
Tax Preparers Guide

Your Guide to Tax Season Our Tax Preparers Guide

The Tax Preparers Guide season is fast approaching, meaning you need to get ready to perform at your best as a tax preparer. You also need to concern yourself with the best practices and tools to make sure that your clients are happy. But what exactly should you put into practice as a Tax Preparers Guide professional? This guide will discuss key Tax Preparers Guide season tips that you need to survive the upcoming tax season, complete all your clients’ tax records, and gain more referrals. Take this opportunity to rethink your current tax preparation job and upgrade it with the best cost-efficient and time-saving solutions. 1. Start as early as possible You should never procrastinate as a Tax Preparers Guide preparation professional because doing so can negatively influence your clients to submit their tax returns late. It affects your services’ accuracy and effectiveness, costing you valuable time and clients who deserve better services. As an effective preventive measure, start your tax computations early and request bank statements and other crucial Tax Preparers Guide information from your clients in advance. Doing so will enable you to maximize your time well to service more clients, meaning more revenues to sustain your career. 2. Maintain open lines of communication with your clients Your clients may provide you with all the documents you need, but there may be last-minute changes. At times, it can be their fault or an error at your clients’ banks. That’s why you should keep your lines of communication open with your clients for valuable updates and clarifications. One of the best ways to maintain open communication is to provide clients with your business card or contact information. Preferably, you want to list your email and landline number to keep your Tax Preparers Guide services strictly professional and accessible.Through professional communication, you can minimize errors on your clients’ tax records and maintain your professional relationship with them. 3. Manage your time well Your number-one resource as a Tax Preparers Guide is your time. There are often not enough minutes to tabulate and provide consistent services to all your clients. You may also find it challenging to allocate time for error checking, client consultations, and other tax-season related concerns. For your convenience, use a watch and determine the amount of time it takes for you to complete a client’s Tax Preparers Guide records. Doing so allows you to allocate each minute effectively and focus on high-quality services rather than wasting time on ineffective Tax Preparers Guidemethods. Keep a record of the time you spend throughout the tax season to work through your strengths and weaknesses. 4. Use professional Tax Preparers Guide software and find other tax preparation solutions You may commit yourself to your job as a Tax Preparers Guide, but there will always be room for errors and improvements. That is why you should always be on the lookout for the best tax preparation solutions, such as software and tax preparer-dedicated training. Partner with us at Keystone Tax Solutions to determine how you can take your tax preparer’s career to the next level. Conclusion Tax season may be fast approaching, but you can do your job as a tax preparer to the best of your abilities. You just need to take advantage of the best practices to provide high-quality services and maintain your good reputation. Take note of all the previously mentioned tips and go through tax season effectively today. Keystone Tax Solutions provides you with the best US-based eFin solutions through our award-winning professional tax preparers’ software. We also offer other related services, like audit protection and training, to equip tax preparation professionals like you. Use our all-in-one software today and contact us to prepare yourself for tax season.

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Thriving Tax Preparation

What You Need for a Thriving Tax Preparation Business

Thriving Tax Preparation is a growing industry in the U.S. Services for completing and filing government forms are responsible for more than 82 million income tax returns and generate about $9 billion in revenue. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tax preparation is growing at an average of ten percent per year, with 1.2 million professionals in the industry. What does Thriving Tax Preparation entail? Tax preparers have four primary responsibilities. They interview the client, gather the information for the return, complete the forms, and file them. This type of business covers everything from W-2 and 1099-MISC forms to health care coverage and deductions. Preparers use tax return software to help them fill out forms to make the job quicker. They also use their expertise in looking for deductions and other tax-saving opportunities for their clients. Why do people hire tax preparers? Many taxpayers would rather pay for services rather than file their tax returns. Hiring someone else would make the filings more accurate, which means fewer chances of auditing. The tax code is also complicated; the federal tax code alone has more than 70,000 pages, making filing impractical for business owners. If you are thinking of establishing a Thriving Tax Preparation business, here are things you should keep in mind. Do you have the capabilities and training? Aside from an inclination towards or skill in numbers, you need to train to become a tax preparer. It means you need to invest at least 60 hours of training in classes starting from $150. This business involves helping other people, which means fostering relationships through your skills. Do you have the right credentials? In some states like California, Oregon, and New York, Thriving Tax Preparation is a regulated industry. The IRS is working on an accreditation program, and soon tax preparers would need to register as government-recognized tax professionals. In the meantime, there are the IRS PTIN or Preparer Tax Identification Pin and the EFIN, or the Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN). Do you have a network? If you already have prospective clients, that’s great. However, if you’re starting from scratch, you need to find people to serve. The Tax Business Owners of America, which has 7,000 members, is one place to find prospective clients. You also could network through LinkedIn or look through lists of associations catering to business owners. Do you have what you need to start the business? Tax preparing businesses must prepare things that other enterprises have. For example, the owner should have an EIN or Employer Identification Number, a business address, and registration as an LLC, corporation, or sole proprietorship. An attorney can help you prepare these. Besides the paperwork, you will need Thriving Tax Preparation software, computers, scanners, printers, and other technology. Do you have a business bank account? You should allow the processing of payments on Visa and MasterCard, and business bank accounts enable that. Business accounts also allow expense tracking and reinforce your image as a professional. Conclusion Starting a Thriving Tax Preparation business does not take a lot of financial investment. What it does need is time and attention. If you take the time to develop it properly, though, you will have a robust enterprise that people will need for many years. Get your business off the ground with Keystone’s award-winning tax software. Don’t overpay for services that won’t do the job; our product lets you perform unlimited e-filing for unlimited users, with absolutely no hidden fees. Get a free demo now or contact us today for more information!

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Business Tax Strategy

How to Incorporate the Right Technology Into Your Business Tax Strategy

Business Tax Strategy Despite its apparent repercussions, the COVID-19 pandemic is moving industries forward through internal technology and client engagement. In particular, for corporate Business Tax Strategy departments, remaining functional means taking giant leaps instead in tax software instead of incremental steps. However, current technology isn’t an all-purpose solution to department problems that still require some strategizing. What Problems are Corporate Tax Departments Facing? Notwithstanding its unmistakable benefits, many Business Tax Strategy department leaders continue to place new technologies on the back burner for fear of cutting too deep into their budget. Though a necessary component for pandemic success, tax departments are having trouble integrating and optimizing automation processes. Business Tax Strategy department heads are overlooking a need to evolve its technology ecosystem according to growing business needs. Some purchase new equipment and software for Business Tax Strategy preparers without making a deliberate effort to integrate them. The current average spends on new technology accounts for 10% of tax department budgets, yet leaders fail to strategize them. What Comes After Selecting the Right Technology? State-of-the-art technology serves no purpose if departments don’t know how to use them. The journey doesn’t start and end with the selection and purchase of new hardware or software. When it comes to delivering on a department’s objectives, technology is a mere enabler. Doing without a strategy is a recipe for disaster. Beyond selecting the appropriate solutions, managers need to commit to learning about these products and implementing new business processes as the technology evolves. Determining how useful a tool can be means understanding your staff’s skills and how they interact with new technologies. Get to know your company culture before shopping for new Business Tax Strategy. Familiarizing yourself with how your employees tolerate and respond to change can inform your choice. More sophisticated tools don’t guarantee a shot to success. The less training and investment your department makes up-front, the less likely the tool will meet your business needs over time. How Your Business Should Approach New Tax Technology The first step towards incorporating new tax software into your department is to know how it’s performing, to begin with. Sometimes, new technology is unnecessary. Other times, it’s the keystone to success. Align your goals according to what this new software promises to achieve. If you’re delegating too much of your workforce towards administrative tasks that can easily be automated, software with paperless office capabilities might be appropriate. Always get organized before you start. This means gathering your year-end Business Tax Strategy forms and glossing over relevant reports. If you’re already employing specific financing tools, make sure to update information as you import them into your new software. Conclusion The answer to seamless pivoting and adapting is preparing for the worst well in advance. This isn’t to say your expectations should plummet, but that you have a contingency plan in place for unexpected changes. Your Business Tax Strategy computing and preparation software is only going to be as good as the person behind it. To increase accuracy and ease complexity, get to know your tools before distributing them. With Keystone Tax Solutions, financial recovery is right around the corner. Our professional tax preparer software is intuitive, simple, and comprehensive. Whether you run a department of 50 or 500, our unlimited software training can help satisfy your immediate goals.

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Great Client Retention

3 Great Client Retention Strategies That Benefit Tax Preparers

As a tax preparation business, you’ll want to make sure that your Great Client Retention keep coming back. Client retention should be a priority in your overall marketing strategy. Loyal clients are often satisfied clients who are likely to tell other people about your company. Providing the most optimal customer experience possible is an excellent way to help you achieve your business goals. Finding creative ways to keep your Great Client Retention coming back can be a bit of a challenge. As the new tax filing season approaches, this presents a prime opportunity to attract new Great Client Retention while caring for your current ones. Here are three great strategies to create loyal and happy clients: Stay in Touch It’s always a good idea to stay in touch with your Great Client Retention , even when the tax season is months away. That way, once it’s finally time to file taxes, they’ll immediately think of you. If you haven’t been reaching out to your clients, now is the best time to start getting in touch with them. A great way to do this is by offering a Great Client Retention loyalty discount program. For example, offer them a 5 percent discount for each year they return and cap it at a 20 percent discount. When you send this to clients, tell them that it’s a way to show your gratitude for their past business, and reward them for their loyalty. That way, you’ll encourage them to return without cheapening your services. If you have any special news that will help clients, send them an email about it—the more informative, the better. If there were any significant changes in tax regulations, that’s something they will need to know. You can also add in tax tips, which Great Client Retention will always appreciate. The point of staying in touch is to remind your clients of your business and show them that you care. The more valued they feel, the more likely they’ll return to you for tax preparation. Ask for Feedback Providing the best customer experience possible is crucial for creating a loyal Great Client Retention base. They can offer valuable suggestions that will help you provide better service while eliminating as many pain points as possible. These insights will also help your business stay sharp, giving you an edge over your competitors. Clients also appreciate it when they feel heard. When they see a business put their recommendations into practice, they’ll feel like they made a significant contribution as well, which will help establish a deeper relationship between you two. Offer Year-Round Services Staying active even outside of tax season is a great way to increase your income potential. You could do this a few ways, and one of these is by offering an autumn check-in with your clients. This service can help them feel more comfortable and prepared for tax season while ironing out any problems they might have encountered. Sweeten the deal by packaging the check-in with early bird discounts. The chance of saving a little more on essential services may have your clients jump right back into your business. These discounts might even nudge the worst procrastinators among your clients. Conclusion Factoring these three client retention strategies into your overall marketing is a great way to expand your practice. Attracting new clients and caring for your current ones is vital for growing your business. Marketing to existing clients is much more cost-efficient, as it takes less effort, time, and money to reach them. With these strategies, you’ll be enjoying a loyal client base that will help you scale your tax preparation company. Keystone Tax Solutions offers professional tax software designed to grow your tax preparation business. We’ve been the industry leader with more than 15 years of experience, helping thousands of tax professionals start their own business. With our flexible packages and unbeatable prices, you’ll find the solution to your every tax business need. Try our partnership packages today!

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Time Management Preparing

6 Time Management Preparing for the Tax Season

Time Management Preparing and money go hand in hand. For the most part, you will need ample time to make money, which also applies to building your business. As an owner or accountant, you need to use your time wisely to manage your finances and boost your business’s productivity. When it comes to business and accounting, one facet that requires good Time Management Preparing is the tax season. You need to be on your toes to keep track of your business finances and record every transaction all year round. When the tax season comes around, you will then need to submit all the paperwork and file your company’s taxes. In this article, we’ll share with you six Time Management Preparing tips on how to prepare for the tax season: Focus on the most importantOne of the best productivity and leadership books, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People published by Stephen Covey, conveys this relevant message: “Put First Things First”. This focuses on the idea that you should prioritize the most important tasks. In this case, you must categorize your tasks from the most urgent and important to the important but not urgent down to the not immediate and insignificant tasks. When it comes to accounting, an order of priority can make all the difference in determining how effectively you can accomplish any duties. Plan ahead and set a scheduleWhen it comes to having the utmost productivity and delivering on time, planning can make all the difference. It’s best to set a schedule the whole year round, from recording transactions to filing tax paperwork down to the actual filing of taxes. Ultimately, it’s better to be prepared early on than to be sorry later! Eliminate distractions and foster the utmost focusEfficient work entails having the utmost focus and concentration. Multitasking is now dead in the business world as employees are more productive when they focus on what they do. Having the utmost concentration involves fostering an ideal working environment, and this will require you to eliminate all distractions. Take advantage of technologyThere’s no denying the power of today’s technology. For your tax preparation, why not take advantage of the current tools and apps? Keep in mind that various accounting and tax reporting resources are available in the market that you can invest in. Instead of manually doing the bookkeeping, you can use technology to make this process and tax filing much faster and more efficient! Get help from the accounting expertsApart from utilizing tools and apps, getting help from the expert can make all the difference. Even if you’re running a small business, managing your finances and filing taxes by yourself can be a bit complex—hire an accountant instead! With their industry knowledge, skills, and level of expertise, you can expect them to deliver on time with the best output. Take care of your overall well-beingAccording to researchyou’re more effective and productive when you’re happy. This is why an integral part of Time Management Preparing is taking good care of yourself by eating properly, exercising regularly, having enough sleep, and maintaining healthy relationships. Ultimately, the better you are in all your aspects of life, the more you’ll accomplish! Conclusion At this point, you now know how to use your time wisely to prepare for the tax season. As outlined above, all it takes is to focus on the most important, plan ahead, eliminate distractions, take advantage of technology, get help from an accounting expert, and take care of your overall well-being. With all these in place and mind, your time management skills will make your company or business 100% prepared for the tax season and what lies ahead! Are you looking for software for taxes? We’ve got you covered with our best professional tax software designed to help your business grow and flourish. Connect with us today for a free demo!

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Migrating Tax Software

What to Know About New Migrating Tax Software

Tax preparation Migrating Tax Software has revolutionized how people file their taxes. Many people can pay to outsource their tax filings to a capable accountant. Due to the demands of filing tax returns, technology has not only helped competent tax preparers to become more efficient, but also make it possible for them to process a tremendous amount of information in a short period of time. Most anyone who prepares tax returns relies on some version of Migrating Tax Software to complete their job efficiently and accurately. As regulations change and as technology evolves, there comes a need to improve the system, and sometimes it involves migrating to a completely new one. Adopting new technology when you have gotten used to a particular way of doing things isn’t easy. However, sometimes change is necessary to increase productivity and reduce difficulties. If you are planning to migrate to new Migrating Tax Software for your financial services company, here are some critical questions that you should raise before deciding on which new Migrating Tax Software to adopt: How will this improve my current processes?The ultimate goal of systems migration is to improve your operations. Any time you decide to change processes, you need to understand what value it can bring to your company. If a vendor can precisely outline what benefits you will experience with new Migrating Tax Software, there’s more to convince you that it’s worth the investment. How much time will data integration take?Depending on the size of your client base and the format of your existing data, integrating will take time. The amount of time will depend on the capabilities of the new system. Be sure to verify if you can run the old and new systems in parallel, so you don’t experience any downtime while moving from one Migrating Tax Software to another. Without continuous access to your data, you may not be able to serve your clients’ needs as well as you should. What sort of user support will they provide?The ideal software provider will not only supply you with a solution, it will help you implement it as well. There are bound to be hiccups as your team migrates to the new tax preparation program. Inquire about technical support and what sort of assistance they can provide during the transition period and beyond. Is there an option for a cloud-based solution?Remote working is a reality many companies have to live with. A cloud-based solution will allow your organization to work and access information from anywhere in the world with a stable internet connection. If you want to reach more clients and maximize your employee’s flexibility, you will want a platform that can operate on the cloud. Can I do a trial run?You can never really understand the value of a product until you try it for yourself. Ask the vendor candidates to provide a demo or a limited trial that allows you or your accountants to access the features. A test drive can help you decide if the solution offers any significant improvement from your existing one. Conclusion If your potential vendors can help you address these four major concerns, you might find it worthy to migrate to their new solutions. Any time you switch to new software, keep in mind that your organization will take time to adjust to the new way of doing things. Some systems migration processes take months to years to implement, so don’t make the decision to change your system lightly. Take time to understand what the tax preparation software offers before deciding if it’s right for your business. Software solutions should improve your processes, not slow them down. Try an affordable and scalable solution like Keystone Tax Solution’s All-In-One software package. It’s a complete tax preparation software that comes with year-round customer support to make the transition easier. If you are looking for professional tax preparation software, you can’t go wrong with our innovative and cutting-edge cloud-based solutions. Let our software help you grow your business and scale your operations seamlessly. Visit our website and schedule your free demo today!

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Cloud Based Desktop

Cloud Based Desktop Tax Software

Many businesses can agree that taxes are complicated to handle. Not only do tax requirements differ from one industry to the other, but each country also has unique tax laws. However, the complication does not end there Cloud Based Desktop. Deciding what to use to handle those taxes can also be quite a challenge. For some businesses, desktop-based tax software has been their go-to solution for their tax needs. For other companies, an in-house solution may be too expensive, and they may not have the expertise to use it. In such cases, a Cloud Based Desktop tax software might be a better solution, considering its affordability, scalability, and features. Are you torn between using a desktop-based versus a Cloud Based Desktop tax software? Here is why you may want to choose one or the other. Cloud Based Desktop tax software As the name implies, Cloud Based Desktop tax software is located on a server and is generally hosted by a third-party. Such a solution means that you do not need tax software installed on a computer. Instead, you just need devices that can access the remote server. This solution provides plenty of advantages. For example, multiple devices can access the software at once. This means that you can access the same software and work on the same documents, whether on a phone or laptop. Another great advantage is its mobility. As long as you have a connection, you can work on your taxes no matter where you are. Other advantages include automatic backups, which can come in handy should data loss occur. Additional features also include automatic updates and security, providing the safest and most secure platform to work on your taxes. Desktop-based tax software Unlike Cloud Based Desktop tax software, desktop-based tax software is installed on the devices themselves. While it may not have some advantages like its counterpart, such as automatic backups and the like, it performs better in other aspects. For instance, a significant advantage that desktop-based tax software offers is its more comprehensive range of features. That is because desktop-based tax software has been around for much longer than Cloud Based Desktop versions, meaning it has undergone more development. Additionally, some desktop-based software can specialize in specific fields, providing you with the exact tools and features you need to complete a task effectively. On that note, some desktop-based software tools can integrate into a network. This means that multiple devices can use the software at once without requiring a server. Conclusion Put simply, cloud-based tax software offers a little more quality-of-life advantages compared to desktop-based tax software. However, the differences are minimal, and the gap between the two is ever-shrinking in size as technology improves. On that note, you will still need to decide whether you want to opt for cloud-based or desktop-based software. Fortunately, picking one is as simple as identifying your needs. If you are always working on the go and have access to reliable internet, a cloud-based solution is a great way to enjoy reliability. On the other hand, if you are not traveling much and do not like the delay that some cloud-based solutions present, opting for a desktop-based software is an excellent idea. Keystone Tax Solutions is a provider of professional tax software in the US for tax preparers. If you are looking for the best professional tax software, check out what we have to offer.

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CARES Act Help

CARES Act Help Your Small Business

On March 27, 2020, Congress signed the CARES Act Help Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. In general, it aims to help American workers, families, and small business owners by giving them funds they can use in their businesses and in paying their mortgages, utilities, or rent. While the government releases more information to clarify the specifics surrounding this law, we will break down some of its inclusions and provisions and howCARES Act Help can affect your clients or small business owners. 1. Assistance for Small Businesses: The Paycheck Protection Program Any business—including sole proprietorships, independent contractors, or self-employed individuals—that has 500 employees or less is qualified for a Paycheck Protection Program Loan. This loan is only meant for business-related concerns CARES Act Help due to COVID-19, and it is an additional qualification for the program. You also need to ensure that the loan will not be used for allowable purposes and that your client will not receive any duplicate funds for the same uses from another small business administration program. Allowable purposes could be any of the following: Eligible payroll, such as employee salaries, paid medical or sick leave, and others Mortgage interest Rent payment Pre-existing debt payment Utility payment In short, the loan should solely be used for business intentions. The Paycheck Protection Program is intended to be a low-interest loan with the maximum amount of $10 million, and in some cases, the loan is forgivable. That means that CARES Act Help if your client uses the loan proceeds for any of the allowable purposes mentioned above within the first 24 weeks (with at least 60 percent used for payroll and 40 percent for other expenses), the loan balance will be reduced, and they will not be taxed on the forgiven amount. Initial Issues Encountered Congress had authorized up to $349 billion for this loan program. However, this amount lasted just a few days. As a response to that, Congress passed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Enhancement Act in late April. This law provided another $310 billion for the loan program. In its first wave, the program received a lot of criticism that stated only larger and wealthier companies had accessed the first round of PPP loans. However, the data for the second round shows that more small businesses finally got access to the funds. 2. Small Business Administration – Economic Injury Disaster Loan SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan is another loan option for small businesses. SBA also works with the states to provide low-interest federal disaster loans to small businesses that have experienced substantial economic injury from the COVID-19 outbreak. For SBA’s assistance, the maximum allowable loan amount is $2 million. Those eligible can use the fund for paying off their debts, payroll, and other bills that they cannot pay due to the pandemic. 3. Unemployment Compensation Traditionally, self-employedor independent contractors could not claim any unemployment compensation from the government. The CARES Act has changed this, and it currently allows these individuals to claim federal unemployment compensation for up to 39 weeks, enough to take them until the end of 2020. Like any other setup, there are a few preconditions. For example, if they can telework or work from home with the internet, email, and phone, they are considered ineligible. However, if they are forced to close their business, they can be qualified. Here are the three benefit components of the compensation: For those who already qualify: $600 of supplemental state-paid unemployment compensation For those who are generally not eligible for unemployment compensation: $600 plus the regular state unemployment rate provided by the pandemic unemployment program An extension of unemployment compensation by up to 13 weeks on top of the standard state timeline Note that the length of offeredunemployment benefits for each state varies. For more information, check out your client’s state’s unemployment website. 4. Internal Revenue Service – Employee Retention Credit If your client wants to retain its employees but does not want to take out a loan, the government has some assistance. If your client has paid their employees from March 12, 2020, to December 31, 2020, and their business operations are impacted in any way by COVID-19, they may claim a refundable tax credit on their 2020 tax return. They can also receive this credit in advance without waiting to file for a 2020 tax return. They only need to meet at least one of the following qualifications: Their business operations are partially or fully suspended due to COVID-19 Their gross receipts decreased by more than half (50 percent) when compared to the same quarter in 2019 There are also a few stipulations to the credit: Their business cannot participate in any of the loan programs mentioned above Their credit amount may be limited if their business took credit for paid medical or family leave provided in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act The credit amount is 50 percent of the qualified wages they paid to their employees while unable to work because of the pandemic The maximum amount of credit per employee is $5,000 if their business has 100 or less full-time employees Conclusion These are only four of the many provisions the government has provided through the CARES Act. If your client is a small business owner who still has not applied for any of these, help them choose which one they are qualified for and benefits their business and employees the most. If you need professional tax preparation software to make all the computation and decision-making easier for your clients, Keystone Tax Solutions is here to help. We offer a one-hundred-percent cloud-based solution that you can operate anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

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Desktop Tax Software

Keeping Taxes Online Desktop Tax Software

Desktop Tax Software can be challenging. Working with numbers all day can be overwhelming, as taxes can be draining—get one thing wrong, the consequences are dire. As a tax professional, it’s only logical to invest in the right tools to boost productivity and minimize mistakes—this is where Desktop Tax Software comes in. These Desktop Tax Software platforms have been designed to help expedite the process, but you need to find the right one that suits your needs. There are desktop versions you can install on your computer, as well as online ones that you can access through a device and internet connection. Bear in mind that certain factors come into play when it comes to the choice between Desktop Tax Software and online tax software. Here’s a quick rundown of each, as well as which type of software best suits your needs. The end goal is to always perform taxes in a safe and secure manner, so choose wisely! Factor #1: Convenience Online: With online Desktop Tax Software, you have the ability to work remotely and use different devices to work on your tax return. These are also not limited to personal computers, as many companies now offer mobile apps that allow you to work on your taxes on your mobile phone or tablet. Online tax software is ideal because of the convenience they offer, allowing you to work on any device with a secure internet connection. Desktop: With Desktop Tax Software, you can work on your tax returns on a personal computer. However, you can only do so if the software is installed on the computer. While having to manually install the software and transfer data on multiple computers can be quite a hassle, convenience will not be much of a problem if you’re only planning to work on one computer. Which is better? Verdict: Online Factor #2: Storage Desktop: You will be dealing with multiple files each season, and since clients are aplenty, it’s easy to lose storage space quickly. Choosing to use tax software on your desktop also holds you responsible for protecting your data. In the event of unprecedented disasters, you can lose data permanently, so it’s important to regularly back up data in another location other than your computer. Online: Seeing as the world is moving towards digital, Desktop Tax Software is most ideal. It automatically saves data as you work, maintaining your data as secure as possible. Encrypted copies are always kept at separate locations to keep safe during disasters. Cloud storage devices such as OneDrive and Google Drive can also be accessed, giving you ample storage for your steady flow of clients. Which is better? Verdict: Online Factor #3: Security Desktop: Working on a desktop doesn’t have much of a data security risk provided you take precautionary cybersecurity measures, such as having an active firewall and secure antivirus software which should be updated regularly. If you don’t have these, however, you may risk a data breach from malware and hackers. Online: Working with online Desktop Tax Software provides you with ample security, especially since companies behind it protect and encrypt your tax data files. You need only identify and choose which company offers you the best protection, as your options will be plenty. Make sure to review privacy and security policies! Which is better? Verdict: Online and desktop The Final Verdict: An Online Desktop Tax Software is Key to Your Success It’s vital that you equip yourself with the right tools, ensuring that you’re always ready for tax season. From everything gathered, the best Desktop Tax Software are those you can easily access online, as they provide ample security, storage, and convenience for your tasks. That said, invest in Keystone Tax Solutions! With more than 15 years of experience, we are a leader in the professional Desktop Tax Software industry. Offering 100% web-based tax solutions, we’ve helped thousands of tax professionals streamline their processes and begin their tax businesses. With unparalleled prices and unparalleled customer service, we are here to help you succeed—reach out today.

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Tax Preparers Mistakes

Tax Preparers Mistakes Should Avoid at All Costs

Tax Preparers Mistakes can be incredibly difficult to deal with. At the client’s end, making Tax Preparers Mistakes on a tax return can cost them money. They could miss out on larger refund claims, thereby causing them to own more taxes. In worse case scenarios, they could end up accumulating penalties and interest. As a tax preparer, however, such Tax Preparers Mistakes can cause a serious dent to your credibility and therefore, the course of your career. Bear in mind that tax mistakes can easily invite an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit, which is a terrifying sign for any business, including your firm. The question now stands: what is your best defense against these crippling scenarios? The answer is simple—avoid the errors. As a tax preparer, here are three of the most common Tax Preparers Mistakes and what you can do to avoid them: Mistake #1: Using incorrect bank account numbers According to the IRS, direct deposit is the fastest and easiest way to get a refund. While indeed convenient, it’s easy to get bank account numbers wrong. To ensure that your client successfully receives the refund, the routing numbers must be correct, down to the last digits.Tracking down a refund sent to the wrong account can be difficult, if not impossible, to do. To make sure that all digits are correct, ask your clients to use a direct deposit slip. For further assurance, always double-check their details. Mistake #2: Failing to have the forms signedSignatures are non-negotiable when it comes to documents. As a tax preparer, you understand the importance of signatures. Any unsigned tax return is never valid, so make sure to check each form. Ask your clients to electronically sign their forms if they cannot be present during filing, just to ensure that documents will be signed before filing. Mistake #3: Erroneously performing tax credits or deductionsThe number of deductions and credits available to taxpayers can be overwhelming, even for the professional tax preparer. Tax season can be incredibly stressful, especially when juggling multiple client files at once and trying to beat deadlines.You may end up computing credit or deductions that appear appropriate but must have been phased out due to the client’s income and other restrictions. It’s vital to double check documents and information with clients, no matter how tedious it may be. This can save you from tax fiascos, ensuring that your image stays credible and reliable. Enlist the Help of a Professional Tax Preparation Software Although taxation is something you deal with regularly, understand that Tax Preparers Mistakes can happen. That said, remember to keep checking your work. Most Tax Preparers Mistakes can be caught by double-checking your math processes, signatures, and attached forms. It’s important to learn how to slow down and take a few moments to check your work. By doing so, you not only satisfy your clients, but further your firm’s growth. While the stress can quickly take over once Tax Preparers Mistakes are spotted, remember one crucial fact—mistakes can always be fixed! Also asking for a little bit of help is never a crime.  Even the best need help, so why not enlist the help of the best professional tax software in the USA? Keystone Tax Solutions offers you an award-winning platform to help streamline your processes, ensuring that your work remains completely error-free. With over 15 years of experience, we’re a leader in the tax industry and our software has helped countless tax preparers from all over the United States. Get the most for your firm this upcoming tax season—choose Keystone Tax Solutions!

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Improve Tax Technology

Improve Tax Technology Filings in 2020

When Benjamin Franklin said that “nothing in life is certain, except death and taxes,” he didn’t have the benefit of Improve Tax Technology. While filing taxes isn’t something anyone looks forward to, they are a necessary and inevitable part of our modern world. Fortunately, through the advancement of technology and people’s desire to Improve Tax Technology the banes of annual duties comes tax preparation software. Many people depend on their accountants and tax professionals to assist with their tax returns. With groundbreaking technology, the process has become significantly more straightforward and manageable. Better features also allow you to provide valuable advisory services. Tax professionals can submit filings faster, and equip their clients with insights into their personal and commercial financial positions. They can also help clients make better decisions that will Improve Tax Technology their financial management and business operations. If you want to know how professional tax software can Improve Tax Technology service to your clients, here are several advantages: It sets you apart from the competitionFinancial management requires precision, which business owners and taxpayers depend on to manage their hard-earned money. Speed and accuracy can not only distinguish you from your competitors, but also help you Improve Tax Technology your pricing structure. What will set you apart from the rest of the financial industry is not just what you can do, but how efficiently you can do it; to some, this will be worth the price of working with a pro. It frees up time for your team to dedicate to analytical functionsWhen people engage accountants and tax professionals for tax purposes, it tends to be an administrative function because of all the technicalities involved. With tax preparation software, you can Improve Tax Technology and speed up the filing process and free up your organization’s time for more analytical and advisory work. Your staff can focus on staying abreast on new tax laws and honing their analytical skills to add value to your firm’s expertise. It allows you to grow your client base exponentiallyTechnology can take care of repetitive tasks, giving your executives more time for direct interaction with clients. When they aren’t busy sorting through paperwork or rifling through tax regulations, you can put people to better use by marketing your services, gathering new clients, and deepening relationships with existing ones. It makes it possible for your team to serve your clients from anywhere, at any timeBefore the global pandemic, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had already introduced many ways to process taxes without visiting physical offices. With face-to-face interaction continuously limited for the foreseeable future, remote working is now necessary, and it has also become lucrative. Present circumstances have increased the demand for services–financial or otherwise–that can offer seamless and touchless processing. When you can provide efficient services online, your team can work for clients from any location across any timezone. It enables you to build stronger relationships with your clientsYou can earn loyalty and confidence when you can provide your clients with a better understanding of their finances. The more services and analytical support you provide, the more your customers will trust you. Taking care of your customers Improve Tax Technology retention and repeat business, which will carry your firm forward. Change is often met with resistance, especially when it comes to migrating functions to digital solutions. Many people don’t want to change the way they currently work, but for financial services to grow exponentially and sustainably, you need the support of technology. There will be some growing pains when it comes to shifting to automated solutions, but the benefits to your clients and the bottom line will be too difficult to ignore. Are you looking for the best professional tax software in the USA? Our innovative cloud-based solutions offer easy and efficient methods for managing your financial returns at affordable rates. Contact us to schedule your free demo today!

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Business Cost Efficient

5 Tips for Keeping Tax Prep Business Cost Efficient

Running a Business Cost Efficient can be difficult, especially for people who have little to no experience with managing cash flow. This is why mid-size and enterprise Business Cost Efficient owners hire professional accountants or buy taxation software.  Tax preparers, though, are Business Cost Efficient owners themselves. If you provide financial solutions to others, you should also be efficient in spending money for your company. Here are five things you can do if you’re trying to cut costs without cutting corners. Consider outsourcing some tasks Hiring someone full-time is not always the best way to increase efficiency. Consider outsourcing—hire a contractor to do non-tax prep related work like maintaining your website, social media or handling your email marketing campaign.  Outsourcing allows you to hire temporarily for various jobs at rates that work best for your budget. You can also hire interns and reach out to local colleges. An internship is a win-win for you and the students you hire. Prioritize returning clients Client retention, instead of expansion, is a reasonable and conservative strategy for Business Cost Efficient during lean times. Ask your clients for feedback on your services and be open to their suggestions. Seek their opinions on what you are doing well and what you need to improve. Customer experience is a significant reason why people come back to your services again. To keep yourself on top of your clients’ minds, stay in regular contact with them and communicate changes or updates to your Business Cost Efficient. Satisfied clients will recommend you to their network or post comments online about your service. Sign up for business accounts  Retailers frequently offer business-focused accounts, which allows the user to purchase at exclusive pricing. Retailers like Amazon also give you analytics about your purchases, which can help you track your money.  You can run a tax preparation Business Cost Efficient from your laptop or computer, but there are parts that you still need to handle in person. Minor purchases like ink cartridges and printer paper add up, and you can get surprised by how much you end up spending if you do it thoughtlessly. Offer your services in exchange for needs Tax preparers have a valuable skill set that many Business Cost Efficient owners need. Offer your tax prep for IT services or website design. You can even take this offline; you can offer to do your landlord’s tax returns to reduce or delay rent payment. When you agree to a barter exchange, you must keep in mind the value of your work. Spend the right amount of time to do the job—nothing more or less. Protect your interests as well; get everything written and signed.  Finally, make sure you report your barter correctly. This type of transaction should be part of your tax return, and it needs a Form 1099-B. If you are successful, your client might even recommend you to their friends and family. Look for industry discounts as much as possible Subscriptions, free trials, industry events, early-bird promotions—take note of all of these and try them out for your business. When you are always on the lookout for a good deal, you’ll naturally find more of them. Conclusion Building and running a business can be quite challenging. The primary concern for many operations is keeping costs low and earnings high, and if you implement sound financial decisions, you’ll surely achieve this. Streamline your work processes and grow your business with Keystone Tax Solutions. Our professional tax preparation software lets you automate various aspects of your services while increasing your filings’ accuracy. Get a free demo today, or contact us for more details!

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Avoid Feeling Burnt

Avoid Feeling Burnt Out as a Tax Preparer

Being an employee means going to the office every day to take on one challenging task after another and making sure you meet your deadlines to Avoid Feeling Burnt. If you’re a tax preparer, your workload includes computing, arranging, and preparing income tax returns for your clients—which can be stressful due to the sensitivity of what you’re handling. As a professional, you’re always expected to do your best—sometimes to the point of breaking down due to stress, leading you to feel burned out. If the work gets unmanageable for you to handle on your own, it’s best to use a tax preparer software to help you manage your projects and Avoid Feeling Burnt overworked. If you want to learn ways to help you cope with stress to keep you from Avoid Feeling Burnt out at work, read on further below. Learn to Take Some Time Off The moment you think you’re experiencing burnout, it’s essential to take a step back to look at your situation from a different perspective. You could restart your expectations to remove the pressure you’ve been Avoid Feeling Burntfor a long time or create new goals that will help get rid of the demands you’ve set up for yourself. Besides that, you can also learn to recognize your needs aside from your work. If you feel like you aren’t producing quality work anymore, you need to reevaluate yourself and figure out what you should do to reclaim your worth. It’s also important to know your limits and learn how to balance your work and personal life. Tax preparation is a challenging job. That’s why you deserve to take a break when you can so you don’t end up exhausted! No one’s perfect, so don’t put yourself on a pedestal and remind yourself you still have a lot to learn when it comes to preparing taxes. Find Something Good to Do Working when you’re distracted and worn-out isn’t a good idea because you will only end up producing poor results. So instead of forcing yourself to accomplish something even if you already feel bad, it’s essential to consider clearing your mind through doing relaxing activities. Working out, doing yoga, and practicing breathing exercises can help calm you down and release the stress built up in your body. A simple walk in the park, for example, can already make a big difference and help lighten up your mood. Meditating can also eliminate bad feelings without exerting too much physical effort. Taking slow and deep breaths can convince your mind that you’re at peace—up until you find yourself actually relaxing. Start a Healthy Lifestyle When you don’t get enough sleep, eat unhealthily, and don’t move enough, your body will tend to shut down and keep you from performing well. Not getting the rest you deserve also tends to affect your memory, attitude, and overall mood. Begin with sleeping at least eight hours a day, so you wake up Avoid Feeling Burnt energized and ready to start working on the taxes, meeting your deadlines, and accomplishing your clients’ needs. Eating a proper diet that consists of a balance of protein, grains, vegetables, and fruits is also vital for proper health. Lastly, move your body by practicing physical wellness, so that you eventually feel great about yourself. Doing so will allow you to take on the day with a confident demeanor. When your body and mind are in a good state, you end up looking forward to working more than ever. Initiate Meaningful Conversations Another way to combat burnout is by creating connections with like-minded people with the same interests as yours, like being into the topic of tax preparation business to make a living. At the same time, your interaction with your fellow tax preparer can also help you initiate meaningful conversations! If you find yourself stuck experiencing online meetings alone due to the world’s current situation, it might feel slightly different from what you expected. Despite that, it’s important to keep your connections and empathize with the people you can come into contact with. Simultaneously, virtual connections are still helpful, as there are social media platforms showcasing communities and organizations you can join to meet people. The internet is a place where you can share ideas online and find support from people all across the globe. Conclusion Stress is normal for most employees, but not to the point of letting it drain you. As long as you remember to learn to take some time off for yourself, create connections with people, discover something useful to do, and start a healthy lifestyle, you can avoid feeling burned out. If your work is too difficult to handle, you can consider using software for tax preparing to help make your tasks easier! Are you looking for a professional tax preparer software in the US to help you manage taxes better? Keystone Tax Solutions is a company that offers product innovation, flexibility, and ways to help you earn incremental revenue. Get in touch with us today to learn how our tax software works!

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Features Tax Software

5 Choosing Look Features Tax Software

As a Features Tax Software preparer, it is your responsibility to file taxes efficiently on behalf of your clients. What you need is a robust tax preparation software that will allow you to do your job effectively with room to scale. Whether you’re unsatisfied with your current tools or simply want to explore your options for your new tax business, knowing a bit about the software you’re purchasing will help ensure that your investment is worth every cent you spend on it. To help you out, here are five features that you should be looking for in a tax preparation software. Platform CompatibilityDepending on your specific requirements, you will want to opt for a tax preparer software that will run well on your computer. One consideration is whether you want to use a browser or a desktop-class application.Online Features Tax Software can be useful if you want the convenience of operating on different devices in different locations. Web-based Features Tax Software operated via internet browsers is usually compatible across platforms—whether you’re using Windows, MacOS, Linux, or even Android and iOS. All you need is an internet connection and any device available to work on your client’s income tax returns.If you want to use a desktop-class tax preparation software, then the obvious drawback will be that you’ll be limited to using one computer. That being said, some desktop versions will have all the major forms and functions built-in. This will allow you to work even without internet access for a while, which is useful in power outages or internet failure. However, you will still need internet access to submit the tax return requirements online—so consider its utility offline, too. Ease of UseSince taxes are already complicated affairs, your software needs to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible. As a tax preparer, you’ll want software that will allow you to go through tax returns faster, with minimal learning to utilize all functionalities properly.Ease of use can be achieved through good design, free and unlimited software training, and walkthrough features, such as “Guide Me” modes. A good way to measure ease of use is by ensuring that even a relatively newcomer in the tax filing process can use the software to do the job with minimal mistakes. Robust FunctionalitiesA good tax preparation software will give you access to all the tax forms, allow you to prepare gift and estate taxes, and offer unlimited state returns from all 50 states. Other features that you should be looking for in Features Tax Software for preparers are document managers, quick tax estimators, audit protection, refund calculators, and a mobile app. Reasonable Pricing Some taxation software providers will lure you in with incredibly low fees, for a barebones software that will charge you more if you want to use the features that you actually need.Unfortunately, these results in businesses having to overpay in extra fees to attain features that should have been included in the first place! To avoid this, look for reasonable pricing that brings true value to your business—not deceptively cheap prices that will end up costing you more in the long run! Strong Data Security Features In the United States, business tax returns are not public documents. This means that financial documents, such as income tax returns, should only be seen by you—as your client’s representative—and the Internal Revenue Service.In this area, web-based tax preparation software can be safer than desktop-class tax software that stores your information in a physical drive that can be stolen rather easily. This is because cloud-based data security protocols are more robust, and use sophisticated data protection at the data center level that contains your data.That being said, using online tax software can still be compromised if you use public computers, such as those found in coffee shops, printing stores, and inadequately regulated offices. Conclusion When it comes to tax preparation software, it always pays to do your research. As a business, you will want the option to handle everything from the simplest tax return to the most complicated tax filing possible. By looking for these five qualities in a tax preparation software, you should be able to make informed decisions and achieve your goals for your tax preparation business. Are you looking for tax software to help streamline your tax preparation process? Keystone Tax Solutions provides the best professional tax software for tax preparers in the United States. Our professional tax preparation software is 100% web-based and is designed to grow your tax preparation business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!

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