
Tax Filing Season

Tax Filing Season Starting February 12

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Tax Filing Season of the nation starts on February 12, 2021, a Friday. That’s when they will formally start to accept and process returns from the 2020 tax year. According to the IRS, they chose this date so they can do extra programming and testing of computer systems given changes in tax laws. These came through last December 27, 2020, and provided a second batch of Economic Impact Payments.   Critical Changes The changes in programming of the whole tax system are crucial. Had Tax Filing Season begun without any of the new changes firmly in place, refunds would have taken a while longer to get to taxpayers. With these changes, whoever is eligible for the remaining stimulus money will be able to receive it when their 2020 tax return is filed. It will reflect as Recovery Rebate Credit. The IRS’s recommendation for making the refund process go quicker is for taxpayers (or their preparers) to file digitally using direct deposit the moment their filing information is complete. Professional tax preparation software, used correctly, will come in very handy at this point. Tax Filing Season can be done instantly via the tax professional preferred by the taxpayer. Tax returns are actually already being accepted, though they will be held for now. Transmission to the IRS begins February 12th. Given the global coronavirus pandemic, the Tax Filing Season of 2020 tax returns is easily one of the most vital ones. The IRS has had to balance non-stop preparation work for the aforementioned Tax Filing Season alongside being able to have Economic Impact Payments delivered on time. The current start date allows people to get any stimulus payments they still have remaining in a timely manner, alongside getting them their much-needed tax refunds as fast as possible. The average tax refund issued from the previous season was at roughly over $2,500. This year, the expected tax returns run in the 150 million ballpark, most of them filed well before the deadline on April 15. Given the PATH act, a refund that involves the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) or the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) will not be able to get released before the middle of February. This lets the IRS have more time to prevent fraudulent claims and refunds from being released, especially when there’s identity theft involved. The timeline for the availability of these refunds is around the first week of March for taxpayers that filed electronically with direct deposit. This is granted, of course, that these tax returns have no issues. Paper returns will more than likely encounter processing delays. For those who file digitally that have no other issues, 9 out of 10 of them will have their refund released within three weeks (21 days).   Conclusion According to the IRS, the tax season of the nation starts on February 12, 2021. Professional tax software will be a great tool in preparing things in a timely manner. The IRS encourages filing digitally with direct deposit in order for things to go smoothly. Looking for tax software for preparers? Check out Keystone Tax Solutions today! We are a leader in the professional tax software industry with over 15 years of experience.

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Establish Virtual Tax

Establish Virtual Tax Preparation Business Tips

Today, the idea of starting a Establish Virtual Tax office has become a valuable opportunity for most professionals in the financial preparation industry because of the current greater demand.  Whether you’re a beginner who just got their license as a seasoned professional with years of servicing clients under your belt, jumping after the opportunity at hand is a great idea. With the need for outsourced preparation becoming even greater than ever, you may find yourself dabbling into the idea and preparing for it, especially in this time, where Estabish Virtual Tax set-ups make everything easier. Thanks to the advent of modern technology and innovative working systems, businesses and entrepreneurs in financial services can adapt and operate more efficiently with the help of Establish Virtual Tax offices. Compared to a standard brick-and-mortar office that’s bounded by costly and inefficient traditional systems, going virtual with your tax preparation firm yields many benefits, such as: Reduced costs in operations (such as a deduction or complete removal of rental costs, smaller infrastructure set-ups, and minimized utility expenses) An effective and leaner model of operations that leads to wider profit margins Faster workload clearing times because employees don’t need to worry about traveling to work and getting stuck in traffic Seamless customer service experiences wherein concerns can be tended to right away   A few best practices to consider Before you dabble into the whole idea of setting up your own tax preparation practice, it’s critical to understand that a few best practices will help make the transition smoother. Through the help of these key practices and tips, you’ll be able to get your Establish Virtual Tax prep office off the ground and give it the boost it needs to succeed:   Tip #1: Set your vision and build upon it As cliché as it sounds, having a successful Establish Virtual Tax preparation practice relies on establishing a strong and prevalent vision that sets the pace for all your efforts. It may not seem like much, but knowing the type of business and virtual office you want will significantly improve the way you make your management decisions and start building upon your foundation. Once you have made well-informed decisions for your preparation practice, it will be much easier to get everything needed for your success as locked in as possible. If you’re not sure about the vision that you’re trying to achieve with your Establish Virtual Tax preparation business, here are a few questions to first ask yourself: “Will I be the boss in charge of staff, or do I want to be independent and go solo?” “If I’m going to have employees, will I be a hands-on boss and owner, helping with client returns and doing the work alongside my employees, or do I want to let them do all the work while I manage with a light touch?” “What kind of clients (and how many) do I want to take on?” “What hours will I make myself and the business available to clients?” “How important will it be for me to meet face to face with clients, and how often?”   Tip #2: Invest in the right tools to accomplish goals Aside from your leadership skills and a team of dedicated and talented professionals, another key piece that will allow you to make the most out of your practice’s shot at success is having the right tools. With the advent of the digital age and its full-scale impact on the way businesses operate, any Establish Virtual Tax preparation office has the opportunity to improve the way it operates on all ends. Through the help of different tools and pieces of software—such as Keystone Tax Solutions’ tax preparation software—you’ll be able to deliver quality services while ensuring satisfaction and efficiency!   Conclusion If you’re thinking about starting a virtual tax preparation practice of your own, then there’s no better time to do so than today. With the help of the key pointers mentioned above, you can get your efforts started on the right foot and ensure that you seize every opportunity to deliver quality work and keep your operations running smoothly! If you’re looking for a tax preparation business that can help your business navigate the factors that need to be dealt with during the 2021 filing season, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with our team of experts today to learn more about how we can help you!

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Successful Tax Marketing

Guide Made Easy Successful Tax Marketing for 2021

The Successful Tax Marketing preparation industry is best defined by its ever-present aura of traditionalism and the fact that it almost mirrors the way things used to work in the olden times. However, over the past years of innovations, practices are quickly adapting. In fact, tax preparation businesses all over America have taken it upon themselves to innovate at all costs so that they can deliver better-quality results and run smoothly. If you’ve been running your own practice for a while now, you’ve probably made significant investments and strides over the years to further elevate the level of service that your customers get. From cutting-edge professional preparation software to game-changing outsourced customer service work, the opportunity to innovate and evolve as a firm undoubtedly comes in many ways. However, at this point, there’s one main concern that still remains amid all the different investments and upgrades that you’ve been making for your preparation practice: Perfecting your Successful Tax Marketing.   The difficulty of Successful Tax Marketing (and a few strategies that can help)  With 2021 in full swing and more opportunities to convert, convince, and collaborate ahead, it’s safe to say that marketing your practice to even more potential clients this year is at the top of your list. Unfortunately, it can be quite confusing to develop a strategy that capitalizes on a new era of growth for any tax firm because of the subject’s relatively unfamiliarity. Although there’s no doubt that any practice is great at handling numbers and servicing clients’ needs, marketing is a different story. This is why so many firms end up missing out on the opportunity to bring in new business, especially considering the fact that tax preparation is a niche market in itself. Thankfully, you won’t have to rely on pure chance to bring in more paying customers for your firm because we’ve prepared these strategies to point your efforts in the right direction:   1. Diversification When it comes to creating a Successful Tax Marketing strategy that works, the one strategy that most people overlook far more than they should is the power of diversification. To simply put it, diversification is the process or practice of crafting different pieces of content instead of focusing all your attention on one specific avenue, platform, or approach. By mixing things up with YouTube videos, website blogs (such as this), and social media posts, you’ll be able to take your strategy to the next level and further improve your results!   2. Funnel optimization  At this point of your Successful Tax Marketing campaign, it’s worth taking a closer look at the way your funnel works by delving deeper into different processes and tasks that can be used to optimize its performance. Considering that your success will definitely come from your sales marketing funnel, it’s safe to say that making the necessary efforts to improve it will pay off handsomely in the long run. If you aren’t sure about how you can improve the way your tSuccessful Tax Marketing funnel works, here are a few ideas that will point you in the right direction: Craft fine-tuned email marketing campaigns that are specifically targeted to your target audience Invest in top-quality lead magnets Produce more aggressive outreach campaigns   Conclusion  Although the process of building your tax practice’s marketing campaign can seem like an intimidating one, it’s worth noting that using the right approaches can ease things up by a big margin. Through the help of the two points mentioned above, you can significantly improve your marketing campaign’s chances of success and take its performance to the next level! If you’re looking for a tax preparation business that can help your business navigate the factors that need to be dealt with during the 2021 filing season, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with our team of experts at Keystone Tax Solutions today to learn more about how we can help!

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Becoming Tax Professional

Thinking Of Becoming Tax Professional

According to the U.S. News and World Report, the tax preparation industry consists of around 1.2 million paid workers. These Becoming Tax Professional work on the filing and preparation of requirements from local, state, and federal agencies. In the U.S., tax preparation businesses generate about $9 billion yearly, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that it is poised to grow at about ten percent per year. Here are other things you should know about this industry, especially if you are looking to break into it. What Are The Responsibilities Of Becoming Tax Professional? Becoming Tax Professionals have to interview each client they acquire, determine which forms the client needs, and gather the personal information needed for the forms. Typically this includes employer-issued W-2 and 1099-MISC forms, receipts, and verification of health care coverage. They must also complete the forms. Most preparers use professional tax software that allows them to fill out forms quickly and accurately. The IRS also offers forms for practitioners who prepare only a small number of returns. Finally, they must file these returns. Usually, they do this electronically since this allows for faster processing and refunds. Why Should A Taxpayer Hire Someone To Fill Forms? Since they are Becoming Tax Professionals, preparers are likely to have accurate returns, with fewer chances for auditing. The tax code is also complicated, and taxpayers need to have an expert find the legitimate deductions and handle the different tax situations that might arise. How Do You Become A Tax Professional? Becoming Tax Professionals undergo basic training, which means investing at least 60 hours in a training course that might cost about $150. Major tax franchises also provide courses that can delve deeper into the practice. Aside from training, tax professionals need experience in preparation. Beginners can work for a tax firm and learn real-world practices. In some instances, they also need credentials. In California, Oregon, and New York, Becoming Tax Professionals must comply with regulations. The IRS is coming up with an accreditation program as well. Once a would-be Becoming Tax Professional has the right certifications, he can apply for an Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) and an IRS Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). What Comes After You Get Credentials? If a Becoming Tax Professional has no intentions of building his own business, he can work for a company. Plenty of businesses offer a stable career growth plan for tax preparers. Otherwise, a professional with the right credentials can start his own business. For tax preparers who want to become independent contractors, the next step is to structure the tax business. He would need to get an EIN or Employer Identification Number, decide the type of company, file applications for a business license, and submit the formal articles of incorporation. The Becoming Tax Professional will also have to decide the type of clients he wishes to take. The busiest tax season is in January through April for federal and state income tax reasons. However, this is not the only thing a preparer might have to handle. He will need to accomplish other things like tax planning, remittance of payroll taxes, and handle business tax returns. Other Things To Remember Preparers need tax preparation software, as well as a computer, a scanner, and a printer. For professionals who must work out-of-office, it is good to invest in a laptop computer. They must also open bank accounts that will help their operations. In particular, they need at least two—a business bank account and a credit card processing account. Card processing accounts allow MasterCard and Visa transactions, while business bank accounts make it easy for the company to track expenses. It also bolsters the image of the business. Conclusion A tax preparation business requires only a small investment of capital. However, it does need time and effort to grow. Once the Becoming Tax Professional has set it up, though, he can expect steady growth from his business. Use Keystone’s award-winning tax software as you grow your tax preparation business. Our 100 percent cloud-based product allows unlimited e-filing with zero hidden fees, giving you the flexibility you need to ramp up your growth. Contact us today for a free demo or for more information!

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Tax Preparer Obligation

Tax Preparer Obligation Handling Your Clients Accounts

Understanding how you classify as a Tax Preparer Obligation doesn’t just confirm what forms you have to accomplish and submit, it also allows you to set boundaries with your clients on your responsibilities and capabilities as a service provider. In essence, having a clear delineation of tasks ensures that both parties are aware of your limitations. Understanding how your business differs from other practitioners Unlike previous decades, enterprises and consumers now have more options to find a reliable service provider. This is why Business-to-business (B2B) companies, specifically accounting firms, need to stay competitive to ensure that they’re reaching the right audience. In fact, being particular about your brand’s identity is an excellent way to retarget your marketing strategies and ensure that you’re matching your services to the right clients. Listed below are five classifications of Tax Preparer Obligations that you can fall under: #1: Certified public accountants After passing the Uniform CPA Examination, certified public accountants receive licensure by state boards in US territories. It’s necessary to complete accounting at a college or university while also accomplishing good character requirements by their respective boards. As a CPA, you must always continue your education to ensure that you’re up-to-date in upholding your license. #2: Enrolled agents By receiving licensure through the IRS, enrolled agents need to undergo a suitability check and pass the three-part Special Enrollment Examination. After expressing proficiency in federal tax planning, they need to complete around 72 hours of continuing education to routinely maintain their license every three years. In the end, they will be competent to handle different tax responsibilities, including audits, collection issues, and appeals. #3: Attorneys Attorneys receive licensure from state courts, including the state bar. After passing their law degree, attorneys who specialize in Tax Preparer Obligation laws provide services that can coincide with an accountant’s responsibilities, including Tax Preparer Obligation and planning. #4: Annual filing season program participants Preparers who don’t have the credentials above can still build an accounting practice, albeit with certain restrictions. For example, annual filing season program participants include individuals who did not accomplish accounting courses but have ample knowledge of handling basic tax preparation duties. Accomplishing these voluntary sessions allows someone to have limited representation rights. #5: PTIN holders A step below annual filing season participants is general tax return preparers who have a PTIN number. Since they don’t have the appropriate professional credentials, they cannot represent clients during cases with the IRS. However, they can be present for cases regarding returns. Conclusion Taxpayers can determine a preparer’s credentials and qualifications through the IRS’s public directory for the public’s benefit. It contains a searchable and sortable database of accredited tax professionals, including CPAs, attorneys, and even enrolled actuaries with a valid PTIN. This is ultimately why you need to uphold quality services in good faith, regardless of where you got your licensure as a tax preparer. This is why optimizing your accounting processes are crucial to your business. Furthermore, you must equip your business with the necessary tools to keep up with your clients’ demands. Accounting firms have access to digital tax preparation software that can speed up their work output and mitigate human error risk. By embracing automation, you can focus on securing more clients without worrying about overloading your staff! Integrating the latest bookkeeping tools is necessary for accountancy firms to service their clients with an effective business model. We can supplement your business with tax software for preparers to optimize your accounting processes. Try out our free demo today, and find the right subscription package for your business!

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Growing Tax Preparation

Growing Tax Preparation Business – 3 Tools You Need to Invest In

As the dawn of a new year begins, bear in mind that the weight of obligations will be upon countless individuals once more. Quite soon, people will be looking for Growing Tax Preparation services they can trust, meaning that starting and growing a business in the field is a good prospect. There are so many ways to Growing Tax Preparation business, and you can market it all year round to position it as a leading service provider. In doing so, you help taxpayers find the help they need, especially come the ever-dreaded tax season. Growing Tax Preparation a business doesn’t happen overnight, however. It’s not something you can simply think of out of whim, as it requires consistency, a vision, and a solid foundation. All these may sound intimidating, but the right tools are readily available for your perusal—and use! To help you get started, here are three important tools you need to learn. Using this will help you Growing Tax Preparation business, and ultimately, reach the pinnacle of success: Tool #1: Customer service The modern customer is constantly changing, with behaviors and demands dictating the market trend. This holds true even for the world of tax businesses, making customer service a crucial part of your success. Social media platforms are one of the best ways to engage with existing and potential customers, especially social media giants like Facebook and LinkedIn. You’ll be able to interact with countless customers, whether through chat, comments, and even reviews. Engagement is also a telling sign of your reputation, and the number of likes and following can also serve as social proofs of your credibility as a tax business. Any questions and concerns can also be appeased quite easily, ensuring that your customers are happy and satisfied. Tip: Need help trying to figure out customer service? Discover better customer service here. Tool #2: Tax practice software As a business owner, understand that your time is valuable. You’ll be pulled in a hundred different directions, from marketing, employee management, actual tax processes, and even client meetings. Your list of deadlines will be endless, especially when it comes to administrative work that may end up hampering your effectiveness. For this reason, you need to embrace automation, which essentially removes processes that affect your productivity. By investing in a tax software, you’ll be able to automatically obtain client information, manage lists, and even store paperwork for a seamless transaction. Keystone Tax Solutions’ tax software offers the best on the market, saving you time, money, and headache! Tool #3: A strategic website for marketing As a tax business, you will be able to perform better with a website by your side. However, your website must not only be used for information dissemination—it needs to be responsive, easy to use, and aesthetically pleasing. More importantly, however, it needs to contain relevant SEO content that will urge visitors to continue to trust your brand. Your website should essentially be the consolidation of your marketing efforts, a blueprint that contains your social media pages, promotions, and other digital marketing efforts that continue to drive your business. This, however, requires the help of a professional—never hesitate to call for help, such as a professional marketing coach. Make The Most Of Your Tax Business With The Right Partner As you move forward with your tax business journey, bear in mind that you will need time and patience to develop a loyal customer base. You’ll need to put in twice as much effort in growing your business, especially the first few months where you need to build trust and credibility. Once your customers realize what your business can do, however, growth will be continuous. Before you know it, success will be on the horizon. For the best tax preparation services in the USA, Keystone Tax Solutions has you covered. We offer you an innovative professional tax software, designed specifically for tax preparers. Allows us to help you make the most of your business. Get a free demo today!

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Business Marketing Successfully

Tax Preparation Business Marketing Successfully

To start Business Marketing Successfully, you should understand exactly what a bank product is. It’s an offering where your clients are allowed to pay tax preparation fees off of the client’s refunds. This method of refund transfer is going to be convenient for when the client doesn’t immediately have the money that is needed to be paid. In other words, it’s a disbursement option that allows the client to refund their tax from both federal and state agencies. Many benefits come from reimbursement, which is why it has become such a viable Business Marketing Successfully to manage! Here below are a few tips and pointers that could help you improve your tax preparation Business Marketing Successfully: Optimize Your Website Optimizing your website will allow you to gain a larger audience in the online sphere. Aside from having a well-targeted audience, you can also get a higher SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking—meaning that you’re likely to pull in clients who are likely to need your services! Your website must have a decent SEO rank so that your website will show up more often in search results when people research about tax preparers. Use Social Media Social media is considered to be the easiest platform to market whatever it is you are selling, which is mostly because a large population of people often spend their time browsing it. There is an estimate that about 60-70% of the total population of America uses Facebook—and that in itself is an amazing statistic when computed to distinguish your potential traffic! Find Your Target Audience Just like with any other Business Marketing Successfully, a market is poised to find its target audience. What makes it so important is because you have more control over what content you provide, which means that you could adjust it however you want to best fit with your audience. Keeping your audience engaged is how you keep your Business Marketing Successfully—and that can only be done when you know and understand who you are marketing to! Talk about important selling points that you can offer, such as taxation software and the best tax preparation methods. These are sore points that any business would want to have help with! The Benefits Of Tax Preparation You should also know about how your line of work can benefit your clients so that you can have better work performance altogether. Many benefits come with having someone else prepare taxes for them—and here are some of those benefits: One can get an immediate Tax Refund; there’s no more need to wait for long periods! It’s a one time payment only—no further out-of-pocket expenses for the service. A variety of refund options will allow for easy access via check, debit card, and direct deposit. Clients are given better loaning options that depend on the tax refund viable for them. Enforcing these benefits on your client will entice them into buying into your Business Marketing Successfully . It’s also a great way for them to make tax management easier to deal with, so there shouldn’t be any problems regarding the matter. Having a tax software professional is a huge advantage, especially for businesses that are just starting out. Conclusion Things could go a lot smoother for both you and your client if they had their utmost trust in you—which is why it is important that you also build a relationship with them. Keep in mind that if you become a client’s regular, you’re going to spend a lot of time working on their taxes. By continually innovating and expanding your knowledge-base, you can really market your Business Marketing Successully to achieve better success in your field. Are you looking for a reliable and innovative software for tax preparers? The Keystone Tax Solutions provides one of the easiest ways for tax preparers to get their affairs in order. Handle multiple clients at ease and stay on top of your work as your business grows with our help! Sign up for a free demonstration today.

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Busy Tax Season

3 Smart Tips for Working With Clients During Busy Tax Season

When running a tax preparation business, it’s not uncommon for you to encounter clients who procrastinate. What’s worse is that every time Busy Tax Season comes around, you often find your team in a sea of shoeboxes of receipts. On that note, it pays to remember that procrastinating clients can bring problems to your firm. Accommodating their needs and requests can stretch your manpower too thin and cost you money. On top of that, some clients can also be quite demanding. They send in their documents the last minute, expecting you to miraculously sort everything out in a day. Fortunately, there are techniques you can employ to manage such clients wisely and make it through the Busy Tax Season well. On that note, here are three smart tips worth following to work with your customers efficiently during such eventful times: #1: Use a Professional Tax Preparation Software One of the most straightforward ways to make your job easier is to leverage the technology available today. Most tax software programs come with tax organizers and online client portals. Educating your clients on how to use these can greatly improve your workflow. Such tools let them log in and upload their documents easily. Moreover, it lets both of you keep all files in one convenient and accessible place. Ultimately, this helps your clients develop better tax prep habits. This means less stress and improved efficiency for you! #2: Enforce Deadlines and Boundaries Even before Busy Tax Season comes around, you must be upfront about your tax preparation timetable. It pays to let your clients know how much time is needed to complete their tax returns. This gives them an idea of when they need to get their documents ready. Aside from this, you must also set and enforce boundaries as to how your clients must treat you and your staff. If a conflict arises, your first response must be to maintain a respectful attitude while determining the issue. However, you should not allow your customers to become abusive with you or anyone in your team. If you have clients who have become problematic for your firm, do not be afraid to turn them down. You may refer them to another firm instead. #3: Strive to Create a Balanced Schedule The Busy Tax Season will surely keep your whole team busy. In some cases, it may also require you to extend your working hours to get things done. With that said, you have to plan your work hours carefully. First, it’s a good idea to assign a time for working and a time for facing clients. Aside from that, you must be mindful of the times your team has been working overtime. Creating a balanced schedule ensures that you and your associates will not be pushed excessively past the normal work hours. Conclusion Busy Tax Season will be inevitably busy every year. This is especially true if a lot of your clients have become accustomed to procrastination. Fortunately, there are strategies you can employ to help them create better tax prep habits. Particularly, following the tips mentioned above can help you achieve a smoother and more efficient collaboration with them. Are you searching for professional tax preparation software to improve your firm’s workflow? Look no further than Keystone Tax Solutions! Our online software has all the tools you need to grow your tax business. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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Support Tax Preparation

3 Solutions That Will Help Support Tax Preparation Clients

With another Support Tax Preparation season on the horizon and more businesses clamoring to stay on top of their finances, tax preparers now have the responsibility to serve all clients’ needs. After last year’s downfall with the COVID-19 pandemic and its constant shifts to the financial Support Tax Preparation landscape, this year’s filing season is expected to return in a more normal fashion. As a professional Support Tax Preparation practice that’s learning to adapt, you’re probably anticipating both changes and semblances of normalcy in your operations. Compared to the previous year, which was segmented in terms of the rigorous standards that were in place, no delays will be accommodated, and no drastic changes will be made for the 2021 tax season. Given that government bodies have managed to adapt and enforce remote working systems, a full season lies ahead where your clients will need to source your services the most. However, there’s just one concern that you may have regarding the whole idea of serving your clients as you enter a new season with fewer limitations: how do you Support Tax Preparation them virtually? Factors to consider when supporting clients virtually during the tax season With the digital migration in full swing for all industries and businesses, it is not a surprise that the Support Tax Preparation industry is no exception. The main idea that any preparing practice needs to take away from all this is that there are many opportunities to use digitization well enough to Support Tax Preparation clients virtually. As social distancing guidelines remain in place, your firm has the growing responsibility of making sure that everything runs smoothly for your clients as they prepare their taxes. Fortunately, you won’t need to put yourself in a difficult situation of trial-and-error when supporting your clients because investing in these solutions can help: #1: A client portal With most, if not all, of your clients being forced to remain indoors and hold off in-person meetings, it’s critical to have all the information they need accessible through the internet. This is where a client portal comes into the picture. With this solution, you will have a safe and secure way to share digital documents so that your patrons can stay up-to-date on the figures and data they need to worry about. Apart from knowing critical data, a portal will help immensely with supporting your clients’ needs because it also allows them to make appointments and payments, making management experiences easier! #2: A dependable website Seeing that a growing number of American business owners are looking for Support Tax Preparation agencies to partner up with, you must prepare your website so that potential clients can find you first. Through a well-developed and maintained site, you can help bring your business’s value to the table and convince potential customers to let you handle their tax prep-related needs! #3: Tax preparation software During tough times like these, it is safe to say that you may not have all the time in the world to prepare your clients’ finances as you usually can because of all the tasks that are on your plate. Thankfully, letting Support Tax Preparation software—such as those provided by Keystone Tax Solutions—take over the manual work will leave you with more time to best cater to other pressing matters! Conclusion Right now, it is safe to say that handling your clients’ needs for this incoming tax season may be a bit of a challenge because of the digital transition taking place and extra details that need to be considered. Thankfully, using the three solutions mentioned above will greatly help with supporting your clients well enough to keep them satisfied throughout the season and more than happy with the results! With tax season around the corner, it helps to have the best professional tax preparers software to help you support your customers as they partake in the digital switch. If you want to learn more about how our top-level solutions can help with your tax preparation business, get in touch with us today!

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Meeting With Clients

5 Tips to Have a Successful Online Meeting With Clients

The COVID-19 pandemic has gone on longer than most people anticipated, which means that most professionals have attended or hosted a slew of online Meeting With Clients that may or may not have gone so well. Now that viable vaccines are in the pipeline, an end to virtual Meeting With Clients may be in sight, but not for many more months. With the world almost unanimously shifting to a new normal, working remotely and avoiding face-to-face discussions are likely to become the standard, which means it will remain imperative to brush up on your video call etiquette. While professional tax preparers software has lightened the task of calculating your clients’ taxes, you’ll still need to keep them updated on any important developments. Staying connected to your clients at this time is essential, especially as business activities picking back up across the country. Here are five tips to help you out: #1: Pay Attention The phenomenon of endless Zoom calls during the pandemic has made headlines for the many mishaps and funny moments during such an unprecedented time. However, you’ve probably heard of disastrous or dull Meeting With Clients where the other participants were staring down at their phones or were visibly distracted. Although some people cannot take their calls in peace because they share their residence with many other people or have young kids, it is still essential to pay attention and stay engaged throughout the meeting. Giving your client your full attention will assure them that you’re giving your 100 percent to all their needs, demonstrating your dedication to your role. They’ll definitely appreciate your attentiveness, so be sure to have the correct body language that makes it clear you’re hanging on to every word they’re saying. #2: Prepare a Professional Setup Having online Meeting With Clients at home means you’re vulnerable to many distractions that can interrupt the call. Barking dogs, neighboring construction, or hyperactive children can sometimes become the main attraction, which can often hamper the effectiveness of the call. Before your Meeting With Clients, ensure to eliminate as many of these distractions as possible. Be sure to prepare proper lighting in your work area so that your client can see you clearly. Put lighting in front of you or over your setup, although if you can take advantage of natural lighting, that would be even better. Be sure to dress appropriately like you were meeting in person as well. #3: Act Like You’re Meeting In-Person Even though you’re conducting the Meeting With Clients at home, it doesn’t mean you can do away with the professionalism of in-office meetings. Behave like you’re still meeting in their office or yours and use the same formal language and mannerisms you usually would. Not only would they appreciate it, but it would also instill a sense of normalcy in an incredibly unpredictable time. #4: Show Up Early Online meetings are much easier to attend than in-person ones because there’s no traffic—vehicular or elevator—to contend with, but it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to show up late. Log into your meeting early so that you can organize your notes, verify the stability of your Internet connection, and ensure you have the right meeting link and credentials. It will also demonstrate to your client that you’re remaining professional and appropriate throughout your meetings, mainly as you discuss something as important as their taxes. #5: Use the Mute Button When Necessary Sometimes, you can’t control the noise around you, no matter how hard you try. If your atmosphere contains a few distracting background noises, be sure to use the mute feature when you’re done talking. That way, you can hear your client clearly even amidst the noise of the vacuum cleaner, the food processor, or any TV shows your household is watching. Wearing earphones or headphones will also help cut out the noise and focus on what your client is saying. Your client is sure to appreciate the extra gesture and consideration. Conclusion While the pandemic has forced people to stay home to stem the virus’ spread, people have found ways to remain productive and keep businesses going to support the economy through online meetings. In fact, they’ve often been called the lifeblood of many companies, as these virtual discussions have allowed businesses to stay afloat even during the most unpredictable times. By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll enjoy productive and successful online meetings with your clients. Keystone Tax Solutions provides the best professional tax software for those who take care of their clients’ taxes. It’s easy to use, designed to grow your tax business, and comes with unlimited customer support. Contact us today for a free, fully working demo!

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Career Tax Professional

Grow and Improve Your Career Tax Professional

Building a Career Tax Professional takes time and effort. When it comes to becoming a tax preparer, how will you get people to trust you to prepare their taxes? Your first clients will be your close family and friends. You will need to use marketing to branch out and find more clients. Here are a few tools you should invest in to entice more people to book your services! How to Grow Your Career Tax Professional The preparation of taxes may look confusing to the untrained eye, but a Career Tax Professional should be able to prepare all these statements and papers with ease. If you are looking to grow as a Career Tax Professional, here are some tips to help you reach this goal. #1: Invest in Certificates Certificates will show your expertise in your profession. It will show that you took the proper training and education to make you a trusted professional to perform the job well. Having certificates that show that you are a Certified Public Accountant and as an Enrolled Agent are the two certificates that hold the most weight when it comes to the accounting profession and industry. #2: Establish Yourself in the Industry It pays to get established in the tax industry. As you gain experience, knowledge, and a wider client base, it pays to get involved in activities and groups relevant to your chosen profession. Joining tax associations will widen your network and help you meet people who will help you gain a foothold in the industry. #3: Use Reviews to Your Advantage When people are in doubt about the integrity of a business or Career Tax Professional, they usually rely on online reviews to check if the person or business is worth working with or not. Since people trust this system, it is good to encourage your clients to post reviews about their experiences with you. When other potential clients read these reviews, it will show them that your client base is satisfied with the services you provide, and it will entice them to become your client as well. #4: Be Seen as a Knowledgeable Source Being seen on social media as a reliable source of information will add to your credibility as a Career Tax Professional. Posting updates on your professional social media accounts or starting a blog showing your vast knowledge about the industry will allow your potential clients to see that you know what you are talking about and that they will benefit from hiring you to do their taxes for them. Conclusion Establishing yourself as a Career Tax Professional may take time and effort, but it will pay off in the long run. The tips mentioned above will help you penetrate the job market and land more and more clients as a tax preparer. It may seem difficult at first, but then once you start gathering the resources you need to succeed, you will find that more and more clients will be coming to you to take advantage of your services. If you are looking to upgrade your career as a tax professional, Keystone Tax Solutions has what you need. We offer professional tax software that will help you perform your job well. Give us a call today to get a hold of Keystone tax software!

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Success Tax Entrepreneur

Start 2021 With Success Tax Entrepreneur

A brand new year signals a fresh start for every Success Tax Entrepreneur, offering the golden opportunity to create healthy habits, achievable resolutions, and exciting new goals. However, a new year also comes with a long list of tasks, especially for tax professionals. It means you’re getting closer to the start of tax season, which is when you’ll be at your busiest. Fortunately, there are many ways to make this process easier. Here are six tips to start the year right and prepare you for what’s to come: #1: Set Feasible Goals The only way you can measure Success Tax Entrepreneur is to set parameters for them, so make sure you set your goals for 2021 and the ways you can track them! If you don’t know where to start, ask yourself what you’d like to accomplish this year in terms of your financial goals. You can also look at your practice and determine how you’d like to improve this year, whether it’s increasing efficiency by hiring more people or looking into buying professional tax software. Working on your goals together with your staff will make sure you’re all on the same page for next year, keeping you on track for growth. However, make sure that your goals are feasible and realistic. Once you’ve created a list of goals, develop a plan of action to help you achieve them. The more detailed you are, the better! #2: Review Your Marketing Strategy The new year means that the start of tax season is right around the corner, so you’ll need to revisit and refine your marketing strategy. Check your content plan and make sure you’re putting out enough to attract new clients. You’ll also want to review your marketing campaigns for relevance and refresh them as needed. As you gear up for the next year, you’ll have the opportunity to fine tune your marketing strategy to perfection. #3: Reach Out to Your Clients While filing season doesn’t start until the end of January, you’ll want your clients to remember you well before then. Start by reaching out to them, so they’re encouraged to make appointments with you. You can also start collecting the required documents and organizing their books to enjoy a smoother filing process. You can even offer a special deal if your clients book with you early, guaranteeing you plenty of business when you ring in the new year! #4: Get in Touch With Your Mentors You may be a Success Tax Entrepreneur professional, but there’s always room to learn. The start of a new year is also the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your mentor and find out what they did over the past year and the holidays, inspiring you to explore new paths. You’ll also get some clarity and insight into your business, which can help you pivot it in the right direction. #5: Brush Up on Industry Trends There’s no better way to welcome 2021 than by being prepared for industry trends and new laws, so use this chance to read up on trends and changes in regulation. That way, you can warn your clients and give them ample time to make any adjustments. Trust us—your clients will be grateful for the heads up. #6: Look Back at This Year’s Performance Many people focus on future planning when celebrating the new year, but it’s just as important to look back and celebrate your successes and achievements. It helps you feel grateful for all that you’ve accomplished despite an incredibly eventful and devastating year. Gratitude is an essential part of Success Tax Entrepreneur, so take the time to appreciate all you’ve done with your staff. Conclusion Everyone is hoping 2021 will be a much better year than 2020, and there’s no better way to start the year optimistically than practicing these six tips. That way, you’ll enjoy a fresh, exciting start in your business and gear up for a prosperous new year. Keystone Tax Solutions is award-winning tax software for preparers, offering everything you need to succeed: 100 percent cloud-based technology, a document manager, low fees, electronic or remote signatures, and many more. Get a free demo to try out our software today!

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Tax Bank Products

Your Clients Can Benefit Tax Bank Products

Being without a Tax Bank Product account may seem unimaginable to some people, but it is the reality of 7.1 million Americans, according to the FDIC. This has several implications for you, as a tax preparer, and your clients—the foremost being that some clients might have ways of getting their tax refund. This process is also difficult because it does not guarantee secure payment for your services! Finding ways for your clients to access their income tax refunds in a timely and reliable manner is imperative, and it actually can be accomplished with tax-related bank products, such as tax-return software. All About Tax Bank Products Even if any of your clients don’t have accounts, it still shouldn’t hinder them from accessing tax preparation and refund services. Tax bank products are useful in this case, as they are financial products developed specifically for the receiving of tax preparation and refund services. Tax bank products can offer refunds in several ways, such as through electronic fund deposits and prepaid debit cards. Clients are then given access to your services, after which the fees are deducted from their refund so that they won’t need to worry about paying you upfront! Offering a Tax Bank Product to Your Clients Using the right software for tax preparation to provide tax bank products to your clients begins with applying to be an authorized e-file provider. From here, you can choose the bank products that are appropriate for your business and apply with one or more banks. You then wait for approval before you can begin processing different transactions. Some Advantages to Offering a Tax Bank Product Tax bank products are not only easier for you, but they are also beneficial for the average taxpayer, who can now avail of your services without having to provide out-of-pocket payment. This makes your business more accessible, as clients can easily have their taxes prepared without owing anything upfront. E-filing and fund transfers also ensure a fast tax refund receipt while the options for receiving the refund are flexible. Some choices are direct deposit, through a check, or debit card. Clients will also have access to their loans based on the amount they receive for the refund. Your client may also opt to receive part of their refund as an advance, though this is dependent on the amount of the refund. Refund advances are non-recourse loans that can be used from the taxpayer’s refund. When the bank receives the refund, it repays the loan and its fees, your fees, and returns the rest to your client. You may offer refund advances depending on the bank that you work with! For benefits on the tax preparer’s end, tax bank products guarantee that payment is automatically received for your services rather than risking running after people to cough up your fees. You’ll also attract more clients who may prefer to pay for services this way, thus growing your customer base. Your competition may not be using the same software, which gives you a competitive advantage, thus increasing your value to potential customers. Take full advantage of bank products and set yourself apart from competitors by advertising how you can help potential clients. Highlight your ability to help them get refunds more quickly without the dreaded upfront costs. Conclusion People who struggle with accessing banks to open or maintain an account for themselves can still get their taxes done with your services. By offering an easy way to transact with your business and ensuring you receive your service fees on time, you’re ultimately making it possible for all parties to benefit. Tax bank products have a whole host of benefits, all of which can ensure people get their tax refunds and can grow your bottom line and business. Are you looking for the best professional tax software that you can use to boost your business’ processes? Here at Keystone Tax Solutions, we offer our customers a unique solution to start and grow their tax businesses in a fun, affordable, and easy manner. Connect with us today and let us help you uplift your tax preparation business!

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Bank Products Tax

Bank Products Tax Preparation Firm’s Guide

Today, Bank Products Tax like loans, hedging agreements, credit accounts, controlled disbursements, and funds transfers provide individuals and businesses with a more convenient way to fund, save, spend, and otherwise handle their finances. Often, these products land on the desks of American businesses, presented as the solution to all of their problems. However, the problem with choosing (or not choosing) a Bank Product Tax is that many entrepreneurs and business owners lack the knowledge to make a sound decision as to whether or not they will provide value. With our basic guide, you won’t have to miss out on the potential benefits of the right Bank Product Tax. Here is what you should know: When does the opportunity to use a bank product typically come in? There are certain Bank Products Tax presented as a way for businesses to better handle customer refunds. Let’s say, for example, that a customer receives a faulty product or a service that isn’t up to spec. To maintain a good reputation and turn your customer’s poor experience to a positive one, you can provide your customer with the option to receive a refund. Should they accept, your business can then pay the corresponding fees before the IRS sends the money owed to a customer directly to a refund settlement bank. By the time the request is punched in through the IRS system and processed by the necessary representatives, the bank whose products are being used will disburse the fees to you and the remainder to your client! How is a Bank Product Tax system applicable for tax preparers? Bank products are a beneficial option for service providers to consider because they allow them to provide their clients with the opportunity to choose their refund method of preference. When a Bank Product Tax system is in place, you can help your client choose the type of refund vehicle that they can use to receive due compensation. Whether it’s in the form of a direct deposit, prepaid card, or a check, any choice that your client makes will subsequently affect the computation for their taxes and open up other refund transfer and refund advance options. Compared to refund transfers, Bank Products Tax incur specific or set bank fees and software fees that will be deducted from the refundable amount. Despite the fees in place, it is worth noting that opting for the product or financial solution in question makes for a more convenient experience because of the streamlined systems used. What do you and your clients get out of offered bank products? Understanding the overall value of using bank products for your tax preparation practice’s clients, for the most part, offers a wide range of different benefits and advantages that are worth considering. Here are some of the most significant advantages of bank products for a tax preparation firm: Benefit #1: Investing in bank product systems gives you a competitive edge A primary benefit of providing your clients with the opportunity to use bank products is that it gives your firm a competitive edge that will serve it well in the long run. Compared to other firms that make it quite difficult for their clients to process refunds on the tax side of things, bank products make it a whole lot easier to attract old and new clients while retaining current ones. The competitive advantage in question stems from the fact that these products help attract new clients because of the additional service offerings that come into play! Benefit #2: Easier client servicing Another key reason you should go ahead and start providing bank products for your practice’s clients is that it helps with taking pressure off of clients by eliminating out-of-pocket costs. Instead of incurring additional costly hurdles and delays that are often associated with refunds (and the tax preparation processes which come after), the products can drastically cut the time it takes to deliver a solution. Benefit #3: You can receive fees directly from a client’s refund At Keystone Tax Solution, we believe that bank products are some of the best offerings that our clients can invest in because they offer a much more convenient tax and non-tax experience with collecting refunds. What most of our clients don’t realize, however, is that choosing the tools in question makes it a whole lot easier to also collect their corresponding fees from their refunds! Conclusion For any kind of tax preparation business, dealing with refunds that clients need to process and take care of can make for a resulting experience that’s as complicated as they come. Thankfully, it is in situations or conditions like these where bank products can come into play and ease up the whole experience at hand without much complications or unnecessary hurdles! If you’re looking for a tax preparation business that can help your business navigate the factors that need to be dealt with during the 2021 filing season, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with our team of experts today to learn more about how we can help you!

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Millennials Tax Resolutions

Best Bet For Millennials Tax Resolutions

Millennials Tax Resolutions are tech-savvy and strive to be more financially literate than generations before them. As the largest population of the workforce that pays taxes in the United States, millennials contribute much to how American society is transforming how they spend money! Given the complexity of the financial issues that Millennials Tax Resolutions face today, especially compared to their predecessors, firms and tax preparation businesses can target them as valuable clients to work with and find solutions for. Understanding the concerns of Millennials Tax Resolutions is crucial to providing them with excellent services given their context. Failing to do so may affect your credibility and risk losing the patronage of some excellent clients that are here to stay. Here are some of the tax-related issues and concerns that millennials are facing today: They Are In The Middle Of A Transition Many Millennials Tax Resolutions are in the stages of their life where they are transitioning into adulthood and full independence. Understanding what their parents have done in the past regarding taxes may not be so familiar to this generation—especially since the current tax law allows parents to claim dependents until twenty-four years of age! Although Millennials Tax Resolutions are trying to be more financially independent, preparing their own taxes might seem like a completely foreign task. Professional tax preparation software can help in this regard, especially for tax preparers figuring out a millennial individual’s tax return. Since you’re addressing their needs via tax resolution services, it’s a great opportunity to start building a life-long partnership with you. Millennials Have Embraced The Freelance Economy What’s a millennial without working a freelance gig on top of their full-time job? Many millennials are attracted to the freedom of freelance work and the power to earn extra income on the side. They are the generation that comprises almost half of the gig economy, with estimates expected to grow in the near future. While this can help many Millennials Tax Resolutions pay their bills and afford their rent, there are tax repercussions for working solely in the gig economy. Freelancing is essentially contractual work, and in this type of employer-employee relationship, the company is not obligated to withhold taxes for you. Those working freelance might not realize that they need to pay quarterly taxes and self-employment tax, too. Working with tax preparers with the right systems can help millennials prepare for tax obligations that they may have missed out on. IRS Notices Are Not Likely To Reach Millennials The IRS typically sends notices out via mail, which millennials don’t depend on anymore. People in this demographic tend not to live in permanent addresses as renting tends to be the more popular choice. It can be terrifying to have a tax problem that has grown to large proportions by the time the IRS catches up with you—so, in this sense, tax resolution experts are of great value to millennials! Conclusion Though they live life with more flexibility in terms of jobs, homes, and technology, millennials are still very dependent on tax experts to help them navigate through a difficult world of finances and taxes. This demographic faces more challenges than previous generations did with the complicated problems of the world they find themselves in. Having to deal with tax-related and financial burdens is just another thing to add to their plate! By being ready with these expectations and the right tax software for preparers, your business can effectively and efficiently position itself to work with millennials for a partnership that will continue long into the future. Are you looking for more advice and help on managing a tax preparation business? Here at Keystone Tax Solutions, we offer clients who are starting their own tax businesses affordable, fun, and innovative products that will allow them to scale and grow. Contact us today to get a free demo on the best tax preparation software that we offer!

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World Tax Preparers

Succeeding In The Online World Tax Preparers

Running a tax preparation business requires grit, patience, and skill, but as a business, you need more than just talent to succeed. In the modern World Tax Preparers, running a business also means being well-versed with the times, especially when it comes to marketing. In other words, you’ll want to invest in digital strategies that can help you win more clients and keep a steady business flow. World Tax Preparers, however, can feel somewhat lost and overwhelmed when it comes to coming up with digital marketing campaigns and strategies. The concept of taxes has garnered a rather sordid reputation, after all, but the beauty of the digital World Tax Preparers relies on personality and aesthetics. You’ll ultimately come up with a way to package taxation is a stunning piece, one that will attract prospects. Learning how to properly use the digital tools can take time, but using it as your number one tool makes for an effective and cost-efficient investment, one that will help you get the success you need. An effective online presence allows you to generate leads, build rapport, and establish yourself as an industry leader. Here’s how: Create and share valuable content People turn to the online World Tax Preparers to learn, research, and essentially look for supporting details for their purchase decisions. You’ll want to use your online platforms as a channel of content creation, so come up with valuable blog articles for your prospects to enjoy. Creating an article on World Tax Preparers season preparation, for instance, hits two birds with one stone—you address a pain point and provide a solution, which also subtly hints at how your company can help them. Other content, such as deadline noticed, fast facts, and infographics can help, too. Posting your stand on World Tax Preparers evasion and other issues can also help you become an industry leader, but never hesitate to dive into aesthetics. Posting eye-catching visual content will help further establish your credibility—when it comes to content, the more diverse, the better! Target the most valuable prospects As a tax preparation business, you’ll want to look for the right prospects. Looking for people with an immediate need, for instance, can help you gain better and valuable prospects. Simply scouring the internet for tax queries and questions can help you find the right people, so simply connect with them. You also have the option of finding clients like your existing pools, which can be done through gathering emails and looking through your LinkedIn connections. By doing so, you’ll not only gain new clients but ones that can potentially convert into loyal customers—for your business nature, that’s more valuable than a horde of unsure prospects. Get creative through video marketing Graphics posts and text-based content are more than welcome, but video posts garner more attention. Posting live videos on your social media channels, for instance, allows you to enjoy a steady amount of newsfeed time. This enables better exposure, which can ultimately lead to comments, likes, and other forms of engagement. Although video marketing may seem unconventional for World Tax Preparers, the biggest hurdle to this creative pursuit is to simply place your brand out there. It’s the closest thing to face-to-face experiences and interactions, saving your firm time usually spent on networking meetings. Working With The Right Tools To Ensure Success When it comes to the digital landscape, patience leads to results. Keep in mind that your campaigns cannot guarantee you overnight success—it’s a long-term game, one that will require your skill, determination, and complete dedication. Your first several months will likely be unfruitful, but the key to gathering a following and engagement is to simply let it build. Coupled with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to success—your efforts will pay off. To help you further your ventures, why not support your digital marketing campaigns with the best professional tax software in the USA? In the modern world, it’s all about trusting in the right tools. Keystone Tax Solutions offers you the chance to grow and manage your business better, all with the help of our innovative platform. Book a free demo today!

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Tax Prep Business

Before You Set Up Your Tax Prep Business – 3 Things to Know

We’re now in the age of entrepreneurship when almost anyone can be their own boss by running their own Tax Prep Business. With the accessibility gaining a broader audience reach through online platforms, startups can build stronger local and international followings. Although setting up a company may seem easier, that doesn’t mean that the hurdle of managing books and accounting is any simpler. In fact, the regulations for online Tax Prep Businesses can be trickier for people who want to dabble in eCommerce. This is why the demand for tax preparers is incredibly high for this niche of upstart business owners. Starting your accountancy firm: starting from the ground up The service of assisting other Tax Prep Business owners with their accounting is an advantage to startup and growing businesses. As a business-to-business (B2B) firm, your goal of handling another company’s finances has its own sets of difficulties. For example, you’ll need to ensure that your time management shouldn’t go awry even with a growing influx of clients. Most firms, especially accountancy companies, utilize digital tools to optimize their Tax Prep Business processes. Besides innovating your workspace, you should also consider thinking about the long-term practices you should maintain. If you want to service your clients well, here are three things you should know before you set up a tax prep business: #1: Establish your business entity Before you set up your Pax preparation Business, you should establish what business model and entity you want to be known as. You can either be a corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, or a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). Defining this before you receive your clients will determine the scope and limitation of your obligations to your clients. You’ll need to fill up all the standard checklist of your firm’s needs, such as market planning, marketing expenses, and offered services. Identifying how these will affect your Tax Prep Business’ plan must always coincide with your chosen business’ entity. However, you can change the kind of entity you want to be, depending on your company’s growth. It could depend on your growing clientele or the specialization of your growing staff. #2: Reinforce your risk prevention policies Managing risk is necessary for any Tax Prep Business, especially for establishments processing sensitive personal information. Tax preparation is a rigorous process of handling different clients in various industries. Even if you stick to a particular sector for your client base, you’ll still need to ensure that your operations have the necessary security measures in place. Creating a data breach policy is more important nowadays, with the dangers of dealing with online transactions and engagements. These preventative measures must include procedures to increase your general cybersecurity and reinforce your authorization and authentication processes. Streamline a workplace process that’s accessible and safe to your staff and clients while handling their data. Ensure to update these security protocols regularly or when necessary. #3: Consider your base of operationse Ideally, it’s best to choose an option that matches your preferred target demographic. It may be more beneficial to set up an on-site office if you want to cater to local business owners. In contrast, you may save up on expenses if you choose to work in remote conditions to reach a broader demographic exclusively. Regardless of what you choose for now, having an office where you can coordinate with your staff on-site will become necessary once you start expanding your operation. Conclusion Maintaining a B2B company is a matter of curating long-lasting relationships with your clients. This is why you should have a clear idea of what your company can and can’t handle. It’s best to upgrade your systems with digital tools to take advantage of streamlined and automated processes for your operations. Doing so will increase your business’s efficiency and create quality output for your clients. Using modern bookkeeping tools is necessary for accountancy firms to service their clients with a consistent and effective business model. We provide tax software for preparers to ensure optimized data collection and documentation. Try out our free demo and find the right software subscription package for you!

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Return Identity Theft

3 Tips to Protect Your Clients from Tax Return Identity Theft

Tax season will be here again in just a few months. One of the most common tax-related crimes during this season is tax Return Identity Theft. It happens when someone steals your personal information to file a tax return and claim a fake refund. As a tax preparer, the safety of your clients’ information and Return Identity Theft lies in your hands. If you do not want your clients to fall victim to tax Return Identity Theft, here are some tips on how you can avoid it. #1: Make sure that your computer is protected If you keep all the necessary client information on your computer, you need to ensure tight security and protection. Make sure you use your firewall and have updated anti-virus software. Many hackers nowadays will do whatever they can to steal information and sell it to other parties. If you do not want to compromise your client information or your company’s reputation, make sure to invest in a reliable program to fight off any malware attack. Hackers are experts when it comes to identifying people’s passwords. Never save passwords on your computer, and make sure that your password is strong, unique, and changed regularly. If you are considering selling or donating your computer, make sure to wipe the drive completely so that no one will have access to your old files. You should also consider destroying your hard drive and installing a new one before turning your computer over to someone else. #2: Keep all the information private It is not only through computers and the internet that cyber thieves attack. They can also track down your phone calls or text messages, and even your mail. To prevent any information leakage, make sure that you only discuss sensitive information in person. Do not leave traceable evidence of your exchanges on your computer. Phishing is a popular way scammers steal sensitive information. They pretend to be a trustworthy bank or financial institution, or even your family member, to ask for your personal information or lead you to click on untrusted links. Ensure you know who you are talking to or verify whether the message you receive is legitimate before taking any further action. Unless you are sure of who you are talking to, never give away any vital information. #3: Shred documents containing critical information One more way a thief can steal your information is by looking into your records. This is a critical concern, especially for a tax preparation company that keeps track of hundreds of documents inside the office. Anyone who has access to these files can immediately take advantage of them. Unless you can keep them guarded, you should shred bank documents or tax documents that you no longer need to save. Conclusion Your clients have entrusted their personal information to your company, and you should do your part in ensuring that their trust will not be put to waste. Start by implementing these three crucial tips. If things go out of control, make sure to inform your clients immediately. They should be among the first people to know about any such situation. Make tax preparation more manageable for you with the help of the cutting edge software for tax preparers. Keystone Tax Solutions developed this program to help you increase the accuracy and lessen the complexity you have to go through when preparing your client’s taxes. Contact us for more information.

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Preparation Tax Software

3 Advantages of Using Tax Preparations Software

Given the limited budget that small businesses have to work with, most of them spend a significant amount of time handling their federal Tax Preparations Software. However, given the constant tax law changes, it can be difficult for entrepreneurs to stay on track financially while focusing on their business’s day-to-day operations. Luckily, that’s where professional tax preparers come in, as you have the knowledge and expertise to keep up with the changing times. With professional Tax Preparations Software, you can save both you and your client plenty of time, money, and effort. Here are three advantages of using Tax Preparations Software: It Simplifies the Math Thanks to advancements in modern technology, there is now an abundance of software and online tools to speed up your Tax Preparations software process. By adopting technology into your practice, you can simplify any complicated math that comes your way, making the process of calculating deductions and credit even easier. Doing all of this by hand is incredibly tedious and time-consuming, as you’ll have to use a spreadsheet or a calculator to come up with the numbers. However, tax software for preparers does all the legwork for you while ensuring accurate calculations. That way, you can be confident in the taxes you prepare for your clients, ensuring that they’re up to date. It Reduces Risks of Human Error While it’s human nature to make mistakes, these errors can be very costly—primarily when found in Tax Preparations Software. Any missed digit or number can create all kinds of problems for you and your client, ranging from compliance to making critical financial decisions. There is usually a more considerable margin of error when completing tax returns manually, along with the added responsibility of ensuring that the information filled out is precise and organized. Given the larger amounts of information present in tax returns, it can be challenging to comb through every detail and make sure that everything is correct. It can be quite taxing—pun intended—to pore over numbers to catch any typos or any mistakenly calculated amounts. Luckily, with professional Tax Preparations Software, this isn’t necessary. Since it’s automated, it automatically completes all the calculations for you. It also automatically fills out any unique forms with your verified personal information, allowing it to complete remote signatures and offer paperless office capabilities. It Saves Time Professional Tax Preparations Software comes with an incredible number of features that can make your work simple and straightforward. Our tax software, in particular, comes with unlimited software training, a quick tax estimator, web reporting, audit protection, and many more. You no longer have to manually source these, as the software essentially serves as your one-stop-shop for all your Tax Preparations needs. As a result, you save hours upon hours. If you use the same tax preparations software every year, you won’t have to input you or your client’s personal information each time, which also lowers the risk of errors or typos in tax forms. With tax software, you’ll enjoy a less stressful experience in preparing taxes for other people. Conclusion Dealing with any missed calculations or errors in tax preparations is nerve-wracking, mainly when it implies expensive consequences for you or your client. Fortunately, by using tax software, you won’t have to worry about inaccuracies or missed information. The software will do all the complicated calculations for you, allowing you to rest easy and feel confident about your work. Keystone Tax Solutions offers professional tax preparation software to tax preparers, making the process easier. Designed for small and large tax offices, it includes all 1040, Sch C, and state. With an incredible amount of features, you’ll have everything you need to grow your tax business. Contact us today to learn more about our software!

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Tax Preparation Practice

Tax Preparation Practice Plan for Growth 2 Tips to Consider

With 658,267 active certified public accountants (CPA) and a nine-billion dollar market, the American Tax Preparation Practice industry is undoubtedly the biggest and most active it’s ever been. As the number of businesses needing help with their financial processes continues to grow, so does the demand for quality service providers that are capable of making a world of difference with their expertise. For Tax Preparation Practices, times like these (even amid COVID-19) yield a critical opportunity to grow and scale one’s operations for ahigher chances of profitnd bigger market shares. If you’ve been running a practice for a while now, you’re probably no stranger to the fact that your services and expertise are more valuable for businesses of all kinds now than ever. However, it’s also worth noting that the same reality applies to tens of thousands of other practices that offer the same services you do, which means growth and profit don’t come so easily. The challenge of growing a successful Tax Preparation Practice At this point, you’re most likely going over the current state of your Tax Preparation Practice and wondering how you can combat the high competition level and burnout rates along the path towards growth. Compared to the olden days of Tax Preparation Practice, where growth could be best remedied by adding more clients into the equation, raking in more opportunities must be approached in a more strategic manner today. Over time, you’ll quickly realize that looking into the details of growing your Tax Preparation Practice can help considerably with attaining remarkable results. Fortunately, you won’t have to get confused with all the different details because we’ve got you covered with this guide on all you need to know about growing a successful practice: Tip #1: Pay attention to the way you market your practice Seeing that more customers and clients are relying on the Internet to keep themselves up to date with all the information they need to know, it’s safe to say that the web bears the best chance of more leads. Although there are a handful of accounting firms that are trying to adapt to the wave of digital change that’s coming about, the reality is that not enough of them are aware of the difference that social media makes. However, marketing isn’t a strong suit for most CPAs because they don’t have as much experience or training as they should in this area. Thankfully, if you don’t have the necessary resources or skills to build your firm’s marketing efforts to stand out from the firms around you, there’s no need to worry because you can always outsource! Tip #2: Invest in digital means Aside from the greater need for a social media presence, today’s technological age has affected any Tax Preparation Practice shot at success because of the many opportunities for efficiency. Thanks to the abundance of different tools that are made available to all firms today, CPAs no longer need to spend a chunk of their working hours on minor matters that bear opportunity costs. This is because Keystone Tax Solutions’ professional tax software will allow you to save more time on smaller tasks so that you can shift your focus to opportunities for growth! Conclusion It is critical for any tax preparation practice to ensure that every opportunity for growth is taken because of how competitive the industry itself can get and how common burnout genuinely is. With the help of the two tips mentioned above, you can best prepare your firm for a future of success without running into unwanted hurdles or costly trial-and-error periods! If you’re looking for a tax preparation business that can help your business navigate the factors that need to be dealt with during the 2021 filing season, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with our team of experts today to learn more about how we can help you!

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Home Based Tax

3 Reasons You Should Start a Home Based Tax Company

Of all the individuals taking part in the business world, those who are self-employed enjoy the most significant benefits. Not only are they able to run independent businesses, but they are also free to make decisions on their own and be their boss, which is especially true for Home Based Tax businesses. That being said, one of the most lucrative industries you can start a new business in is the tax industry. There are many reasons for this. For example, you can earn more money per hour compared to other careers, and you can start the job at home. To tell you exactly why you should start a new Home Based Tax business in the tax industry, we will go over all the benefits of doing so: 1. Potentially make a lot of money Starting a Home Based Tax business will involve minimal costs. The most significant benefit to this is that you will not have to push your prices too high and still make plenty of income. To give you an idea of what you can expect to be making, a tax professional can make roughly a hundred dollars every hour. If you work for eight hours every day, this means you can make around $4,000 every week! Of course, you will not earn that amount when you first start, as you would still be building your client base and learning the ropes. However, you will eventually get there with time and effort. 2. Can act as an additional stream of income People are always looking for additional income streams for various reasons. Regardless of their reason, a good option for an additional stream of money is with a Home Based Tax business. If you are already part of another business, a tax business can be integrated into your current one. For example, if you are already running a business for lawn care, tax solutions can easily be added to your line of offerings. That is because they can pair well together and do not get in each other’s way. 3. Cheaper to start than other ventures As previously mentioned, a Home Based Tax business involves little overhead. In addition to that, you can avoid many other costs that other ventures may run into, such as start-up fees, royalty payments, advertising fees, and contract requirements. All you need to do is learn how to use tax software and train yourself to be more proficient with taxes. After that, you can get started offering your services to your growing clientele. Conclusion These are just some of the many benefits of starting a home-based tax business that you can enjoy. If these are not enough to convince you, think about all the holidays you will be able to enjoy for yourself and the ability to schedule your own work time. That said, since times are especially tough now, having a job such as this for job security is priceless. If you are an entrepreneur looking to make an ideal living, we recommend starting a home-based tax business! Keystone Tax Solutions offers affordable and effective tax software in the US for professionals to maximize their services and more. If you require tax software for preparers to use in your new business, check out what we have for you.

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Tax Preparation Business

The Fundamentals of an In-Home Tax Preparation Business

The Fundamentals of an In-Home Tax Preparation Business Nowadays, thousands of independent Tax Preparation Business are operating from within a single household. If you have ample experience preparing tax returns as a full-time employee and feel you’re ready to spearhead operations, why not start a business on your terms? The U.S. tax code is complex and ever-changing, which means your services are more than likely to come into demand. Operating an in-home tax preparation business allows you a steady income with significant flexibility—here’s all you need to know. Who Qualifies as a Professional Tax Preparation Business? Just because you’re good with numbers doesn’t necessarily qualify you as a licensed tax preparer. However, applying for an IRS Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) isn’t typically a grueling process. All tax professionals will demonstrate varying levels of skill and education. What separates preparers from other practitioners is their representation rights, whether limited or unlimited. 1. Unlimited Representation Rights Tax Preparation Business with these types of rights are usually: Enrolled agents who have passed an IRS exam and demonstrated proficiency in tax return preparation, federal tax planning, and representation Licensed and certified public accountants Licensed attorneys Tax Preparer Business with unlimited representation rights can tackle any matters from audits, appeals, payments, and collections. 2. Limited Representation Rights Preparers with limited representation rights don’t have the credentials of enrolled agents, CPAs, or attorneys. As such, this population consists: PTIN holders without professional credentials and who don’t participate in the IRS’ Annual Filing Season Program – they are authorized only to prepare tax returns Annual Filing Season Program participants who have enrolled in the voluntary program to achieve a higher level of professionalism – they can only represent clients who they’ve already prepared returns for What is a PTIN? A Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) is required of all tax professionals who prepare federal tax returns in exchange for compensation. This unique, 9-digit number allows the IRS to identify professional preparers according to taxpayer data. PTINs are free but need to be renewed annually.    When requesting a PTIN from the IRS, tax preparers must provide their social security numbers. They obtain their 9-digit code online in as quickly as 15 minutes. If submitting a W-12 form by mail, the process can take much longer, between four to six weeks. Do Professional Tax Preparers Need Special Training to Qualify? Tax preparers obtaining a PTIN don’t need to undergo any specialized training or certification. Furthermore, the IRS itself offers federal income tax return preparation services for pay. Despite the lack of a need to obtain a license, tax preparers must have a thorough understanding of the U.S. tax code. If you lack experience in tax preparation, don’t hesitate to advance your skills through an online course or class. Conclusion Despite an obligation to do so, nobody likes filing their taxes. As such, those who do have ample opportunity to take over the responsibility for busy-bodies who would rather concern themselves with what matters most to them. Tax preparation is seasonal, which allows you to explore other revenue-generating experiences throughout the year. Get started on your tax preparation business with professional tax software from Keystone Tax Solutions. Our all-in-one system’s thousands of diagnostics increase accuracy while easing complicated features and streamlining your process.

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Understanding Basic Guide There’s no doubt that tax season can take a toll on anyone – from start-ups to the team of CPAs working at a Fortune 500 company. Either situation calls for the help of experts to get the books and numbers in order. Still, for a first-time tax preparer looking to break into the industry, what are some factors you need to consider getting your business going smoothly? One of the first steps to get your business started on time for the upcoming tax season is to obtain all the requirements, such as your Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) and Prepare Tax Identification Number (PTIN). Here is what you need to know about registering for an IRS EFIN PTIN: First, What is an Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)? An EFIN is issued by the IRS, which is assigned to individuals who are authorized as IRS e-File providers. Completing the e-File applications will lead to the second confirmation email from the IRS, which contains the acceptance letter with the EFIN attached to the message. What Should You Include on the e-File Application? The application should have Understanding Basic Guide Responsible Official tag, which notes that you can handle the e-File operation from the designated EFIN. Consider this as the first point of contact with the IRS, which gives you the responsibility to manage all the returns e-Filed from where the EFIN is assigned. Other requirements include the following: Principals such as the sole proprietor to act for the tax matters. Partnership with five percent more interest. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer for a corporation. Keep in mind that the process of becoming an Authorized e-File Provider can take up to 45 days, so be sure to apply early if you want to beat the clock once the tax season hits. What are the EFIN Requirements? Anyone filing beyond ten tax returns must file electronically since the new mandate way back in 2011. As mentioned above, you must first apply to earn your authorization as an e-File Provider with the IRS and get approval for an EFIN. IRS EFIN PTINs should not represent electronic transmissions from multiple locations, especially when the preparer was given a “fixed” site. Only mobile preparers with an “other than fixed” location may cover different areas. After submitting your application to become an Authorized e-File Provider, you also need to submit a credit check, criminal background check, tax compliance check, along with your fingerprint. You also need to include your previous non-compliance e-File requirements with the IRS. What is a Professional Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)? Once you become an official tax preparer, you need to apply for a PTIN since it is a critical identification number necessary to submit U.S. federal tax returns to the IRS. This requires a yearly renewal, often expiring by the 31st of December, so it’s better to get a renewal a month or earlier before since the process can take between four to six weeks. What You Need To Apply for a PTIN To apply for a PTIN, you need to provide some personal information and details about your previous tax returns. This includes your Social Security Number, personal contact information, business details, and information from your previous year’s individual tax return. You will also answer a few questions about your tax obligations and any potential felony convictions. Remember, it’s important to be truthful because the IRS reviews applications for accuracy. The Bottom Line: The Road to Becoming a Responsible and Successful Tax Preparer Understanding Basic Guide Tax season is quickly approaching, so before the deadline comes any closer, the guide above should help bolster tax preparers for a smooth-sailing business next year. How Can We Help? Dealing with taxes can be challenging for anyone, even as an expert tax preparer. If you’re looking for innovative solutions that can streamline your tax preparation process, our professional tax software for CPAs can help simplify matters for you. Our affordable technology can empower tax preparers and help you start a tax business with no EFIN or PTIN numbers, so get in touch with us today at 1.800.504.5170 to see how we can ensure your tax business is booming. 

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Electronic Filing Identification

Electronic Filing Identification Number

Becoming an authorized IRS e-file Provider lets you increase your productivity, save money, and provide quality services that taxpayers expect from you. It allows you to file tax returns online, eliminating the need to fill out the form and promoting convenience and efficiency. Before reaping these benefits, you have to apply for an Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN). An Electronic Filing Identification Number is a-six digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses or organizations like yours to identify those that have completed the e-File application. It takes about 45 days to get an EFIN, so be sure to get started well in advance of tax season. How Do I Apply for an EFIN? Create an IRS e-services account The first step to becoming an authorized IRS e-file Provider is creating an IRS e-services account. It lets you interact with the IRS online. When learning how to get an EFIN number, you have to provide the following information: Your full legal name Your social security number Your date of birth A valid phone number Email address Your home mailing address Adjusted Gross Income from the current or prior tax year Afterward, create your username, password, and PIN, and choose and answer a security reminder question. Make sure that every principal and responsible official in your firm signs up for e-services. Confirm your registration within 28 days of receiving your confirmation code in the mail. Take note that this entire process can take several days, so plan accordingly and provide accurate and factual information. Submit your application to become an authorized e-file Provider After getting approved for e-services, your tax preparation business can begin your application to become an authorized e-file Provider. This application process is time-consuming and can take up to 45 days for approval. Submit identification information for your tax business, select your e-file provider option, and include details about every principal and responsible official in your firm. Don’t forget to add current professional status information of those who are certified or licensed in your company, and ensure that they provide their fingerprints to the IRS. Undergo a suitability check The IRS will perform a suitability check for your tax business and do a thorough review of every person listed on your application. You can expect to undergo a credit check, a tax compliance check, a criminal background check, and a check for prior non-compliance with IRS e-file requirements for your officials. After you have fulfilled all the requirements and your EFIN has been approved, you will receive an acceptance letter from the IRS. Begin E-Filing With Your New EFIN After receiving your EFIN acceptance letter, you’re officially an authorized IRS e-file provider and can now start e-filing returns. You must maintain compliance with IRS e-file regulations and policies to avoid any issues that could lead to suspension or revocation of your acceptance. Keep your information updated, report any changes, and renew your EFIN annually. Where Can I Ask for Application Assistance? The entire application process for obtaining an Electronic Filing Identification Number is tedious and lengthy. As tax preparers, you may opt to spend your time accomplishing other important business-related tasks than handling your application. You can seek EFIN assistance from a reliable company like ours to free up your time and focus on more pressing matters in your business. Conclusion Acquiring an EFIN lets you electronically file tax returns and enjoy other benefits. From creating your e-services account, submitting your application, and undergoing a sustainability check, the entire process takes up too much time and can be stressful. Seeking application assistance lets you become more efficient and helps you grow your tax business. Work with our company to propel your business forward. We offer EFIN application assistance and professional tax preparation software in the US. Contact us to get a free demo now!

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Aspiring Tax Preparer

4 Routes You Can Take as an Aspiring Tax Preparer

Aspiring Tax Preparer are deemed paramount in today’s modern world, and no one should get away without paying them. Whether you’re an entrepreneur running a business, an employee working for a company, or a consumer buying some goods, you are subject to making a financial contribution through taxes. As you may or may not be aware, they are imposed by the government, typically used for the government’s spending and various public expenditures. As the government requires them, you might be looking to work as a Aspiring Tax Preparer specialist to help individuals and businesses prepare and file their taxes. If you are planning to go down this career path, here are four key routes you can take as an aspiring tax preparer: 1. Enrolled agent Getting certification through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an enrolled agent is primarily focused on Aspiring Tax Preparer planning and preparation. Some agents are specialized in tax resolution as well. With the practice rights granted by the IRS, you can handle various tax-related matters and represent clients. To earn this title, you must 1) work in the IRS for at least five years, 2) pass the three-part Special Enrollment Exam (SEE) and the background check, and 3) complete 72 hours of continuing education every three years to maintain your status and practicing right. 2. Aspiring Tax Preparer attorney The legal world has various specialization areas—from criminal and family law down to civil rights law. However, you must have a law degree and pass the bar exam. Some legal professionals are specialized in taxation, where they can choose a focused area, such as business Aspiring Tax Preparer, corporate tax, estate, and gift taxation, finance, international tax, federal taxation, or successions. This field is something that’s worth pursuing, as this is such a lucrative career choice. Not only will you prepare taxes for clients, but you will also represent those involved in a tax-related court case. 3. Certified public accountant (CPA) These professionals need to have a degree in accounting, must pass the board exam, and earn some certification set forth by the state. They are also required to complete the continuing professional education (CPE) credits each year. It’s common among accountants to specialize in Aspiring Tax Preparer planning and preparation later on. If you want to take this route, you’ll be helping businesses and entrepreneurs manage their finances and file their taxes as well. 4. Aspiring Tax Preparer specialist with no certification This last option is where you don’t need to have certification to earn the title and become a tax specialist. In fact, you don’t need an official license or title to prepare taxes per the current legislation. In this case, you can practice certain official obligations, such as preparing and planning tax-related matters but not necessarily going beyond them, such as representing clients in the court. Conclusion At this point, we’ve covered the four routes you can take as an aspiring tax preparer—an enrolled agent, tax attorney, certified public accountant, or tax specialist with no certification. If you plan to take on one of these routes, it’s best to invest in software for tax preparers so that you can make your tasks more streamlined, efficient, and accurate for the benefit of your clients! We’re specialized in providing professional tax preparers software designed to help your business grow and flourish. If you’re specifically looking for software for taxes, get in touch with us today for a free demo!

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Individual Tax Refunds

Tax Preparation for Boosting Your Clients’ Individual Tax Refunds

Building your credibility as a Individual Tax Refunds preparation business takes more than just having a sufficient understanding of tax laws and completing tax returns accurately and on time. To become a professional tax preparer who stands out in the industry, you must come up with creative solutions to save your clients’ money. Learning how to boost your clients’ Individual Tax Refunds is part of gaining a competitive edge. It leaves them with extra cash they can either save or reinvest. This way, you can give them satisfactory customer service and enjoy a consistent client base that’s happy with your business. Here are some ways to help them get a big tax refund: Double-check their tax deductions Many taxpayers are unaware that many tax deductions exist, leading them to pay more than they owe. To prevent this mistake, refresh your memory about existing tax deductions. Your client may qualify for certain commonly overlooked deductions that can make a significant difference on their Individual Tax Refunds. Rethink their filing status Single clients If a client is an unmarried taxpayer who claims a qualifying dependent, cutting their Individual Tax Refunds bills is possible by filing them as Head of Household instead of Single, as long as they meet the requirements. This offers them a more favorable tax bracket and a higher standard tax deduction. A qualifying dependent can be a child or an elderly parent being financially supported and who lived with the taxpayer for more than six months. Unfortunately, many taxpayers who care for their senior parents don’t realize they can claim Head of Household status. Ask your client if they provide more than half of their parent’s financial support. If they do, they can file as this status even if they don’t live with their parents. Married clients Choosing a filing status is one of the first decisions you and your client should make when completing their Individual Tax Refunds. This is crucial because it can impact their refunds’ sizes. For instance, if they are married and they file jointly annually, a joint return is not always the best option. Filing separately for married couples requires more effort and time. Both spouses must also take either the standard deduction or itemize their deduction. Mixing and matching between the two returns are not allowed. While the process can be tedious, choosing to file separately can let your clients enjoy bigger tax savings and might allow for a larger deduction under the right conditions. However, remember that it can have drawbacks, such as losing certain deductions available to joint filers. As a professional tax preparer, it’s your responsibility to weigh the options carefully to help your clients maximize their refund potential. Using a tax preparer software like ours can help you have a smoother and more convenient tax preparation process. We offer various options and programs to fit your tax business needs. Conclusion It takes more than just completing forms and following rules and regulations to stand out in the tax preparation business. To provide complete satisfaction for your clients, it’s advisable to try some of the tips mentioned above. You may also consider investing in professional tax software for a more hassle-free and efficient process. At Keystone Tax Solutions, we offer a top-notch and professional software for tax preparers in the US. Get a free demo now!

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Tax Preparers Guide

Your Guide to Tax Season Our Tax Preparers Guide

The Tax Preparers Guide season is fast approaching, meaning you need to get ready to perform at your best as a tax preparer. You also need to concern yourself with the best practices and tools to make sure that your clients are happy. But what exactly should you put into practice as a Tax Preparers Guide professional? This guide will discuss key Tax Preparers Guide season tips that you need to survive the upcoming tax season, complete all your clients’ tax records, and gain more referrals. Take this opportunity to rethink your current tax preparation job and upgrade it with the best cost-efficient and time-saving solutions. 1. Start as early as possible You should never procrastinate as a Tax Preparers Guide preparation professional because doing so can negatively influence your clients to submit their tax returns late. It affects your services’ accuracy and effectiveness, costing you valuable time and clients who deserve better services. As an effective preventive measure, start your tax computations early and request bank statements and other crucial Tax Preparers Guide information from your clients in advance. Doing so will enable you to maximize your time well to service more clients, meaning more revenues to sustain your career. 2. Maintain open lines of communication with your clients Your clients may provide you with all the documents you need, but there may be last-minute changes. At times, it can be their fault or an error at your clients’ banks. That’s why you should keep your lines of communication open with your clients for valuable updates and clarifications. One of the best ways to maintain open communication is to provide clients with your business card or contact information. Preferably, you want to list your email and landline number to keep your Tax Preparers Guide services strictly professional and accessible.Through professional communication, you can minimize errors on your clients’ tax records and maintain your professional relationship with them. 3. Manage your time well Your number-one resource as a Tax Preparers Guide is your time. There are often not enough minutes to tabulate and provide consistent services to all your clients. You may also find it challenging to allocate time for error checking, client consultations, and other tax-season related concerns. For your convenience, use a watch and determine the amount of time it takes for you to complete a client’s Tax Preparers Guide records. Doing so allows you to allocate each minute effectively and focus on high-quality services rather than wasting time on ineffective Tax Preparers Guidemethods. Keep a record of the time you spend throughout the tax season to work through your strengths and weaknesses. 4. Use professional Tax Preparers Guide software and find other tax preparation solutions You may commit yourself to your job as a Tax Preparers Guide, but there will always be room for errors and improvements. That is why you should always be on the lookout for the best tax preparation solutions, such as software and tax preparer-dedicated training. Partner with us at Keystone Tax Solutions to determine how you can take your tax preparer’s career to the next level. Conclusion Tax season may be fast approaching, but you can do your job as a tax preparer to the best of your abilities. You just need to take advantage of the best practices to provide high-quality services and maintain your good reputation. Take note of all the previously mentioned tips and go through tax season effectively today. Keystone Tax Solutions provides you with the best US-based eFin solutions through our award-winning professional tax preparers’ software. We also offer other related services, like audit protection and training, to equip tax preparation professionals like you. Use our all-in-one software today and contact us to prepare yourself for tax season.

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Thriving Tax Preparation

What You Need for a Thriving Tax Preparation Business

Thriving Tax Preparation is a growing industry in the U.S. Services for completing and filing government forms are responsible for more than 82 million income tax returns and generate about $9 billion in revenue. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tax preparation is growing at an average of ten percent per year, with 1.2 million professionals in the industry. What does Thriving Tax Preparation entail? Tax preparers have four primary responsibilities. They interview the client, gather the information for the return, complete the forms, and file them. This type of business covers everything from W-2 and 1099-MISC forms to health care coverage and deductions. Preparers use tax return software to help them fill out forms to make the job quicker. They also use their expertise in looking for deductions and other tax-saving opportunities for their clients. Why do people hire tax preparers? Many taxpayers would rather pay for services rather than file their tax returns. Hiring someone else would make the filings more accurate, which means fewer chances of auditing. The tax code is also complicated; the federal tax code alone has more than 70,000 pages, making filing impractical for business owners. If you are thinking of establishing a Thriving Tax Preparation business, here are things you should keep in mind. Do you have the capabilities and training? Aside from an inclination towards or skill in numbers, you need to train to become a tax preparer. It means you need to invest at least 60 hours of training in classes starting from $150. This business involves helping other people, which means fostering relationships through your skills. Do you have the right credentials? In some states like California, Oregon, and New York, Thriving Tax Preparation is a regulated industry. The IRS is working on an accreditation program, and soon tax preparers would need to register as government-recognized tax professionals. In the meantime, there are the IRS PTIN or Preparer Tax Identification Pin and the EFIN, or the Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN). Do you have a network? If you already have prospective clients, that’s great. However, if you’re starting from scratch, you need to find people to serve. The Tax Business Owners of America, which has 7,000 members, is one place to find prospective clients. You also could network through LinkedIn or look through lists of associations catering to business owners. Do you have what you need to start the business? Tax preparing businesses must prepare things that other enterprises have. For example, the owner should have an EIN or Employer Identification Number, a business address, and registration as an LLC, corporation, or sole proprietorship. An attorney can help you prepare these. Besides the paperwork, you will need Thriving Tax Preparation software, computers, scanners, printers, and other technology. Do you have a business bank account? You should allow the processing of payments on Visa and MasterCard, and business bank accounts enable that. Business accounts also allow expense tracking and reinforce your image as a professional. Conclusion Starting a Thriving Tax Preparation business does not take a lot of financial investment. What it does need is time and attention. If you take the time to develop it properly, though, you will have a robust enterprise that people will need for many years. Get your business off the ground with Keystone’s award-winning tax software. Don’t overpay for services that won’t do the job; our product lets you perform unlimited e-filing for unlimited users, with absolutely no hidden fees. Get a free demo now or contact us today for more information!

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Business Tax Strategy

How to Incorporate the Right Technology Into Your Business Tax Strategy

Business Tax Strategy Despite its apparent repercussions, the COVID-19 pandemic is moving industries forward through internal technology and client engagement. In particular, for corporate Business Tax Strategy departments, remaining functional means taking giant leaps instead in tax software instead of incremental steps. However, current technology isn’t an all-purpose solution to department problems that still require some strategizing. What Problems are Corporate Tax Departments Facing? Notwithstanding its unmistakable benefits, many Business Tax Strategy department leaders continue to place new technologies on the back burner for fear of cutting too deep into their budget. Though a necessary component for pandemic success, tax departments are having trouble integrating and optimizing automation processes. Business Tax Strategy department heads are overlooking a need to evolve its technology ecosystem according to growing business needs. Some purchase new equipment and software for Business Tax Strategy preparers without making a deliberate effort to integrate them. The current average spends on new technology accounts for 10% of tax department budgets, yet leaders fail to strategize them. What Comes After Selecting the Right Technology? State-of-the-art technology serves no purpose if departments don’t know how to use them. The journey doesn’t start and end with the selection and purchase of new hardware or software. When it comes to delivering on a department’s objectives, technology is a mere enabler. Doing without a strategy is a recipe for disaster. Beyond selecting the appropriate solutions, managers need to commit to learning about these products and implementing new business processes as the technology evolves. Determining how useful a tool can be means understanding your staff’s skills and how they interact with new technologies. Get to know your company culture before shopping for new Business Tax Strategy. Familiarizing yourself with how your employees tolerate and respond to change can inform your choice. More sophisticated tools don’t guarantee a shot to success. The less training and investment your department makes up-front, the less likely the tool will meet your business needs over time. How Your Business Should Approach New Tax Technology The first step towards incorporating new tax software into your department is to know how it’s performing, to begin with. Sometimes, new technology is unnecessary. Other times, it’s the keystone to success. Align your goals according to what this new software promises to achieve. If you’re delegating too much of your workforce towards administrative tasks that can easily be automated, software with paperless office capabilities might be appropriate. Always get organized before you start. This means gathering your year-end Business Tax Strategy forms and glossing over relevant reports. If you’re already employing specific financing tools, make sure to update information as you import them into your new software. Conclusion The answer to seamless pivoting and adapting is preparing for the worst well in advance. This isn’t to say your expectations should plummet, but that you have a contingency plan in place for unexpected changes. Your Business Tax Strategy computing and preparation software is only going to be as good as the person behind it. To increase accuracy and ease complexity, get to know your tools before distributing them. With Keystone Tax Solutions, financial recovery is right around the corner. Our professional tax preparer software is intuitive, simple, and comprehensive. Whether you run a department of 50 or 500, our unlimited software training can help satisfy your immediate goals.

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Great Client Retention

3 Great Client Retention Strategies That Benefit Tax Preparers

As a tax preparation business, you’ll want to make sure that your Great Client Retention keep coming back. Client retention should be a priority in your overall marketing strategy. Loyal clients are often satisfied clients who are likely to tell other people about your company. Providing the most optimal customer experience possible is an excellent way to help you achieve your business goals. Finding creative ways to keep your Great Client Retention coming back can be a bit of a challenge. As the new tax filing season approaches, this presents a prime opportunity to attract new Great Client Retention while caring for your current ones. Here are three great strategies to create loyal and happy clients: Stay in Touch It’s always a good idea to stay in touch with your Great Client Retention , even when the tax season is months away. That way, once it’s finally time to file taxes, they’ll immediately think of you. If you haven’t been reaching out to your clients, now is the best time to start getting in touch with them. A great way to do this is by offering a Great Client Retention loyalty discount program. For example, offer them a 5 percent discount for each year they return and cap it at a 20 percent discount. When you send this to clients, tell them that it’s a way to show your gratitude for their past business, and reward them for their loyalty. That way, you’ll encourage them to return without cheapening your services. If you have any special news that will help clients, send them an email about it—the more informative, the better. If there were any significant changes in tax regulations, that’s something they will need to know. You can also add in tax tips, which Great Client Retention will always appreciate. The point of staying in touch is to remind your clients of your business and show them that you care. The more valued they feel, the more likely they’ll return to you for tax preparation. Ask for Feedback Providing the best customer experience possible is crucial for creating a loyal Great Client Retention base. They can offer valuable suggestions that will help you provide better service while eliminating as many pain points as possible. These insights will also help your business stay sharp, giving you an edge over your competitors. Clients also appreciate it when they feel heard. When they see a business put their recommendations into practice, they’ll feel like they made a significant contribution as well, which will help establish a deeper relationship between you two. Offer Year-Round Services Staying active even outside of tax season is a great way to increase your income potential. You could do this a few ways, and one of these is by offering an autumn check-in with your clients. This service can help them feel more comfortable and prepared for tax season while ironing out any problems they might have encountered. Sweeten the deal by packaging the check-in with early bird discounts. The chance of saving a little more on essential services may have your clients jump right back into your business. These discounts might even nudge the worst procrastinators among your clients. Conclusion Factoring these three client retention strategies into your overall marketing is a great way to expand your practice. Attracting new clients and caring for your current ones is vital for growing your business. Marketing to existing clients is much more cost-efficient, as it takes less effort, time, and money to reach them. With these strategies, you’ll be enjoying a loyal client base that will help you scale your tax preparation company. Keystone Tax Solutions offers professional tax software designed to grow your tax preparation business. We’ve been the industry leader with more than 15 years of experience, helping thousands of tax professionals start their own business. With our flexible packages and unbeatable prices, you’ll find the solution to your every tax business need. Try our partnership packages today!

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