start paying for tax. This specific number is critical because it officially recognizes your tax preparation business as a tax-paying entity! Your IRS Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN): After you receive your PTIN, you’ll have the opportunity to make things easier for your tax preparation business by getting an EFIN. With this piece of documentation, you’ll have the privilege of e-filing your tax returns instead of in-person submissions and appointments.   Tip #2: Get your marketing campaign set Considering that the American Business Tax Preparation industry is something that grows even more competitive each day, it’s best to assume that every effort you make to stand out will serve you best in the long run. Building your Business Tax Preparation alone won’t suffice when it comes to seeing significant profits because you’ll first need to have businesses know about you. By identifying your ideal client, establishing your chosen demographics, and laying the groundwork for your digital marketing and SEO efforts, you’ll get your leg up over the competition before you begin!   Tip #3: Invest in solutions that can streamline your process If you want to provide your Business Tax Preparation with the best shot at success, it’s best to understand that the difference between winning and losing lies in how well you streamline your processes. Whether it’s something that can minimize the amount of time you spend on a project or something that makes it easier to access needed information, if something can make your processes easier, then it’s worth buying. For instance, Keystone Tax Solutions’ professional tax software for tax preparers will allow you to work much more efficiently without missing out on opportunities to best serve your clients with quality work!   Conclusion Although it’s clear that there’s no better time to start a tax preparation business than today, it’s worth noting that you’ll need to make a few preparations before making your first strides. Thankfully, keeping the three tips mentioned above in mind will allow you to make well-informed decisions so that you can give your firm the advantage it needs to attain much-deserved success! With tax season around the corner, it helps to have the best professional tax preparers software to help you support your customers as they partake in the digital switch. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our top-level solutions can help with your tax preparation business!

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Keeping Tax Records

Tax Preparers Guide Keeping Tax Records

Running a tax preparation business means being responsible for Keeping Tax Records. You heavily rely on the information from them as they indicate your clients’ financial situation. Keeping old documents can easily make your office cabinets and desk drawers overcrowded, but failing to retain these records could subject you to a penalty, especially when the returns are questioned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). As a tax professional, you may be wondering how long should you Keeping Tax Records. Use this article as your guide to determine which Keeping Tax Records to keep or throw away and give accurate and up-to-date information to your clients about their documents.   Unreported Income Your client should keep relevant records for at least six years if they fail to report all of their income amounting to 25 percent or more of the amount shown on the return. This is because the IRS may assess their tax return up to six years later. Meanwhile, remind your client to accurately report all of their income accurately and honestly at all times.   Employment Keeping Tax Records If you have a client who owns a business with their employees, their employment Keeping Tax Records must be kept safe for at least four years after the date that the tax is paid or becomes due. Some information that should be included in these records is employer identification numbers, amounts and dates of all wages, employees’ names, addresses, and occupations, and more. Refer to the list from the IRS for compliance.   Most Keeping Tax Records The period of limitations for the IRS to assess a tax return is three years. Therefore, your client who has paid their taxes on time and never failed to file a return must keep their records for at least three years from the time their tax return was due.   Unfiled and Fraudulent Returns Your client should keep their records indefinitely if they have failed to file a tax return or filed a fraudulent tax return. This way, they can prepare for an audit or investigation at any time. Advise them to save themselves from the hassle associated with this situation in the first place by filing accurate tax returns annually.   What Records Do Tax Preparers Need to Keep? As a Keeping Tax Preparer, you request all relevant financial records for the tax years that you will be preparing the return for. A copy of the main tax return should be provided to the client after completing the tax return. However, you should keep a copy of the following supporting documents in physical or electronic form: Bank statements Client-prepared tax return checklist Documentation on income from investments General ledgers Main tax form Supporting tax schedule Tax work papers Receipts Other relevant financial documents   Conclusion To sum it all up, as a tax preparer, you are required to hold onto your clients’ tax returns along with their supporting documents for a minimum of three years. You may have to keep tax-related documents for much longer depending on the information they contain and the kind of transactions involved. Safekeeping these records is important because you may need them to get your clients ready for an audit and provide them with the best tax preparation service. Offer a better service to your clients using our professional tax software. At Keystone Tax Solution, our platform uses cloud-based, paperless technology, and unlimited customer support. Try our free demo today!

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